AAHS Update
January 17, 2025
First Semester Grades
We are not mailing report cards home. Our teachers and counseling office need time to assess students' final work and verify that grades are accurate. You will be able to view your child’s report card on January 31st. If you want a paper copy, contact our College and Career Center by emailing Becky Thoennes at rthoennes@alexschools.org or calling 320-762-2142 ext. 4502.
It is important to note that first semester grades go on your child’s transcript. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or counselor.
New Semester
We are excited to start the second semester. Teachers will be communicating their second semester course syllabuses with you. Please check your email for this important information regarding your child’s classes. Semester 2 Lunch Schedule
Course Changes
Counselors are working hard to respond to a high volume of course change requests! Due to high demand, counselors will prioritize student schedules that have conflicts. Students requesting a schedule change will be required to fill out a form found in the College and Career Center. Counselors will review course request forms and will communicate via email with students if the change is possible. Counselors will also strive to keep class sizes balanced.
Important Dates:
January 20 - No school for students
January 29 - 2-hour late start for teacher professional development
February 12 - Job Fair for Seniors, 9:30-11:00a.m., AAHS Main Gym
February 17 - No School
February 27 - Job Fair for 9-11 grade students during registration night, AAHS Commons
Parents are encouraged to attend
March 3 - Job Fair for 9-11 grade students during registration night, AAHS Commons
Registration for 2025-26 School Year
Please monitor your email regarding instructions on how to register for your child’s course registration meeting on February 27th and March 3rd.
Midwinter Dance
The Student Council will be hosting our AAHS Midwinter Dance on Saturday, January 25th. The dance will be held from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. in our high school commons. All Freshman through Seniors are welcome to attend. Tickets are $5.00. Students must have all detention time made up and fines paid to attend.