Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter-October 2017
We have already made it through one quarter of the school year. Time flies when students are having fun and engaging in learning in our classrooms. We have conferences coming up on Nov. 7th & 8th. All families should have received notification regarding their scheduled conference time. If you have questions regarding your conference time, please contact your child's teacher. We look forward to seeing you at conferences!
Mrs. Gina McLain
Important Dates
- Thurs., Nov. 2nd: College Wear Day. Wear your college gear (no hats) on the first Thursday of every month.
- Thurs., Nov. 2nd: End of 1st Quarter
- Fri., Nov. 3: NO SCHOOL: Teacher work day and conference prep.
- Sun., Nov 5th: Booster Club sponsored Lenox Grounds Work Day, 1:00-5:00
- Mon., Nov. 6th: Booster Club Mtg., 7:00 PM in the library
- Tues., Nov. 7th: Picture Retakes
- Tues., Nov. 7th: Conferences 4:00-8:00 PM
- Wed., Nov. 8th: Conferences 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
- Wed.-Fri. Nov 8-10th: NO SCHOOL: Conferences and Veteran's Day
- Tues., Nov. 14th: Booster's Dine Night Out: Monkey's Subs, 4:00-8:00. No flyer needed.
- Thurs.-Fri. Nov. 23-24th: NO SCHOOL: Holiday-Thanksgiving
HSD BOND on the November Ballot
- AC
- Parent/Bus Drop Off Improvements
- Seismic Upgrades
- Flexible Classroom Furniture
- Safety & Security Upgrades
- and more...
ALL of the investments proposed in the HSD Bond can be accomplished WITHOUT raising taxes. This Bond would renew the existing tax rate.
Counselor's Corner
Once again the Elks are sponsoring 500 Hillsboro School District Families for the holidays with their Holiday Food Box Program. Applications are available on the Community Bulletin board in the front hallway at Lenox. Completed applications must be returned to the school office by no later than Tuesday November 14, 2017 and are on a first come first served basis. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jennings at 503-844-1364.
Ms. Jenny Jennings
Child Development Specialist
Music Notes
The music room is cruising right along! K-6 are using the app Singing Fingers and singing solos for the song My Aunt Came Back. K-2 are also practicing four voices with John the Rabbit, moving safely for Read My Mind, and Arioso (singing about our families). K is also learning Five Little Pumpkins and the game Apple Tree. 1st is learning Autumn Leaves. 2nd is also learning Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater, rhythms, and the game Cut the Cake. 3rd-6th grade is working on rhythms, a round called A Ram Sam Sam, another round I Love the Mountains, and the dance Kings and Queens. 3rd grade is learning Kindergarten Wall, 4th grade is working on singing with emotion in Orange and Yellow and Red, 5th grade are learning harmony in Autumn Leaf, and 6th grade is working on harmony and solos with Pizza Love. The 6th Grade Band is off and running with our first three notes! Parents can check out MusicK8kids.com for some of the songs we are singing. Also, check out www.sfskids.org for a super fun orchestra website! (You can also check out the button “Looking for SFSKids Classic?” for another entire website with music games an orchestra exploration!!)
Ms. Amber Young
Lenox General Music and Band Specialist
P.E. Zone
In P.E. this month our K-3 students have moved into developing good locomotor movement skills. Locomotor movements include: galloping, sliding, hopping, jumping, skipping, and leaping. We also had an opportunity to perform our first 15 Meter Pacer Test of the school year. The pacer test has become a standard tool used nationally to assess one’s cardio-respiratory fitness level. This week our primary grades have started to work on soccer skills.
This month our 4th-6th grade students completed throwing and catching skills in our football skills activities. They also ran their first pacer test of the school year. We have spent the last couple of weeks working on foot dribbling and passing skills in soccer.
Mr. Rick Karlin
P.E. Specialist
Safety Reminders
- Please use the crosswalk when crossing Rock Creek Blvd. Come and stand on the corner and wait for the guard to cross you.
- Do not cross until our crossing guard is in the middle of the crosswalk to ensure all cars have stopped (there have been cars driving through the crosswalk even when people have been there).
- Please do not walk through the drop off zone. Please use the sidewalks.
- DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH THE CROSSWALK when our Crossing Guard or anyone is in it. We have had several cars drive through which is against the law and a major safety issue.
- When cars are trying to turn into the parking lot, please do not try and go around them. The crossing guard and pedestrians safety is impacted when this happens because their visibility is limited.
- Always slow down when approaching the crosswalk, even if you don't see anyone. This ensures that you are able to see the crossing guard and the stop sign, along with pedestrians trying to cross.
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360