Shark Bites 🦈
September Newsletter
Principal's Message
Welcome Back to School 2024-25
Hello Shark Families,
I am so excited to be entering my third year with our Shark families. We have had a lot of positive changes this year to staff and structures. New to our campus this year:
Mrs. Huisking our new Assistant Principal
Miss Daisy our new TK Teacher
Miss Chao our new Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Kraintz our new First grade Teacher
Mrs. Hull our new Wellness Para
Mrs. Lee our new Speech Para
Mr. Kane our new Math Intervention Para
We had 18 staff members trained in AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination). We are excited to focus on organization skills and goal setting this year to promote agency!
We have a new bell schedule due to supporting continued bussing in our district. We appreciate your support in the efforts. We also are working through the new cell phone policy the state is enforcing. Please remember, no cell phones or smart watches on, during the day at the elementary school level. Our site now has Dress Code posters to visually support students in following the school wide policy. The picture attached shows the poster we created. We hope our continued partnership will help our young Sharks follow our school wide rules.
This is going to be a great!
Ms. Henderson
Edgewater Empowers Global Leaders
Welcome Mrs. Huisking our new Vice Principal
We are excited to announce Cindy Huisking as our new VP for the 2024-25 school year. She comes with a breath of knowledge in teaching and learning. She is a hard-working professional with over 20 years of experience and a knowledge of Educational Administration, Site Base Charter Schools, Home Study, Independent Study in a TK-12 environment. One of her greatest strengths is her ability to collaborate with stakeholders to implement innovative strategies that promote academic excellence and student well-being. Her knowledge of a variety of curriculum-based programs will help to accelerate the learning in all classrooms. We are so excited to have her on our team of Shark educators!
September's Dates to Remember
May Dates
September 3-6 Finish STAR testing
September 2 - School Closed
September 5 - Family Community Night - Paint Night 6:00-7:30 pm
September 6 - Fall Picture Day
September 6 - Recycling Friday
September 11 - Mini Day
September 13 - Sharazon Store Open for 4-6 grades
September 13 - Recycling Friday
September 13 - Shark Store
September 17 - School Site Council meeting 5:30 pm in person
September 18 - Mini Day
September 19 - PTO Meeting at 3 p.m.
September 20 - Career Fair (Tentative date)
September 25 - Mini Day
September 26 - Fall Festival Meeting
September 27 - Last day for Classroom Fall Fundraiser-All Donations go to support student growth
September 27 - Recycling Friday
September 27 - Student of the Month Assembly TK-2 grades 8:45 3-6 grades 9:20
Important Events
Edgewater's Family Community Nights
Please join us next time for the Edgewater Family and Community Nights
Sample Pour Painting Technique
Safety Awareness Around Campus
Hello Families!
We are always focused on student safety here at Edgewater. We ask that you keep two things in mind.
- If you choose to park, please park and walk your student to the front office area.
- Please be extra cautious near the entry and exit driveways because walking and biking students do cross the driveways.
Thank you for being very vigilant of students.
Perfect Attendance Awards
AR Points to Date
For students to get GOLD, the grade levels need to reach the following:
K = 25pts, 1st = 45 pts, 2nd = 75 pts, 3rd = 100, pts 4th = 125 pts, 5th = 145 pts, 6th = 155pts.
Please encourage your student to read more and take AR tests to get to the Golden Ball!
Current AR Data
Student can take AR tests in the library M-T from 2:25-3:00 pm. Encourage them!!
LEXIA Super Stars!
We celebrated our student who leveled up or completed their Lexia during our SOM assembly! Congratulations to all of our students for working hard to make great growth this year in ELA!
Kinder L5, 1st L9, 2nd L12, 3rd L15, 4th L18, and 5th L21
This is our Lexia Data for End of the Year 2024-25 Coming Soon
Edgewater's Climate and Culture Corner
School Wide Rules Rodeo
At the onset of every year and mid-year, our school conducts a school wide rules rodeo to review all of the rules related to designated areas as part of our PBIS Tier 1 system. Tier 1 supports are delivered to all students and emphasize teaching prosocial skills and behavior expectations. Schools acknowledge appropriate student behavior across all school settings. Tier 1 PBIS builds a social culture where students expect, prompt, and reinforce appropriate behavior for each other. When implemented with fidelity, Tier 1 PBIS systems and practices meet the needs of 80% or more of all students’ needs. All students are taught school wide rules!
In Tier 2 and 3, supports and interventions are added or intensified to support positive student outcomes. Teir two supports can be used for student at any point his or her educational team decided it is necessary. During School Support Team (SST) meetings, these supports can also be applied and monitored over a set period of time. The SST will monitor the success rate in order to make any necessary changes or to exit a student from the support system. Edgewater staff work together to provide successful academic and social-emotional support to students in need.
If you every have any concerns about your student's progress, please contact your teacher. The journey begins there.
Behavioral Data End of Year 2023-24
🎼Music Notes🎶
We have started Drums Alive at Edgewater! Drums Alive Drumtastic is a fun, brain and body wellness program for students that includes drumming, movement, music, and rhythm. It ignites creativity, critical thinking, teamwork and self-expression. Drums Alive involves the brain, body, and mind in joyful experiences that are kinesthetic, inclusive, and socially enriching. All students will get to participate in this program at some point this year during their music classes. We are looking forward to this highly motivational program that is backed by research. Let's get drumming!
Edgewater PTO Events for September
Join PTO Today!
We are in need of your support for the 2024-25 school year. With the budget cuts experienced this year, our PTO has become more and more vital as part of your child's success. Please join us in our endeavors to sustain a positive climate and culture at Edgewater. Go Sharks!
Empowering Global Leaders in All Students
About Edgewater
Email: rhenderson@mjusd.k12.ca.us
Website: https://edgewater.mjusd.com/
Location: 5715 Oakwood Drive, Marysville, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 741-0866