Eagle Express
Silver Springs Elementary School - February 26, 2024
Mark Your Calendars
This Week:
February 26 - 3:45-5:00 After School Science
February 27 - NO SCHOOL
February 28 - 3:45 - 5:00 - Chess Wizards
Upcoming Events:
March 4 - March 8 - NPS Inclusion Week (see information below)
March 4 - PJ day
March 4 - 3:45-5:00 After School Science
March 5 - Jersey Day
March 6 - Dress like a Super Hero
March 6- 3:45 - 5:00 - Chess Wizards
March 7 - Wear Pink & Red
March 7 - Credit Union Deposit Day
March 8 - Inclusion Shirt or School Spirit Day
Follow us on Twitter @sspringselem or by clicking on the following link:
Have a great week!
Katie Booth, Principal
Let's take time to celebrate!
2024 March is Reading Month ~ Books are PAC-ed with Fun!!
It is time for March is Reading Month (MiRM)! Our theme this year is "Books are PAC-ed with Fun!" and the month will be packed with fun too! You can find everything you need to know about MiRM in the 2024 Books are PAC-ed with Fun! Google Slides. As you will see in the slides, we have a school wide goal to read a total of 1,980 books. We can do it! When students finish a book during the month, families will record the book in the March is Reading Month Books Read Google Form. We will start tracking books read on Monday, February 26th. If you have any questions about MiRM, you can reach out to Mrs. Tackett @ tackettka@northvilleschools.org. Have fun reading!!
Milk and Cookies - March 13th
We are excited to announce the date of our annual March is Reading Month Milk and Cookies Event. It will be held on Wednesday, March 13th from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Click here to RSVP.
We hope to see you there!!!
Girls on the Run has 5 Remaining Spots!
Girls on the Run has 5 openings remaining for the upcoming Spring season which begins Monday, March 11th. Register ASAP at:
Contact Kristine Dreyer with any questions: dreyerkr@northvilleschools.org
Crafting with a Cop
If you would like to join us for Crafting with Max, please register using the link below. Crafting with a Cop (and Max) will take place on Tuesday, March 12th from 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.
Relational Practices Training - You're Invited
Northville Public Schools invites all PTA and Community members to participate in a 2-day Relational Practice Training The purpose of this training for community members will be to take a deep dive into the Restorative Practices methodology adopted by all staff members of NPS which is designed to help develop, maintain, and sometimes repair relationships with one another, with our students and with our families. This training is a key component of the district's Social Emotional Learning (SEL) focus this year and beyond.
The training will be on March 8-9 (Friday and Saturday) and will run from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm each day.
Check out this (video) to learn more about this learning opportunity
Registration is First Come/First Served. You will receive an email confirming your seat.
STEAM Career Day
We are excited to host our first annual STEAM Career Day at Silver Springs!! Our students love our STEAM class so much that we would love for them to see how they can apply this type of thinking in the real world one day. This is where YOU come in!
Do you have a career in a field that relates to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)? We are looking for presenters to talk to our 2nd through 5th-grade students about their jobs in a way that students can relate to. Students will rotate through presentations, and you will be asked to present for up to three 15-minute sessions. You will have access to technology for slideshows, videos, etc. Feel free to use the time to talk about your career, the education you needed to get there, life experiences that influenced your path, or anything else you deem fitting.
STEAM Career Day will be held on Friday, March 22, 2024.
If you are interested in presenting, please submit this Google Form by March 1st so we can collect your information. Further communication will follow once we obtain our list of interested speakers.
Thank you in advance for supporting our Eagles and exposing them to the world of possibilities they have in their future!
Meghan Davis & Kate Sims
STEAM Teachers
NPS Inclusion Week is coming - March 4-8
Check out the Spirit Wear Calendar below
Kindergarten and Young 5's Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Only!
Northville Public Schools is now accepting Kindergarten and Young 5’s enrollment for Fall 2024. To be eligible for Kindergarten, students must be 5 on or before September 1, 2024. Students turning 5 between July 1st and December 1st 2024, may enroll with a signed waiver in either Young 5’s or Kindergarten.
Take a look at the Young 5's website to learn more about the program, eligibility, and frequently asked questions. We have also put together a helpful document on key Kindergarten Readiness Indicators. Enroll today in 3 easy steps by visiting our Enrollment page.
Kids Club Registration for the 2024-25 School Year
Who: Silver Springs sons and their plus one guests.
What: A fun filled night of bowling including two hours of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, and soft drinks.
