Pitman High School
Home of the Panthers
Panther News: February 2, 2021
Schedule for Remote Wednesdays
NHS Induction Ceremony
Please join us for the 2020-2021 virtual National Honor Society induction ceremony tomorrow, February 3rd at 7 pm. The ceremony will honor new members and celebrate the accomplishments of the organization this year. Here is the link for the YouTube live stream:
This link will be available on social media (@pitmanhs_nhs) and the district Facebook page Wednesday afternoon. NHS members will also have access to the link via our Google Classroom. After the live stream, the ceremony will remain available on the YouTube channel for on-demand viewing.
We hope you will help us acknowledge this wonderful group of students!
PHS Virtual Pops Concert
The PHS Choir is proud to present our 2021 Pops Concert: "Gone Viral".
The concert will feature songs popularized by memes, performed by the PHS & PMS Choirs, as well as PHS Band members and some other special guests. Most notable is the level of student direction, creativity, and involvement this concert holds: from the concept, to the graphics, to the performances, to the editing - the students take full ownership of this fun and unique concert experience!
It will premiere on Thursday 2/25 at 7pm on YouTube and be available for viewing until Sunday 2/28.
Tickets are $5/individual and $15/family. Ticket purchasing information is forthcoming.
Please contact Mrs. Sarah Mickle at smickle@pitman.k12.nj.us with any questions.
Shout out to freshman Samantha Donahue for her design of this year's logo, as seen below!
"What does it take to be a positive student role model at Pitman High School?"
So, just what IS a "Panther PAWSitive", you ask?
They are positive student referrals written by the staff at PHS! Each month, staff members can submit Panther PAWSitive referrals to Mrs. Deacon at any time, to acknowledge any student whom they feel has set an example or demonstrated improvement in the development of PAWSitive social-emotional skills. Every referral is then displayed on a new mural space to share with our PHS family!
The following students were referred by a staff member during the second marking period,
so THANK YOU for your efforts towards becoming a positive role model at PHS and spreading Panther PAWSitivity!
Gabriel Stowe, grade 9:
"Gabe is a wonderful student! He always interacts with teachers, asks questions when he needs to, and gives thoughtful answers during discussion. I'm also seeing that Gabe is a wonderful person too! Each day, he greets us when he arrives, and bids us farewell by telling us to have a great day. In a chaotic world, Gabe remains calm, cool, and collected, and that my friend, is impressive ; )"
~Referred by Mrs. Morrone
Eleanor Ely, grade 9:
"Ellie has gone above and beyond in math class to kick off her freshman year. She preservers through the hardest problems, takes her time and checks her work, and asks questions when unsure. I am so proud of the example she is setting for her classmates!"
~Mrs. Contravo
Thomas O'Neill, grade 9:
"Thomas has shown what it really means to be a team player in World History. A quiet, selfless act of generosity towards his peers did not go unnoticed. Thank you, Thomas!"
~Referred by Mr. Cooke & Mrs. Crowley
Cade Gilbert, grade 12:
"I have taught Cade since he was a freshman. This year I have watched him "rise to the occasion" more than once. In preparing our digital winter concert, Cade has been extremely helpful with editing music and has volunteered to help way beyond what has been required of him. I am so thankful to have his enthusiasm and expertise in the PHS Music Department, and am so proud of his growth over the last four years!"
Emma Rentzel, grade 12
Grace Mazzola, grade 12
Paige Miller, grade 11
Emily Otvos, grade 11
Ian O'Boyle, grade 11
"This year's Tri-M students are going above and beyond the expectations of the organization.
They are passionate about serving their school and community through music, and have brainstormed ways to do so...even in the midst of a pandemic! These five students care so deeply about their fellow student musicians and even about those in other buildings within our district. I am impressed at each and every meeting with their level of effort, dedication, and commitment to PHS Music. They are exemplifying the phrase
"do what you love, love what you do". I am so proud of them!"
~Referred by Mrs. Mickle
Jaden Fearon, grade 10
"Jaden has put forth a great amount of effort this marking period in math class. His grades have soared as a direct correlation to the time he is putting in while working in class and at home. Keep it up!"
~Referred by Mrs. Contravo
Angelique Morton, grade 11
"I am very proud of Angel and her participation in class over the past few weeks.
She works hard to grasp the material in class and asks questions when unsure. She is setting a great example for her classmates. Keep up the awesome work!"
~Referred by Mrs. Contravo
Yearbook: Senior Ads
A message from guidance:
It's time to start thinking about course selection for next year!
Please visit the Panther Guidance website (https://sites.google.com/pitman.k12.nj.us/highschoolguidancepage/home)
to review the course description book and additional information.
Your counselor will be in contact with you soon to begin the scheduling process,
so it always helps to be prepared!
- Homeroom attendance is taken DAILY (M/T/W/TH/F); all students are expected to be present either in-person or virtually. Please note that students who report in-person during the 9:15 AM time frame are still required to virtually check into their homerooms at 8:00 AM for attendance purposes.
Important Dates
- 2/3: Virtual NHS Induction Ceremony
- 2/15: Presidents' Day- No School
- 2/25: Virtual Pops Concert
Pitman High School
Location: 225 Linden Avenue, Pitman, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-589-2121