LMS E-Blast
06 February 2023
Welcome Back Jaguar Family!!!
"It May Be Raining Outside But It's Always Sunshine Here In Jaguar Country"
LMS Schedule 2022-2023 School Year
Take a closer look at our schedule for the year!
Student Handbook
Attached is an updated copy of the Student Handbook for LMS.
Let's help students build a habit of good attendance! Late arrivals to school are being tracked. Students who are tardy to school 3 times in a 9 week period will be issued after school detention. Please help us by getting your students to school on time. They should be in their classrooms by 7:50 a.m. Students who are late because the bus arrives late will not be counted as tardy. Thank you for your help with this!
For attendance notes, please be sure to email notes directly to LMSattendance@lcsedu.net or marinojs@lcsedu.net. Responding to the automated attendance messages will not get your messages to the attendance staff, resulting in unexcused absences. All notes must be received either the day that the student returns, or the following day (by the end of the school day). Thank you!
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus parent portal gives you the ability to check your students' missing assignments. Once you are logged in, click on the grades tab to the left. Within the grades tab, make sure you have selected the correct grading quarter. If you select "All Terms," it will show you missing assignments from past quarters that students do not have the ability to complete.
Below is a picture for your reference!
Lost and Found!
There is a large amount of lost coats, jackets, hats, etc. that are in lost and found. We do not have storage to keep those items and that they will be donated to a church soon. Students should come to the main office to ask about a lost item.
Spanish Tutoring
LCS is excited to offer evening online tutoring for Spanish students beginning on Tuesday, February 7th! Tutoring will be from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. All Spanish students are asked to sign up for the Tutoring Google Classroom to have access to tutoring.. The code to join is 42nka55 There, students can sign up for a tutoring slot to receive the assistance needed or leave questions or comments. If there are questions, please see your Spanish teacher.
The Lion King
Heart and Sole Opportunity
Tips From the Nurse
General illness guidelines ● Students who are symptomatic should not enter the building. Families should contact their health provider immediately and seek advice. Notify the school nurse of the illness. ● Students exhibiting symptoms while at school are required to wait in an isolation area until they can be transported home. If they are waiting in the Nurse Clinic, the Nurse will offer a mask to wear while in the clinic. ● Students should remain in isolation with continued supervision and care until picked up by an authorized adult. ● Follow established guidelines for triaging students, recognizing not all symptoms are COVID-19 related. ● Advise parents of sick students that students are not to return until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include: ● Fever over 100.4 ● New cough ● Difficulty breathing ● Sore throat ● Muscle aches or body aches ● Vomiting or diarrhea ● New loss of taste or smell ● Runny Nose/Nasal Congestion ● Are under evaluation for COVID-19 (for example, waiting for the results of a viral test to confirm infection) ● Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and not yet cleared to discontinue isolation
Counseling News
…from the Counseling Department
Happy School Counseling Week from Your School Counseling Team!
Meet the LMS Counseling and Student Support Team:
Stephanie Long - School Counseling Secretary
Laura Schroeder - School Counseling Intern
MJ Carr - School Counselor (Last names K-Z)
Rene James - School Counseling Director, Counselor (Last Names A-J)
Jessica Marino - Attendance Coordinator
Sam Espinosa - Testing Coordinator
Gabbie Cockrell - School Psychologist
Neisa Owen - School Social Worker
Officer Sacks - School SRO
Latasha Hubbbard - Interventionist
Ayanna Allen - Behavior Coach
Vickie Hager - Behavior Technician
Virginia Tyree - School Nurse
Sometimes, people ask me, “what DOES a school counselor actually do?” My first response is usually a very long pause…as I try to assess what level of interest is really being expressed and how much time do we have to offer an answer. Because our role is so diverse and it is very difficult to list all of the things that might enter our offices on any given day, my answer is usually just a smile, a chuckle and a generic response. As we celebrate School Counseling Week this year, use this link to learn a little more about The Role of the Middle School Counselor, as presented by the American School Counselor Association. Basically, we LOVE and SUPPORT and CHALLENGE our students in every way possible…especially through our target pathways of academic achievement, career inspiration and social and emotional needs.
This is the first year we have made a concerted effort to pull together all of these professionals to collaborate. The counseling department is THRILLED to have so much experience and training working together as a team and cheering together for student success!
We have some “Career” introductions planned each morning this week with some small handouts to students as well. We LOVE our students and are truly HONORED to walk this part of their journey with them.
