August 25, 2023
Biniant'aats'ozi' meaning Ripening of Early Crops

Volume 4, Issue 1
School is now in full swing and students have been in school for over two weeks. We were excited to see the students return to school. Our first couple of days, the students had the opportunity to learn their daily schedules, bus routes, and classroom rules. Students were able to mingle with their friends and meet their teachers. As the school continues, make sure your child is in class daily and ready to learn. We are looking forward to a prosperous academic school year and excited what the new school year will bring for our students.
Welcome Back, Parents!
TCS is excited to kick off 2023-24 school year. We hope you all had a restful summer break and enjoyed having your kids home. We missed their beautiful faces and could not wait to have them back in school. This year we have some new additions to our staff: Mr. Leomar Juaton, Physical Education/ Health/Art teacher and Dr. Raffy Puod, 5th grade teacher. These teachers come to TCS with a wealth of experience, and we are looking forward to all they will offer to our students. Additionally, we have increased instructional time by including full-day Wednesdays, the first two Wednesdays of the month, and the last two Wednesdays of the month will be half days. As we start working to close the learning gap, we kindly ask students attend school regularly so they can continue on their educational journey. We strive to maintain 100% graduation rates and having our TCS junior and senior students prepare for college by taking dual credit courses. Your support for academic success helps us to increase this graduation success rate. Thank you, parents, for all you do for your kids, we see you and appreciate your collaboration in making the difference in the lives of our students. We look forward to a great year!
TCS Administration
Back-to-School Bash was held on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023. TCS provided information booths, NASIS Parent Portal sign-up, dental registration, and dinner for the families. In families that registered by August 1st, students were entered to win a bike, and photos of the winners are shown below. On this day, we got drizzled of rain, and families enjoyed free snow cones and pickles. Thank you to the local providers and families who attended our event. Over fifty participants attended on this day.
Xander Ceniza – 6th Grade (photo not taken)
Sean Sarracino – 12th Grade (photo not taken)
Meet the Teacher/Open House
Our school hosted an Open House/Meet and Greet Teachers on August 23, 2023 from 2:00 to 6:00. It was a great turnout of families coming to meet with the teachers and staff and learn about their child’s schooling.
There were several information booths set up: Family Engagement, Early Childhood (FACE, Preschool and Early Intervention), Athletics, Parent Portal sign-up, Photo booth, etc. The parents had a chance to win prizes by participating in Bingo. Snacks and delicious dinner were served to the families and staff.
One of the grandparents commented that she enjoyed seeing Mr. Gonzales and Ms. F. Lingaton’s presentation done via PowerPoint where they introduced themselves, their educational background, their class rules and expectations, etc. Another parent, stated they enjoyed the bingo because they were able to walk around campus meeting the different staff.
Please maintain connection with your children’s teachers to know what they are learning, to support them, to show that you are by their side and are very involved in their life.
Article by May Deferia- Technology Education Teacher
"To'Hajiilee Community School Celebrates Parent-Student Collaboration in STEAM Education with Coding and Technology Integration"
To'Hajiilee Community School, nestled in the vibrant To'Hajiilee community, recently hosted an inspiring event that showcased the power of parent and 8TH Grade students' collaboration in STEAM education. On May 19, 2023, the school buzzed with excitement as parents and students gathered to celebrate their achievements in coding and technology integration. This unique event served as a testament to the school's commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and family engagement.
Parents, community members, and school staff alike marveled at the creativity and technical proficiency on display. The event served as a platform for 8th Grade students to showcase their talents and express their individuality while reinforcing the vital connection between parents, students, and the school community.
The To'Hajiilee Community School's celebration of parent-student collaboration in STEAM education serves as a shining example for schools across the nation. By fostering family engagement and incorporating coding and technology into the curriculum, the school has empowered its students to become proficient digital citizens, ready to embrace the challenges of the 21st century.
TCS Staff:
TCS Teachers/Staff giving introductions during the Secondary Student Orientation on the first day of school - August 9th, 2023.
