Giesinger Elementary
A Resource for Families
April 30, 2020
Goodbye April, hello May!
Thank you for the support you continue to give to Giesinger Elementary. We are grateful for our Eagle families.
This newsletter has served as our "landing page" for the last 7 weeks. Paper copies are available each Thursday from 9 AM -11 AM on Giesinger's front porch.
Completed paper copies may be turned into designated tubs on the front porch every Thursday morning from 9 AM - 11 AM at Giesinger Elementary. You may also take pictures of your child's work and email them to their teacher to avoid paper drop-offs. Teachers are available for questions or support so please email them also.
Please click on the "buttons" below for grade-specific activities.
We appreciate your partnership as we continue to navigate this unknown territory together. Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff members through e-mail if you have any questions or concerns along the way.
We know that Eagles Soar to Excellence In All We Do! We love your children and miss them dearly!
Thank you,
Melissa Ralston,
Principal, Giesinger Elementary
2020-2021 Registration Intentions
In order for us to plan appropriately, we are asking all of our parents to complete a questionnaire to let us know if your child will be returning to Giesinger for the 2020-2021 school year.
Current Fourth grade parents do not need to submit a form. We will miss our "senior" Eagles so very much. They are ready to do great things. Make us proud as you continue to SOAR!
Giesinger 2020-2021 Registration Intentions: https://forms.gle/8E9L4imZ72S8rZ2g6
Class Placement 2020-2021
We strive to place your child in the best classroom based on his/her academic, social, and emotional needs. We know that as parents you want what is best for your child, and so do we. We want you to be excited about your child’s teacher placement and want to assure you that our teachers are all caring, committed, and working as a team in the best interest of every single child.
Our placement committee spends a tremendous amount of time carefully placing each and every child. Much thought goes into this extensive process. Our committee works hard to balance both individual needs and class dynamics, so much that with every change, a domino effect occurs.
We are not able to honor specific teacher placement requests.
We take it very seriously and only want what is best for each and every child. We thank you for your support in understanding the time and individual care we take with the placement of each and every child on this campus.
Dual Language Informational Webinars
Este es un seminario web para familias que desean aprender más sobre el programa de inmersión dual en dos idiomas en Anderson Elementary. Este programa está abierto a estudiantes en la zona de alimentación de la preparatoria Conroe que ingresan al jardín de infantes en 2020-2021. Cualquier padre interesado en inscribir a su hijo en este programa está invitado a ver esta presentación. La presentación tendrá lugar en: https://zoom.us/j/93983690151
Title I School Parent Survey 2020
Please complete and return the Title I School Parent Survey below at your convenience. Please email or scan your survey to Neva Hammonds at nhammonds@conroeisd.net
Thank you.
Fourth Nine-Week's Grading Guidelines
Montgomery County Foodbank Needs Our Help
Character Trait Yard Sign
Hello Parents,
If your child received a Character Trait award this year and you still have the yard sign, can you please drop it off on the Giesinger front porch at your convenience. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Barton, abarton@conroeisd.net.
Thank you!
Mrs. Barton
Individual Spring Picture Delivery
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Giesinger Yearbook
Yearbooks do not typically deliver until mid- to late May. We hope to be back in school at the time of delivery but if we are not then we will also have have a plan to get them to you.
Need Wifi
Conroe ISD Health Services General Health Information Call Line
8 AM TO 3 PM
Nurses will be answering calls and providing CDC and DSHS information as well as other informational sources.
Conroe ISD is monitoring the evolving situation regarding 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). We work closely with the Montgomery County Public Health Department in communicable disease surveillance and follow the Communicable Disease Chart for Schools and Child-Care Centers from the Texas Department of State Health Services. We are aware of the positive cases of COVID-19 Montgomery County and the Greater-Houston area. Families are encouraged to visit the CDC website for more information and guidance regarding COVID-19.
Student Meals
Counselor/Nurse Request Forms
Nurse's News from Mrs. Corbit
While the school is closed for the COVID-19, I will be sharing health tips that you can review with your children at home and include some great YouTube video links to share with your children.
- Hand washing is key and this is still a very important topic as most people do not wash their hands properly. Hand sanitizer is a great alternative BUT nothing beats soap and water!
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Wash your hands often can prevent the spread of germs. If you can’t wash your hands with soap and water then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60%-95% alcohol. Young children - ages 4 and under need help and guidance with hand washing properly.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQARQrH3yA
Lets be proactive and follow advice from the CDC:
- Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home and this includes errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. Avoid close contact with people who are sick by keeping that person in another room and limit contact with them. You don’t want to forget them but limit them being in the same room with others who are not ill.
- AVOID touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way!
- Cover coughs and sneezes. Use a tissue and then dispose of the tissue OR cough/sneeze into your elbow.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQINuSTP1jI
- Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Clean frequently touched surfaces at home. Have the kids clean the doorknobs daily and faucets and counters. This is a great way to get them involved and help you!
At this time, our country and community want to limit the spread of the virus so following social distancing and the above advice can help with this.
- Social distancing is staying around 3-6 feet from other people and not hugging or shaking hands. This does not mean you cannot take your children outside for fresh air and to take a walk or play, but remind them to not run up and hug their friend at this time.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypm34dEGa2o
- Covid-19 Q&A call line that will be managed by some of our great CISD nurses.
Monday-Friday 8am-3pm 936-709-7791
- DSHS Covid-19 Q&A call line
7 days week 7am-8pm dial 211 option 6
If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email at dcorbit@conroeisd.net
Please stay safe!
Nurse Corbit