Tawanka Times
Special Edition - October 2018
New Attendance Policy
Morning Arrival
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year!
Please do your part in making morning arrival smooth and safe for all children. Please have your children take the bus to school as much as possible. When your children are not taking the bus to school, please do the following:
- Drive up as far as you can go. Mr. Wright stands where the 1st car should stop.
- Stay in your car. There is no need to park or get out of your car.
- Have your children ready and waiting inside the car on the curb side.
- Have your children exit the curb side of the car.
Thank you for cooperating. These procedures will help keep things moving and help prevent blockages at the intersection.
All of the students in Kindergarten met in the pod to act out ways to be Tawanka Eagles. Each class had volunteers who showed the rest of the students how to be respectful, responsible and safe. Our little ones are ready to soar!
First Grade
Mrs. Crisp's first grade class met their kindergarten buddies from Mrs. Banks class for the first time! The first graders helped their buddies log onto Pebble Go on iPads and the children read stories together.
Mrs. Banks' and Mrs. Crisp's buddy classes will meet monthly for a variety of learning activities.
Second Grade
It's Fun Friday in second grade! Most Friday's second grade comes together as a pod to promote a sense of community. We are having fun getting to know each other!
Third Grade
Third Graders are getting used to the routines of school. We practice staying organized with our binders every day to build good work habits. Students are making new friends, and being taught the expectations of good citizens. Teachers are looking for students to demonstrate good character traits. Also, keep sending in those Box Tops for our upcoming contest!
Hi, my name is Katie Houser. I am the new art teacher here at Tawanka Elementary. I am very excited to start the year here. I am currently enrolled at Arcadia University, where I will obtain my masters in Connected Learning and STEM. I received my bachelors in Art Education at Kutztown University back in 2011. I have taught art for about 6 years. Art is very important in our students’ lives. I believe fostering creativity won't just increase your child’s chances of becoming a famous artist but it is also helping them develop mentally, socially, and emotionally. Art is fun, creative and innovative and I want my students to grow each year. I always tell my students in class, “Artist never have clean hands”. I want them walking out of my class with a smile on their face knowing they are artist and they created something amazing!
Music Notes
Library News
Mrs. Piccinetti is teaching our students the following in their grade levels:
4th grade students – online safety
3rd grade – elements of genres
2nd grade – 5 finger rule to picking a just right book
1st grade - learning all their new library responsibilities
K - learning about library rules and proper book care
Physical Education
Tawanka students are practicing soccer skills in the gym
A Note from our Reading Specialist
Tawanka Reads and Writes
CONGRATULATIONS to the 100 students who participated in “Tawanka Reads and Writes” this summer. I am always impressed with the many students who read and write over the summer. I enjoyed the variety of the journal entries, ranging from vacation entries to original stories. I hope that he students will continue to be readers and writers.
Miss Connolly
PTO Corner
Sign Up for My School Anywhere to see what events are coming up. Paper flyers will NOT be sent home with only a few exceptions. You can use it to make payments, receive alerts on upcoming events, access class rosters, sign up to volunteer, sign up for upcoming events and much more…..Just click the link below to get started: Password is: Tawanka
Today was our very first pick a chip Friday! Congratulations to our 3 winners.
TAWANKA TOKENS are given when a child is caught doing the right thing. For example, walking in the hallway, helping others, taking care of school supplies and playing with materials in a safe manner. The TOKEN is actually a sticker and a telephone call usually follows congratulating the family. Additionally, the Empowered Eagle gets his/her name on the Principal’s 200 board and earns the chance to win a prize. They are a special recognition.
We are looking forward to a great year at Tawanka, where “We build futures.”
On Monday September 17th teachers from 1st - 4th grades reviewed the Tawanka expectations with their classes. One picture includes the 1st Grade pod winners from the drawing for filling out the home SWPBS form. Parents were asked to review and discuss the expectations of being respectful, responsible and safe with their children.
Upcoming Events
10/04 - PTO Meeting @ 7pm in library
10/08 - 10/12 Coin for Cancer Drive
10/11 PTO Meeting @ 7pm in Library
10/12 School Store
10/15 PINK OUT- Wear your PINK
10/18 Shadybrook Farms Family Night 4:00-9:00pm
10/28 Skate Night @ the Palace 5:30pm-7:30pm