Riverwalk Roar
Your Source All-Things Riverwalk Academy
April 3, 2022
Happy Sunday, Pride,
I hope each of you had a wonderful weekend. My family and I spent the weekend at the beach with family. It was nice to get a way for a few days. I did spend some time reading while one of my daughters and my niece played in the ocean. It was a bit chilly for me, but for a 11 year old, I guess it was just right.
I did want to share some exciting news with everyone that was shared with our current 6th - 11th grade families on Wednesday.
Since my arrival at Riverwalk Academy in September 2017, a lot of time and effort has been put into our facilities plan. As many of our parents are aware, what I inherited regarding our developer, facilities, and growth plan was less than ideal. The Board and I spent 3 years working to create a financial situation that allowed us to purchase our building and land, instead of leasing it. We achieved this a little over a year ago. While the announcement was anti-climatic, this was a big deal for Riverwalk Academy. Not only did this allow us to purchase our building and land, but it also helped us save millions of dollars.
When looking toward the future, the question that I’m most asked is, “When are we going to get a new building?” This is a question that I usually answer by saying, “a few years.” To date, a definitive answer has not been given. I’ve seen firsthand what happens when facilities and dates are discussed and it doesn’t come to fruition (I'm still asked when the "house" gets turned into a preschool").
As we were finalizing our facilities plans for next year, a project we were working on fell through. To make a long story short, we found out two weeks ago that our plan to bring in an additional modular unit isn't going to happen due to issues out of the control of Riverwalk Academy and the charter school that we were acquiring this 9-classroom from.
While receiving this news was extremely disappointing, what transpired appears to be a blessing. We did have to work out an alternate option for our rising 10th graders, but what resulted was something that finally answers the question that everyone has been asking.
Internally, we (the Board and I) were thinking that August 2025 was probably going to be the date that we are able to move into our own middle and high school building. However, after reevaluating our present situation, we're thrilled to be able to finally announce that we will begin building our permanent middle and high school in 2023 for it to be operational in August 2024.
Sharing this date with everyone feels great. Over the next few months we'll be working with a developer to help us create a master plan that will illustrate what the 20.5 acres will look like once everything is complete.
I hope each of you have a wonderful week, and that you and your family have a safe and relaxing spring break. Speaking of spring break, here are a couple of reminders:
- Friday is an early release day (11:05 am and 11:30 am)
- There is no Lions Den on Friday
- Spring break runs from 4/11 - 4/18 and students return on Tuesday, 4/19
In strength and blessings,
~Dr. Compton
Photo of the Week
This week's photo was taken on Thursday in our 12th Grade Government Class. Ryler Amick, who was just recently hired by Toyota, and his classmates are learning how to be active participants in the American government system.
State Testing Information
SC Ready/SC PASS (3rd - 8th)
State Testing is right around the corner. Below are the dates, tests and grades they apply to. All testing will begin at 8:30am each morning. Any student arriving after 8:15am will not be allowed to test and will have to wait for the make up testing date. Please refrain from scheduling any routine doctor, dentist or eye appointments during school hours on testing days. Please make sure your student has a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast prior to each test.
- May 4, 2022 - SC READY - ELA Part 1 (Writing) (3rd - 8th grades)
- May 5, 2022 - SC READY - ELA Part 2 (Reading) (3rd - 8th grades)
- May 9, 2022 - SC READY - Math (3rd - 8th grades)
- May 11, 2022 - SC PASS - Science - (4th and 6th grades only)
A Parent brochure was sent home with 3rd quarter report cards. A copy of these can be found here: SC Ready & SC PASS.
Students enrolled in grades three through eight will participate in the SC READY stand-alone field test. The stand-alone field testing for the Spring 2022 SC READY English Language Arts (ELA) assessment will include one text dependent analysis (TDA) item with one question.
Our students will take the field test on April 25, 2022. If students miss the field test, they will be required to make it up.
EOCEP (End of Course Examination Program)
The End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) is a statewide assessment program of end-of-course tests for gateway courses awarded units of credit in English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. The EOCEP encourages instruction in the specific standards for the courses, encourages student achievement, and documents the level of students’ mastery of the academic standards. Gateway courses in English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies will be defined by the State Board of Education. EOCEP examination scores count 20 percent in the calculation of the student’s final grade in gateway courses. Defined gateway courses currently include Algebra 1, Intermediate Algebra, Biology 1, English 2, and United States History and the Constitution, or courses with other names and activity codes in which the academic standards corresponding to these subjects are taught.