When: Friday March 1, 2024 from 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Spins Bowl (formerly Super Bowl) 45100 Ford Rd. Canton, MI 48187
Cost: $30 per couple, $15 each additional son.
Silver Springs students only.
Tickets on sale now at the SS PTA webstore (Givebacks).
This event is subsidized by the Silver Springs PTA to keep costs as low as possible for our families!
WE ARE NOT ABLE TO SELL TICKETS AT THE DOOR. We are required to provide a count for food and lane assignments in advance. We also cannot take payment at the event. You must purchase tickets online by today!
PLEASE SEE FLYER FOR MORE INFO + FAQs. Flyer is attached and at www.silverspringspta.com
Note for Dad’s Club members: We need two additional volunteers to help staff the event. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AA5AC22A7FCC34-47808200-sonplus#/
Buy your tickets and join your Silver Springs friends for this fun family night planned by the Dad’s Club! Puck drop is at 7:00pm at USA Hockey Arena (very close to home, it’s located at Five Mile and Beck Road)!
Many Silver Springs friends and families will be there all seated in the same section and cheering on Team USA! These guys are a big deal and many end up getting drafted to the NHL!
Tickets are on sale now! The cost is $16.50 each if you purchase online, but only $15 if you purchase over the phone 734-453-3115.
Questions? Contact PTA Dad’s Club volunteer Steven Fellhauer at steven.fellhauer@gmail.com.
During this March is Reading Month, author (a fellow Northville resident and a former Silver Springs Eagle herself!) Supriya Kelkar will visit our school on Wednesday, March 13! During the school day, all students will attend a presentation with Supriya Kelkar, including a chance to interact and ask questions. This special event is brought to you by the Silver Springs PTA!
Get excited for Supriya Kelkar’s visit by learning more about her journey and her books by checking out her website: https://supriyakelkar.com/
Optional bonus: If your family would like to purchase Suprya Kelkar's books in advance, they will receive their signed copies on March 13!
To purchase books, please order by Tuesday, Feb. 27 via the PTA online store (MemberHub/Givebacks). Info and link to the store at www.silverspringspta.com.
Please look for the flyer coming home in “Monday envelopes” on Tuesday, Feb. 20.
If you’d like to join your child for a birthday lunch in March, April, May, or June, please sign up asap!
***To sign up for a birthday lunch in March, please register by Friday, February 23.***
Remember, birthday lunches must be booked during the month prior, with at least two weeks advance notice. PTA has a very small committee of volunteers for birthday lunches and last minute scheduling is not possible. Thank you!
Birthday lunch info is always available at: www.silverspringspta.com
The Natural Wonders of Science! Students will study the natural world including water, fossils, rocks, minerals, create ladybug and worm habitats and much more!
Who: Students in Grades K-5th
When: 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20 (Make-up date is 5/27 if a class is cancelled.)
Where: Silver Springs Elementary Art Room
Tuition: $210 per student; $170 for student with parent helper, parent helpers must attend
all 8 weeks. All materials are included.
*This event is sponsored by Silver Springs PTA, $5 per student goes to the PTA as a fundraiser.
Registration Steps:
1. Visit our website at: www.nutsaboutscience.com
2. Click on the REGISTER button
3. Follow the registration steps on Active Network.
4. Contact Jennifer Price at jenniferp@nutsaboutscience.com with any questions.
Registration opens March 1st at 8 am and closes on March 15th at 11 pm.
Please see the flyer for full details.
Last year, the Girls on the Run program was a huge hit. This year, Silver Springs will also have a running group for boys in grades 3-5. Practice will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:45-5:15pm at Silver Springs from March 11th to May 23rd.
The boys’ STRIDE program needs a few more volunteers to help coach and run the practices. Without a few more volunteers, the cap on the number of participants will be limited! For more information, please visit https://ymcadetroit.org/programs/recreation/stride or please reach out to Ashley Parker mrsashleyrparker@yahoo.com or Kristine Dreyer dreyerkr@northvilleschools.org.
Share a baby photo of your 5th grader to be included in the 2024 Yearbook.
Photos must be sent electronically and you can upload straight from your phone or computer here. Access code: eagles. Choose “5th grade babies” from the drop down menu. Fill in your student’s full name.
***Deadline to submit: Saturday, March 2, 2024***
The PTA Yearbook staff needs more photos of Silver Springs students in action!
It’s easy to upload your photos straight from your phone or computer! Access code: eagles.
Please send in pics of students at any in school or after school events, such as:
-first day / last day of school
-holiday parties
-100th day of school
-Field Day
-Spirit wear days
-Chess Wizards
-Nuts About Science
-Breakfast with a Buddy
-Trunk or Treat
-Gal with a Pal
-Son Plus One Fun
-skating parties
-and so much more!
***Deadline to submit: Saturday, March 2, 2024***
Save the date: Thursday, April 4, 2024 from 7:00-8:30pm at the Northville High School auditorium! This special event is sponsored by the six NPS elementary school PTAs and designed just for 5th graders and their parents. Two local experts, Kerry Biskelonis of Reset Brain & Body, and Detective Justin Norlock, of the Northville Township Police Department, will co-host this workshop. Together, they will cover the pitfalls of social media use, including the legal implications, plus discuss an action plan that you can use!
To secure your spot, sign up on this form by March 29, or scan the QR code on the attached flyer. Also, look for the flyer to come home in Monday envelopes on 2/26/24.
Silver Springs PTA organizes four skating nights each year at the Skatin Station! It’s tons of fun for the whole family, plus a portion of admission costs come back as funds for the PTA. Win-Win! The whole place is reserved just for Silver Springs families! The snack bar is open for food and beverage purchases. Hope you can come!
Silver Springs Skating Party
Monday, April 8, 2024 from 6:00-8:00pm.
Skatin Station: 8611 Ronda Dr, Canton, MI
Cost is $10 per person, which includes skate rental.
The whole family is welcome (admission is charged for all skaters over age 3; no charge for parents who are not skating).
This annual tradition is back on Friday, April 26 from 6:00-8:00pm with music, dancing, pizza, crafts, and games! Tickets will go on sale at the beginning of April.
· Wednesday, April 17 at 6:30pm – guest speaker on Be Smart
· Wednesday, May 22 at 6:30pm – PTA E-Board elections
Facebook @SilverSpringsElementaryPTA
Twitter X @SS_PTA
Instagram @silverspringspta
We will focus on Habit 4 throughout the entire month of January.
The Learning At Home Activity is below. This will be in your child's Monday envelope, or you can click on the image below for a printable version.
February At Home Activity
This month’s Habit: Habit 4 Think Win-Win
Activity: A Win-Win Agreement
Due Date: February 28th
Habit #4 - Think Win-Win- Everyone can Win!
What this means: Think about others as well as yourself. Long-term relationships require mutual respect and mutual benefit.
“I make deposits into others’ Emotional Bank Accounts.”
“When conflict arises, I look for third alternatives.”
“I balance courage for getting what I want, with
consideration for what others want.”
How can I do this in my life?
1. Live by the Golden Rule- Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
Great Books for Habit #4- Think Win Win
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Lilly’s Big Day by Kevin Henkes
Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse by Leo Lionni
Let’s Be Enemies by Janice May Udry
I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff
Northville Spring Recreational Baseball and Softball
NBSA spring recreational (house) baseball and softball registration is now officially open through March 20th, 2024. Please review some important information below about registration and league changes this year.
To help our commissioners streamline roster configurations, we are changing friend requests to only one friend this year. Commissioners will use school-attended and past team information while considering team formation.
NBSA has approved Recreational players to play at their current grade level if parents feel participants are capable and they meet grade level requirements. Note that this only pertains to a few players each year. Contact NBSA at info@nbsabaseball.org while registering.
Any registrations made after March 19th will incur a $25 late fee and players will only be accepted if roster spaces are available.
Opening day is right around the corner so please register soon as leagues fill up quickly!
Consider volunteering to coach a team. We provide all the training and equipment - no experience necessary.
HAVE QUESTIONS? Check out the updated FAQs section of the NBSA Website.
Girl Scout Robotics Workshop
Calling all Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts for the 2024 Girl Scout Robotics Workshop hosted by the Northville High School Robotics team, Team 548, in partnership with Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan. Girl Scouts will work through the 3 robotics badges along with different crafts and activities. They will be learning how to build, program, and showcase a robot. Registration is due by February 10th, 2024, along with the payment of $20 which includes the 3 badges. The link to registration is here
Are you looking for a fun activity for your child during Mid-Winter break?
The Northville Competitive Dance team invites all K-6th graders to a Dance Clinic on February 16,
from 1:00-3:00pm in the NHS Cafeteria. Are you a Girl Scout, Brownie or Daisy? Bonus, you can
also earn a badge!
