Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
July 18, 2021
a note from the principal
It was great seeing so many families at our Open House event on Thursday evening. It was such an awesome feeling to have our building bustling with activity again!
Please note that visitors at the school are still limited and will only be allowed for specific events and by appointment.
Easley Reopening FAQ
Please click here for more information regarding COVID protocol and frequently asked questions about the reopening of school. Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Principals Hauser and Bugajski.
Transportation Information
You may view your child’s bus stop information using the Here Comes the Bus App. You may also check the status at the DPS Transportation Website. You will need your child's ID number and you can get that from their teacher. If you have any concerns or questions about transportation throughout the year, Jeff Bugajski jeffrey_bugajski@dpsnc.net or Leah Rubow, leah_rubow@dpsnc.net will be your points of contact. Please note that if you need transportation changes, it takes up to ten days for those to take effect. Looking forward to a great year!
You can view Easley specific inform, including arrival and dismissal procedures in the presentation below:
Easley Elementary Virtual Open House Information
Easley Elementary Open House Information - Español
You can review all of the DPS Back to School information on the slides below:
Durham Public Schools Open House Information
Durham Public Schools Open House Information - Español
Meet the Easley Staff
Please click here to learn more about the Easley teachers and staff.
New to Easley Parent Orientation for 1st -5th Grade
We invite you to meet with Principal Hauser and Assistant Principal Bugajski on Thursday, July 22 at 6:00 PM in the school media center to learn about all things Easley. Get to know your principals and hear about communication, school events and how you can get involved.
2020-2021 School Improvement Team
We have four parent seats opening up for the 2021-2022 school year. The SIT is the governing body of the school and positions are elected. The team meets once a month on Monday evenings at 5:30-6:30. There is typically one additional meeting as we draft the new School Improvement Plan. The time commitment on this team is minimal beyond the monthly meetings. As a member of the team you will learn a great deal about the inner workings of our school and programs and become a part of the decision making process in terms of budgeting and programming. An electronic ballot will be sent out in next Sunday's update, July 25th with our first meeting being held on Monday, August 2nd. If you are interested in serving on the SIT, please complete the survey below no later than Friday, July 23rd. School Improvement Team Interest Form
Easley PTA
Please consider joining the PTA. Our first meeting will be on July 26th at 6:00 PM in the media center. At this time we will be discussing and approving this year's budget, planning for the year, and reviewing open positons and sharing volunteer opportunities.
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here. Current monthly promotion is - Save $5 off any order of $35 or more with code HOTSAVINGS