Cougar Paw Prints 1/22
Great Things Are Happening
Happy 99th day of school! Tomorrow, Tuesday 1/23, in order to celebrate us being together for 100 days, students can dress up like they are 100 years old.
Track and Field: 2nd - 5th graders
We have a track and field coach and are so excited! Practices start Feb. 12th and generally run from 4-5-pm every regular school day at Palo Verde High School. Dates will change as high school track starts competition. Parents are responsible for transporting their students from Kellond to the High School for practice and are encouraged to stay and watch. Please see the front office to get the necessary paperwork ready!
Car/Parking Ongoing Issues
We continue to have adults parking illegally to drop off and pick up their students. This includes leaving their car in the fire lane, in the accessible spots, and even in the middle of the lane in the parking lot. Even though it may be inconvenient for you, you must park your car in a legal parking space. If you refuse to follow the parking regulations, and continue to leave your parked car in the fire lane or the accessible spots, or if you are hostile and aggressive to the staff when you are asked to move your illegally parked car, the consequences could range from your license plate getting reported to you being trespassed from the campus. I truly do not want to do that. So please please park legally.
Lost and Found
We have so many items in the lost and found. Please stop by the cafeteria and have a look to see if any of them belong to your student. We will keep them until spring break and then they will be donated.
Family Fun at a Glance
- 1/24: No school for students
- 1/25: Site Council Meeting
- 1/26: Skate Country Night, 6-8pm
- 2/9: MOD pizza fundraiser, all day
Coffee Talk - IN PERSON
The locally owned coffee cart will be in the south parking lot on Wednesday, 1/31. Please park, buy yourself a cup of coffee and say hi to us.
Angela Schiavone
Angela is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters