Lincoln Elementary School
Discovering the best in all of us -APRIL 2024
Dear Lincoln A-Team Families,
March came in lamb-like, and as we should have expected, left very lion-like! We will be experiencing some very wet and sloppy recesses - please dress your child accordingly.
It was great to see the turn-out for March Conferences. We had approximately 96% of families represented. We appreciate the partnership, and hope the goals and discussion set the plate for a strong spring of learning and growth.
Class List 2024-25 Information
As the end of the year approaches, our staff will work hard on an important end-of-year task - preparing class lists for next year. A tremendous amount of thought and energy goes into this process. Classroom teachers meet many times amongst themselves, with specialists, special education teachers, social workers, and the principal to discuss appropriate placement of students. Their goal is to develop classrooms that will grow into positive learning environments for all students. Things that are crucial to consider as we build those class lists include, but are not limited to:
A balance of boys and girls;
A blend of abilities;
Careful consideration of student personalities and behaviors;
Classroom supports and resources;
A mixture of students from classrooms; and
Placing students who work well together as learners.
Lincoln School will continue its past practice of NOT allowing parents to request teachers; however, if parents have a concern about placing a student in a particular classroom, please send an email or written communication to Sarah Craig, Secretary and/or Brendan Bogart, Principal by April 29. We have exceptional teachers at Lincoln, however, it is understandable that a concern may arise or that special circumstances may prompt such a request. We do want parents and students to feel comfortable going into the new school year, and feel this may help.
“Code Kid” for Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Responsibility and Fairness.
MCA Testing Takes Place in April
Alexandria Schools and Lincoln Elementary begin administering the Minnesota Statewide Comprehensive Assessments in April. These tests measure the district’s implementation of our state standards in Reading, Math and Science. If you have a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader, please see the dates below.
April 9: Gr 5 Science
April 16, 17, 18: Gr 3, 4, 5 Math
April 23, 24, 25: Gr 3, 4, 5 Reading
Lincoln Parent Connections Meeting - Monday, April 8, 6-7pm In the Maker Space
Lincoln Parent Connections meetings are held to enhance our school community and allow time to meet Lincoln parents. On April 8th, we’ll be walking through the various technology platforms used for school communication, as well as explaining how to navigate Qustodia, the new platform for parents to monitor their student’s Chromebook use at home! We hope you will join us!
No School - Easter..........................................................................................3/28-4/1
5th Grade Showcase .....................................................................................4/4
Two-Hour Late Start.......................................................................................4/10
4th Grade Water Festival ...............................................................................5/1
5th Grade Safety Day .....................................................................................5/2
Biztown for 5th Grade ....................................................................................5/6
Sneak a Peek for Incoming K Students ........................................................5/7
4th Grade Compost Sale ...............................................................................5/8
4th Grade Music Concert ..............................................................................5/9
Family Fun Night ............................................................................................5/10
1st Grade Fieldtrip .........................................................................................5/15
5th Grade Track/Field ....................................................................................5/15
4th Grade Track/Field ....................................................................................5/16
No School .......................................................................................................5/27
1st Grade Fieldtrip .........................................................................................5/28
3rd Grade Fieldtrip .........................................................................................5/30
Last Day of School .........................................................................................5/31
Lincoln Elementary School
Lincoln Elementary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability.
Location: 1120 Lark Street, Alexandria, MN, USA
Phone: 320-762-3320
Twitter: @LincolnLearners