Our students will take their tests on the following dates for the courses listed. As listed above, all testing will begin at 8:30am, any student arriving after 8:15am will not be allowed to test and will have to take the test during the make-up session on May 20, 2022. These are the only dates these exams will be given.
- May 2, 2022 - US History (11th grade)
- May 16, 2022 - English 2 - Part 1 (Writing)
- May 17, 2022 - English 2 - Part 2 (Reading)
- May 18, 2022 - Algebra 1
- May 19, 2022 - Biology
EOCEP 2021-2022 Parent and Student Assessment Brochure-English
If you have any questions or concerns regarding state testing, please reach out to your student’s teacher or Mrs. Carr, State Testing Coordinator. If you have a student who is particularly anxious regarding testing, please contact their counselor (Mrs. Carr - Elementary or Mrs. Menges - Middle/High) so we can reassure them.
On 2/22/22, DHEC updated its guidance for schools. A summary of the guidance can be found below.
- The guidance applies to individual schools, not entire school districts and childcare centers.
Schools may suspend quarantine once they have had two consecutive weeks with less than 10 percent of all students and staff having COVID-19.
- When quarantine has stopped, contact tracing and testing and masking of close contacts without symptoms is no longer required
The first two-week period ends Feb. 28, 2022
- Based on week-one data (week of Feb. 21) and if the trend of low cases continues, DHEC anticipates that most schools will have the option to suspend quarantine on March 1, 2022.
Schools will continue to report the number of cases to DHEC on a weekly basis.
- If a school that has suspended quarantine and has two consecutive weeks with 10 percent or more of all students and staff having COVID-19, Quarantine will need to be reinstated.
- Isolation requirements for those who have COVID-19 will remain unchanged.
As you can see from our data since January 2022, Riverwalk Academy has been well below the 10% threshold for over a month. Therefore, we are able to suspend our quarantining programing beginning on Tuesday. We will continue to update our COVID related data on a daily basis and if there is ever an uptick or spike in our numbers, we will adjust our processes accordingly. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to Nurse Donna.
School Lunches
Riverwalk Academy is a "bring your own lunch" school where students are encouraged to bring their own lunches. We do offer a fee-based lunch program that is not income-contingent. Our fee-based lunch program is provided by Golden Corral. For more information about this option, please click here.
Pride, if you haven't done so, please take a moment to check out our new and improved website. From the main page, you have immediate access to the latest news, and up to date calendar.
Elementary Guidance with Mrs. Carr
Hello everyone,
Only four days and a few hours until Spring Break. I hope everyone has fun and relaxation planned. Personally, I am hoping for sleep, sun and possibly putting my toes in some sand.
When we give positive reinforcement to some students, other students sometimes get upset they didn’t get the same “reward”. Often it is because they haven’t met the same expectations. Expectations are very difficult to learn, even for adults, and it is more difficult to accept when we don’t meet expectations. From a very young age humans can be very hard on themselves and it is very important to learn that we can not be perfect. And the world around us isn’t always fair. When we return from break, I will be reading Fair is Fair by Sonny Varela to the K-1st graders. We will talk about how we can’t always control everything and have to accept and move on, even if we don’t meet expectations.
This topic applies for the 3rd through 5th graders as well. But we will be talking about how it relates to state testing. We need to make sure we tell the students that we only expect them to do their best. They need to stay positive and make sure they have a growth mindset. By helping them talk through what they can control and what they can’t, making sure they feel prepared for the tests and calming techniques for test days, we can give them the tools they need to be successful. Parents can help with this as well. Here are a few tips for you:
Talk about the tests at home. Encourage your child to do his or her best, but not to stress about the test.
Give words of encouragement. Remind your child that he or she has been preparing for this all year! They are ready!
Have your child get a good night’s rest. Rest is important in having people feel their best.
Eat a good breakfast. Students who are full can focus easier and longer than students who feel hungry.
Get to school on time. Students will feel more relaxed if they are on time and able to participate in their regular morning routine.
Give more words of encouragement. As you drop off your child, give hugs and kisses along with more words of encouragement.
