R10 Dyslexia Connects Newsletter
June 20, 2022
Summer Dyslexia Institute -Last Chance
Mind Wandering, Reading, and Dyslexia
Read about it HERE and Watch more from the VIDEO below.
Summer Reading
Seeing What Others Cannot See: The Hidden Advantages of Visual Thinkers and Differently Wired Brains
The Math Handbook
Fish in the Tree
Professional Development
R10 ESC Professional Development
Click HERE to search for sessions!
BUILD: K-1 Early Reading Intervention from Scottish Rite
You will receive a link for purchase in mid-July 2022.
Students with slower processing speeds or executive-function problems are often no different from their peers in math proficiency in early grades. However, as the complexity of skills advances processing can break down. Students who struggle with processing multistep problems can improve their accuracy by employing several strategies that involve “walking” and “talking” problems through.
Read the article and Watch the video below
Multisensory Math Techniques
Watch the video below.
Made for Math
Come see Adrianne Meldrum-Founder & CEO of Made for Math at the Summer Dyslexia Institute.
Multisensory Instruction Resources
Check out Free resources from IMSE to add to your therapy program.
- The Dallas Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) serves our community, particularly those with dyslexia, primarily through conferences, by providing speakers, and through a special scholarship fund: Learn more HERE.
- The Academic Language Therapist Association (ALTA): Find out more HERE.
- understood.org for tools, support and community for the 1 in 5 people in the U.S. with learning and thinking differences who often get left out or left behind.
- Partners Resource Network can help you understand your child's disability: https://prntexas.org/
Amie Davenport, Region 10 Dyslexia Consultant
Email: amie.davenport@region10.org
Website: Region10.org
Location: 904 Abrams Rd, Richardson, TX, USA
Phone: 972-348-1538