Important Dates:
February 6-10, 2023 - School Counseling Week
February 12-18, 2023 - Kindness Week
February 17, 2023 - Interims are sent home with students
February 20 - Parent Teacher Conference Day (11:00 - 6:00)
Please Call your child’s teacher(s) to be added to their appointment slots for this day.
Kids Haven is a small group program offered here at LMS for students who have experienced the loss through death of a family member. Mrs. James and Mr. Carr have permission letters that must be signed by a parent or guardian in order for students to join this group. Please call or email us if you would like to have one shared with your student. The group facilitators will meet with students in a small group format 1 - 2 times per month and are especially trained for grief work. This is a wonderful organization and they offer many other supports and resources in the community as well. Please take a look here Kids Haven Lynchburg
Virginia Tech Talent Search. Once again, LMS is partnering with TRIO/VT Talent Search Program. This is a fabulous opportunity for any 7th and 8th grade LMS student to join a mentoring program with a goal of preparing to consider attending college. The VT Group will be at LMS once per month to offer some fun and helpful activities and also provides field trips (mostly on Saturdays) and even opportunities to visit Virginia Tech’s campus and experience college life. The program is especially designed for first generation college students and those who may need help accessing financial assistance. Students who are accepted into this program remain with it through high school graduation and learn and experience a wide variety of things along the way. Access the links below for more information and ask Mrs. James and Mr. Carr for an application!!
Food Bags Available If you are interested in your student bringing home a weekend food bag each Friday, please fill out a form that can be picked up in the main office or contact Mr. Carr.
Happy February!!
Mrs. James Mr. Carr
School Counselor A - J School Counselor (K - Z)
Spring Youth Retreat
MARCH 10 - 11, 2023
AGES 11-17 | GRADES 6-12
Student of the Week
Dylan Martin
What he likes best about LMS is hanging out with friends.
His favorite part of the school year has been sports games after school.
He hopes to be an architect.
Staff of the Week
Abigail Morris
She has been at LMS since Aug 22.
What she likes best about LMS is the help from staff and getting to build relationships with students. She says they are her favorite part. The best part of her year is getting to know all students throughout the building while subbing.
LMS Athletics
If your child is participating in any sports here at Linkhorne Middle School, please know that their coach is their BIGGEST fan! If they are having any challenges while on the team, please encourage them to speak with their coach. If they have spoken to their coach and you as the parent still feel that there is an issue, please schedule a time to meet with them. Game day is not an appropriate time to talk with the coach about your concerns, however, please feel free to call LMS to schedule a time. If there are still issues that you have, you can then meet with the Athletic Director, Mr. Randy Turille, or the Assistant Principal over Athletics, Mr. Mike Thompson.
Here is Jaguar Country we LOVE to see student athletes play! We also are encouraging them to learn how to advocate for themselves by appropriately voicing any concerns that they may have while engaging in their sport!
Go Jaguars!
Winter Sports:
-02/08 vs Brookville @ Home 5:30 Girls 6:45 Boys
-02/11 vs Seminole District Tournament @ Liberty 5:30 Girls and @ Home 6:45 Boys
-02/13 vs Amherst @ Home 5:30 Girls 6:45 Boys
All athletes must have all forms turned in before they will be able to play. Forms include, Emergency medical, concussion, code of conduct and Athletic Handbook signed by both parent and athlete. Thanks!
Spring Sports are right around the corner so please make sure if your child would like to play soccer or participate in track they need to have their physicals turned in to Coach Turille before tryouts begin in February. Physicals must be dated after May 1st, 2022. If they have already played a sport this school year they do not need to turn in another one.
Anyone interested in playing boys or girls soccer or running track this spring you will need to have a physical on file with Coach Turille before the tryout dates. Soccer will start on February 21st from 3:00 - 5:00 and track will start Feb 27th at 3:00 till 5:00. Physicals must be dated May 1,2022 or later.
Field Hockey Tryouts
****Attention all rising 9th graders****
EC Glass Field Hockey begins it preseason training on July 24th- July 28th. Official Season Beings on July 31st. If you are interested in trying out for the team please contact Coach Ahrens at coachahrens.ecg@gmail.com for more details and to get on the mailing list for updates and times. EC Glass Field Hockey is looking for hard working, dedicated players who strive to be the best version of themselves. Come and be a part of something PHENOMENAL!
Linkhorne Middle School
Website: http://www.lcsedu.net/schools/lms/
Location: 2525 Linkhorne Drive, Lynchburg, VA, USA
Phone: 434-515-5330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LMSJaguars/