I will continue to give you more tips all through April. And we will continue to talk about alleviating test anxiety up until and through all the testing dates. Remember these are posted on our website and I can always email them to you as well. Please remember you can always ask me about anything regarding your children’s mental health, well being, social success, anxiety or relationships.
Mrs. Carr
Graduation Yard Signs
Kindergarten Graduation Yard Sign
5th Grade Graduation Yard Sign
Middle/High Guidance with Ms. Menges
Good Evening!
Wow, we have all made it to the last week before Spring Break. I am so proud of the way we have all been working hard despite wanting and needing a break. Seeing staff, students, and families give it their best no matter the time of year is so always encouraging to see. I am so grateful to be apart of this Riverwalk family where we choose to move forward and grow despite our circumstances. I am also very excited that it’s finally April. We have lots of events coming up for our seniors this month and I cannot wait to celebrate them and all they have accomplished. They deserve it! Let’s see what we have coming up this week…
Things to know:
- 8th graders, my goal this week is to completely finish all IGP meetings. So if parents did not sign up for a meeting time. I will hold the meeting with just your student. In this meeting, we will discuss high school, transcripts, careers, and more!
- 10th grade families, you should have gotten an email a couple weeks ago regarding a "Moving up to York Tech" meeting for April 6th at 5:30. This meeting will cover all things York Tech, Class Registration, Dual Enrollment, and more! Please plan to attend with your student!
- 8th through 12th grade families, for those unable to make it to your students IGP meeting, I plan to send out an email with the info for each grade in the coming weeks for you to look over!
See you all tomorrow!
Mrs. Menges
Middle School (6th - 8th Grade Reminders)
8th Grade Graduation Yard Sign
8th Grade Yard Sign
High School Families: Directory & Military Information Opt Out Survey
Please be advised that the SCDE Privacy & Security - Directory & Military Information Opt Out Survey is now available. Please inform your parent community that the survey is available and request they complete the survey ONLY IF they intend for the student’s directory information to be withheld from release to entities such as higher education institutions and/or military recruiters, by logging into their PowerSchool parent portal account. Directions to provide to families are here. We appreciate your assistance! If you have additional questions please contact
Spirit Week: April 4 - 8
Rising Juniors Parent Meeting
Cheer Conditioning
Junior/Senior Prom
Prom - deadline to place your order is April 7th
- When: April 23rd 7:00-11:00 pm
- Where: Dogwood Barn, Rock Hill, SC
- Who: Juniors and Seniors
- How: Prom tickets are on sale and they can be purchased at the school store. If you are bringing a date, please see Mrs. Krebs for a date application and further information.
- What do I wear: Formal attire is required!
Attention Seniors
Riverwalk Academy Blue Envelope Tradition
Graduate Yard Signs
Customized with Photo and Name
Not Customized
Week Ahead
Monday: 4/4/22
- 6 - 10 Spirit Day: Elderly Day
- Track Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Coach Arizmendi)
- Beta Club 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm (Graham / Kunde)
Tuesday: 4/5/22
- 6 - 10 Spirit Day: Teacher Day
- Beginning Band, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Johnston)
- Cheer Conditioning 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm (Kunde)
- Track Meet @ Chesterfield High School(Coach Arizmendi)
Wednesday: 4/6/22
- 6 - 10 Spirit Day: Decades Day
- Advanced Band, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Johnston)
- Track Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Coach Arizmendi)
- Rising 11th Grade Parent Meeting in Riverwalk Academy 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Thursday: 4/7/22
- 6 - 10 Spirit Day: Hawaiian Day
- Cheer Conditioning 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm (Kunde)
- Track Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Coach Arizmendi)
Friday: 4/8/22
- 6 - 10 Spirit Day: Riverwalk Academy Spirit Day Day
- Early Release Day: 11:05 am / 11:30am
- No Lions Den
- NHS Meeting 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (Krebs)
Connect with Us
The Mission of Riverwalk Academy is to lead students to achieve through authentic project-based learning experiences with the knowledge and inquiry skills they need to succeed in life, college, and their future careers.
Email: info@riverwalkacademu.com
Website: https://www.riverwalkacademy.com/
Location: 5750 Mount Gallant Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: (803) -327-8400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riverwalkacademy
Twitter: @riverwalklions