TCS Secondary Staff waiting to give out class schedules to the students as part of the first day of school.
TCS Students:
TCS Students participated in Student Orientation and were provided informative information on school rules, bus safety, etc.
All TCS Staff were mandated to attend the Active Shooter Training on August 8th, 2023 provided by Navajo Nation Police. Staff are awaiting instruction for a group activity.
Let's Welcome Mark Dreyer, a New Staff Member of TCS.
My name is Mark Dreyer, and I grew up in New Jersey and have lived in New Mexico since 1979. I am a local resident here in To'Hajiilee, having lived here since 1997. I am a 20-year veteran of the US Air Force and a 20+year Information Technology professional. I taught mid-high school under the “Troops to Teachers” program for both Mountainair, NM and Laguna-Acoma, NM for 3 years from 1994-1997. I most recently retired from federal service in 2019 and returned to teaching in 2021, when COVID hit. I taught 7th grade Special Ed Inclusion Social Studies for the past two years at George I Sanchez Collaborative Community School in Albuquerque, and currently hold a Bachelor's degree in Education and Master's in Information Technology. I am a Level II teacher with endorsements in Business Education, Technology Education and IT Coordinator. However, I am currently completing the certification track for Special Education at CNM.
To’Hajiilee Community School has started the Beginning of School Year NWEA MAP Growth Assessment in Reading, Science, and Math for grades Kindergarten to 12th Grade. The NWEA MAP Growth gives us data on what your child already knows and what they should learn throughout the school year. The Middle of the School Year and End of the School Year MAP Growth Assessment will also take place in the middle of the year and end of the academic school year. With any questions relating to NWEA, please contact Jojie Ceniza at jceniza@tohajiilee.com.
TCS Warrior and Princess Community Outreach
Our TCS Warrior, Isaiah Manning, and TCS Princess, Nataliah Sandoval, participated in various parades during the summer. Our royalties represented our school as they attended different communities throughout the Navajo Nation. Their families worked hard to prepare for the parade, and we are truly thankful for the parents, their families, and those who support our royalties during the summer. Their work is not done here; they will be attending a few more neighboring community fairs and parades. If anyone is interested in donating candy and/or decorations to their upcoming events, contact Katrina Nez, or Jojie Ceniza, TCS Royalty Coordinators.
Mescalero Parade - July 3rd, 2023 in Mescalero, New Mexico.
Eastern Navajo Fair Photos, July 29th in Crownpoint, New Mexico.
Graduating Class of 2024 - First Fund Raising
The Graduating Class of 2024 had their first fund raising on Monday, August 21st, 2024. Students are working hard so they can plan a field trip of their choice. This year's Senior class sponsor is Alexander Wauneka, High School History Teacher, and May Deferia, Technology Education Teacher.
Renata Secatero, PAC Vice-Chair
Thank you to Renata Secatero, who served as a PAC Member and has dedicated her time to present the school as a parent representative. Renata is the mother to former high school graduate, Donata Secatero. As a member of the PAC, Renata has learned to use the Zoom app, volunteered during family engagement events, attended the Senior Field trip to California, conducted meetings and prior was shy to run meetings by herself. She gained confidence and gained knowledge on how to advocate on behalf of the families. We wish her new beginnings as she started her new employment at the Canoncito Health Center and are thankful for serving as a PAC member.
