Parent Partnership
News from your Student Success Coach and School Counselor
First Week Down!
Dear Findley Families,
We hope this week finds you well and enjoying things like fresh air and rain! I had never been more thankful for a rain storm in my life and this weekend was spent outside as much as possible. I'm sure you felt the same--especially after the first week of distance learning. We want you to know that we think you are amazing, and wherever you are in your parenting journey this week-- keep going, you're doing a wonderful job.
This newsletter is intended as a resource for you to be in the know of what kinds of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) your child will be receiving. Please keep reading to find out more about Social Emotional Lessons that Mrs. Hargrave and Mrs. Gotfried will be teaching each Wednesday.
Please contact us to connect via email, phone, or zoom.
Emily Gotfried emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us -School Counselor
Susan Hargrave susan_hargrave@beaverton.k12.or.us - Student Success Coach
Take good care, Findley Community.
Emily Gotfried and Su Hargrave
Wednesday Social Emotional Learning with Mrs. Hargrave and Mrs. Gotfried!
It was wonderful to see so many 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students this past Wednesday!
Students reviewed the Hand Model of the Brain and The Zones of Regulation with either Mrs. Gotfried or Mrs. Hargrave, then went on to Seesaw and completed a Zones of Regulation Check in. They did an awesome job!
1st and 2nd grade students had a Seesaw assignment to share about themselves in an activity called "All about My Selfie". It was fantastic to get to know our 1st and 2nd graders a little better and to see their smiling selfie :)
This Wednesday, we will be meeting 1st and 2nd grade students on Zoom and assigning them a Seesaw activity. Third through fifth grades will have a Seesaw assignment only.
Here is a look ahead:
Look for the Zoom link coming from your child's teacher as part of their Wednesday schedule.
September 23rd:
9:30-10:00 2nd Grade with Mrs. Hargrave Introduction/Zones of Regulation
10:15-10:45 1st Grade with Mrs. Gotfried Introduction/Zones of Regulation
September 30th:
9:30-10:00 3rd Grade with Mrs. Hargrave Self Awareness
9:30-10:00 5th Grade with Mrs. Gotfried Self Awareness
10:15-10:45 4th Grade with Mrs. Gotfried Self Awareness
We look forward to seeing your child there!
A note to Kindergarten Parents
We felt it would be best to give Kindergarteners a chance to get to know their teachers this week and get comfortable using the online platforms before we dive into Wednesday Lessons. So, Mrs. Hargrave and Mrs. Gotfried will be joining their morning circles this week to introduce themselves to the students and say hello!
As the students get more comfortable, we will be communicating with teachers and parents on how we will be partnering with kindergarten teachers to deliver Social Emotional learning.
Stay Tuned!
Parent Resources Below:
Findley Elementary School
Website: https://findley.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 4155 Northwest Saltzman Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 5033562100