See flyer for additional details or register here: https://northvilleschools.revtrak.net/rwyouthcamps/
Youth Baseball and Softball Camps
Registration is now open for the 2024 Northville Youth Lacrosse spring season:
Registration is Now Open for the 2024 Northville Youth Lacrosse Spring Season
Welcoming all skill levels for 5th through 8th grade boys. This year we will field one 14U (7th/8th grade) team and one 12U (5th/6th grade) team. The spring season will run from April 1st to June 2nd with pre-season practices on March 18th, 20th and 22nd. It will include practice 3 days a week at Meads Mill Middle School, games vs Metro West teams, and at least one tournament. The player fee is $325 and will be collected later. Payment & liability waiver submission deadline is April 1st, 2024. Registration will close earlier if capacity is reached prior to March 1st. For those that register, stay tuned for more information on schedule, parent informational meeting, and payment & waiver submission details. Click https://forms.gle/9duoWtUN3yiWJ7Q87 to register.
Want more information before registering? Join the parent information zoom on Wednesday. February 28th at 8pm. Here’s the zoom information to join:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 5236 6240
Passcode: 907897
Mark your calendars!!
Registration for Northville Youth Football and Cheer opens soon!! Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Don’t Scrap the App!
The Michigan School Meals program supplements the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, meaning that parents of students who would otherwise be eligible for free or reduced meals should continue to submit applications for free or reduced meals for their students. Even though meals will be free this year, it is vitally important that parents who meet, or believe they may meet, the free and reduced income guidelines, submit an application to ensure maximum benefits for their students and the District.
Some of these benefits include: athletics and activities discounts for student fees associated with participating in athletics and activities programs, SAT/ACT/AP test discounts for academic testing, college application discounts for college application fees, discounted internet access services, federal/state/local school funding for school budgets, Summer EBT.
Make sure to fill yours out today https://links.northvilleschools.org/1a
What You Need to Know about Free School Meals - How to Order
- All students that may qualify for free or reduced lunch should still fill out the form as they will receive additional benefits. You can find a link to the application in the parent portal or on the district's website under the Food Service tab.
- Check out the Frequently Asked Questions surrounding the Free Meals Program this school year.
- Lunch and Breakfast menus are available online through Nutrislice.
- Breakfast:
- Pre-K and Elementary students:
- All students must pre-order breakfast through Nutrislice. (Instructions on how to place an order through Nutrislice)
- Make sure to include your student number when ordering and choose the correct teacher.
- ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY 7AM THE DAY OF, *this is a change from last year. You can order up to 30 days in advance.
- Breakfast will be served in the classroom.
- If your student wants milk only, this is NOT free. Students must pay for the milk separately.
- Pre-K and Elementary students:
- Lunch:
- Pre-K and Elementary students:
- All students must pre-order lunch through Nutrislice. (Instructions on how to place an order through Nutrislice)
- ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY 7AM THE DAY OF, *this is a change from last year. You can order up to 30 days in advance.
- Students may only have one free lunch a day, any additional items will be charged to their account (i.e. extra entree, extra milk).
- If your student wants milk only, this is NOT free. Students may pay for the milk separately.
- Pre-K and Elementary students:
Community Resources
Northville Youth Network
Northville Youth Network (NYN) provides valuable programs and services to the Northville Community such as education and awareness, referral services and case work services. As part of the ongoing Social Emotional education NYN provides to our community, they have included resources that are available for parents! Please check out NYN's latest resource template as well as all of their other offerings! Be sure to check back in the future as their templates will be updated throughout the year. Here is link directly to the resource guide “How to communicate with your child, tween or teen in a better way!”
NYN resource template communicating with your child:tween:teen in a better way! (northville.mi.us)
Also, here is the link to the NYN Resource page with a list and link to all of the parent/caregiver resource guides: Resources | Northville Township, MI
NYN Wellness Wednesday's are back!
NThe Northville Youth Network's Wellness Wednesday sessions in March are dedicated to nurturing both body and mind. Tweens, discover techniques to ease stress and find calm when things get overwhelming. Teens, it's all about learning the art of treating your body with kindness.
Registration required: bit.ly/nynwellnesswednesday23-24 .
More from Northville Youth Network...Youth Mental Health First Aid
Silver Springs Elementary School
Email: boothka@northvilleschools.org
Website: http://silversprings.northvilleschools.org
Location: 19801 Silver Spring Drive, Northville, MI, United States
Phone: (248) 465-2300
Twitter: @sspringselem