Greenview Knolls Elementary
Weekly Update #5- September 29, 2023
What's Happening🗯️:
If your child is a walker and you are picking up by car, please do not park or block the road in order to pick up your child by car, as it is a safety concern. Thank you for understanding and keeping all our children safe.
Monday, October 2, 2023 wear your favorite football team jersey (ex. youth football league, flag football league, NFL etc.)
Thursday, October 5th is School Picture Day. See below for how to pre-order pictures.
Thursday, October 5th is our GKES Fun Run Kick Off! Make sure to register at Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started! We already have 20% of families registered. Please do not forget to share with family and friends to support our school. Thank you!
On the day of the Fun Run, October 16th (note the change in date) we will need lots of volunteers to support (ex. set up, take down, cheerleaders, DJ, photographer/picture taker). Stay tuned for a sign up if you are able to volunteer. Thank you for your support!
Parent Conference Day is coming up on Monday, October 9, 2023. This day is also an asynchronous virtual day for students from 8:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m. only.
This means, students will work independently at home on work assigned by their teacher. Students may bring home their laptops to participate in virtual learning. Stay tuned for more information from your child's teachers.
Wishing you an AMAZING week ahead!
Contina Quick-McQueen
📆 Our Schedule This Week
Greenview Knolls Elementary School
Skip the Order Form!
Online Code: greenviewknolls23
(800)869-9515 x112
Greenview Knolls Elementary families!
We’re only ONE week away from our Greenview Knolls Elementary Fun Run and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together.
️ Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started! ️
Register & share today to help our school reach our goal of $10,000 for students & staff.
Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community!
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
🙌 Weekly Shout-Outs
Mrs. Brodfeur's Class
Family Orientation for Our New Pre-K Classroom
Welcome New Pre-K Students and Families!
đź—“ Coming Up!
2- Wear your favorite Football Team Jersey
5- GVKES Fun Run Kick Off
5- Fall Picture Day
9- Virtual Day; 2- Hour Early Dismissal Day PK-5; Parent Conference Day
10- Book Fair Begins
11- Bay District Fire Department Fire Safety Visit PK-2 @ 9:00 a.m.
16- GVKES Fun Run- we will need volunteers!
18- Unity Day! Wear Orange
20- 2- Hour Early Dismissal Day PK-5
20- Book Fair Ends
25-31 Fall Spirit/Red Ribbon Week
26- Title 1 Academic Intervention Information Night/PTO Trunk or Treat
27- 2-Hour Early Dismissal Day PK-5; End of Quarter 1
2- Veterans Day Assembly
9- Grades 2-5 Bully Free Assembly featuring Optimus Prime @ 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
9- Title 1 Family Literacy/PTO Movie Night
10- No school in observance of Veterans Day
22-24- No school in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday; Office is closed
WHO: GKES Students & Families
WHAT: The Scholastic Book Fair is back!
WHERE: GKES Media Center
WHEN: The Book Fair will run from Tuesday, October 10th through Friday, October 20th. Students will visit the book fair during regularly scheduled media classes to shop
and make wish lists. Students will also be able to sign up to shop throughout the duration of the fair for any additional purchases. Shopping hours are not available during the school day for guests. Parents are welcome to visit the book fair from 2:15-3:00 each day. If you’d like to shop after school with your child, please be sure to sign them out in the office before 2:20.
***Book Fair will close early on Friday, October 20th at 1pm, and after-school shopping hours will be adjusted from 12:15-1pm due to the early dismissal schedule on this day.
WHY: A percentage of each sale helps fund book purchases for the GKES Media Center and promotes a love of reading throughout our school community.
HOW: Students will create wish lists and shop during Media. Purchases can be made
with cash, check, credit card, or e-Wallet accounts. Families are also able to shop online using our Book Fair Homepage at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/gk. It is highly encouraged to send in students’ wish lists or book fair flyers with titles identified for purchase if you would like your child to make specific choices while shopping. All purchases will be charged 6% sales tax in addition to the cost of the items.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Dantuono in the media center at abdantuono@smcps.org or send a dojo.
đź’ˇ Reminders
Parent Conference Day is coming up on Monday, October 9, 2023. This day is also an asynchronous virtual day for students from 8:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m. only.
This means, students will work independently at home on work assigned by their teacher. Students 1-5 grade will bring home their laptops to participate in virtual learning. Stay tuned for more information from your child's teachers.