Silver Gate Elementary
December 4, 2023
This week is another busy one, we have much learning to do before we leave for Winter Break and the excitement for the Winter holiday season is in the air. Make sure you ask your children what they are doing in their classroom and their favorite part of the day. I love seeing all their smiley faces and their joy of learning everyday. Hope to see you at all the upcoming events and don't forget the Book Fair is next week.
Unicycle Club- OB Holiday Parade
4th Grade field trip to Dana Middle School
4th Grade Parents - Dana Middle School Elective Form
We had a great trip to Dana today and the students are very excited to create their electives list. The link below is to a Google Doc that contains information on Dana Middle elective options and how to request specific electives for next year.
Book Fair this Monday, December 4th and Friday, December 8th
Our Book Fair will take place on Monday, December 4 and Friday, December 8 during your child’s assigned library time.
How to shop In person during library time:
All classes will visit the Fair during their regular library hours on Monday or Friday. If you choose to have your student shop, please send them with money in an envelope and make sure the envelope has their name and teacher’s name clearly printed on it. If you choose to use eWallet, please use THIS LINK to set up your student’s account.
Order Online: Our Book Fair will be online with thousands of titles to choose from 12/4-12/8. Visit our homepage for the link to online shopping. Share the website with grandparents and other family members. Books make great gifts!
eWALLET: eWallet is an option if you choose not to send cash with your student. Follow the link to set up your eWallet account. If you have any money in your eWallet from the last fair, you can transfer it to a gift card and use it to add funds to your student’s eWallet for this fair.
IMPORTANT: Any left over money will NOT be returned to your credit card. Instead, it will stay as a credit with Scholastic for more purchases at the fair or for online shopping.
Lost and Found
Please come by and check out the lost and found items. We will be donating all leftover items when we leave on winter break.
FSG Annual Giving Donation!
Important Dates
12/4-12/8 - Book Fair
12/6 - FSG Meeting 6:00pm - ZOOM
12/14 - Cookies and Cocoa @ 12:35pm
12/15 - SPIRIT DAY - Holiday Wear
12/15 - MIN DAY - 12:35pm DISMISSAL
12/18 - 1/2 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
When your child must be absent for any reason, please call the office at 858-988-2200 by 9:00 a.m. every day of non-attendance, giving the exact reason for the absence. You can also email Renee Erickson at
Any child arriving after 7:50 a.m. must stop in the office and pick up a tardy slip. This is disruptive to your child and the entire class. Let's set good habits early in the school year to arrive on time.
Whew...that's a lot of information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me, Tracy Rebelo, or Renee Erickson. We are thrilled for you to join our Silver Gate family.
Location: 1499 Venice Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-988-2200
Facebook: Friends Of Silver Gate
Twitter: @SilvergateGator