Sincerely, Kayla Manning, PAC Chair; Diane Peshtony, PAC Member, and Katrina Nez, PAC Coordinator
The New Mexico Activities Association (NMAA) has a new rule for fans who attend sports for high school students. The new rule "Two Strikes and You're Out" states" 1. any time an egregious act of unsportsmanlike conduct by a team participant, including a coach, occurs two or more times during the same season, at the same school, in the same activity, the team will be suspended from participation in that activity for the remainder of the season. 2. Any time an egregious act of unsportsmanlike conduct by a non-team participant occurs two or more times during the same season, at the same school, in the same activity, all school spectators will be suspended from attendance in that activity for the remainder of the school year. 3. Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined in the NMAA Handbook as non-compliance with sport specific rules and NMAA policies, including behavior incompatible with ‘Compete with Class’ and the interscholastic educational objective (in example: constant verbal attacks on officials, attacking other fans). 4. In the event the second act of misconduct occurs when there is no contests left in the current season, the penalty may be applied to the next season in the same activity. The NMAA will notify the school that the team and/or individual/spectators has been placed on warning after the first offense.” With any questions on Athletics, please contact Roberta Secatero, Athletic Director.
Volleyball has begun! Come out and support our Lady Warriors as they kick off the season. Coaches this year are Sabrina Valencia and Wilson Platero.
First Home Volleyball Game is on September 2nd, 2023.
Cross-Country has begun, and we wish our Warriors a great season! Training is now happening after school. Practice started on August 21, 2023 and is held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Coaches are Jonathan Johnson and Kimberly Platero.
First Cross-Country Meet is on September 2, 2023.
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Golden Grahams, Toast, Fruit Cup, and Milk
- LUNCH: Salisbury Steak, French Fries, Carrots, Dinner Roll, Apple Sauce, and Milk
August 29th:
- BREAKFAST: Egg Cheese Breakfast Sandwich, Apple Wedges, and Milk
- LUNCH: Chili Dog, Broccoli Florets, Fruit Cup, and Milk
August 30th:
- BREAKFAST: Cinnamon Roll, Fruit Cup, and Milk
- LUNCH: Cheese Enchiladas, Watermelon Chunks, and Milk
August 31st:
- BREAKFAST: Biscuit with Turkey Gravy, Fresh Grapes, and Milk
- LUNCH: Pork Roast, Corn, Dinner Roll, Honeydew, and Milk
September 1st:
- BREAKFAST: Bagel with Cream Cheese, Mandarin Oranges, and Milk
- LUNCH: Cheese Pizza, Green Beans, Fresh Strawberries, and Milk
September 4th & 5th:
September 6th:
- BREAKFAST: Ham Egg Cheese Combo Bar, Toast, Pear Halves, and Milk
- LUNCH: Beef Tacos, Tortilla Chips, Fresh Strawberries, and Milk
September 7th:
- BREAKFAST: French Toast Sticks, Honeydew, and Milk
- LUNCH: Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Tomato Soup, Celery Sticks, Apple Wedges, and Milk
September 8th:
- BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Orange Wedges, and Milk
- LUNCH: Mandarin Orange Chicken, Vegetable Chow Mein, Broccoli Florets, Melon Chunks and Milk
August 2023
- 21st: Fall Sports Practice Begins
- 22th: NWEA Assessment Begins
- 29th: Parent Meeting for Fall Sports
September 2023
- 2nd: Volleyball Game (Home) vs. Quemado
- 2nd: Cross Country Meet; ATC Invite
- 4th: Labor Day (No School Students/School Year & Year Round Employees)
- 5th: Professional Development Day; No School for Students
- 7th: Progress Reports Due for First Nine Weeks
- 8th-9th: Volleyball (Away); Magdalena Tourney
- 9th: Cross Country Meet; Jemez Valley Invite
- 12th: Volleyball Game (Home) vs Jemez Valley
- 14th: Volleyball Game (Home) vs Mesa Vista
- 16th: Cross Country Meet; Marilyn Cheromiah Memorial Invite
- 19th: Volleyball Game (Home) vs Alamo
- 21st: Volleyball Game (Away) vs Chesterton Academy
- 23rd: Cross Country Meet; Rio Rancho Jamoree
- 23rd: Volleyball Game (Away) vs Quemado
- 28th: Monthly Food Distribution
- 28th-30th: Volleyball (Away); Rehoboth Tournament
- 30th: Bosque Invite
TCS Resource Link:
Additional Resources