Studley Star
March 20, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Week of 20th - Book Fair
24 - Report Cards Published in ASPEN
24 - Early Release - Dismissal at 12:25PM
3,4 - ELA MCAS Grade 4
5,6 - ELA MCAS Grade 3
7 - No School
12 - PTO Meeting
14 - Early Release - Dismissal at 12:25PM
17-21 No School
School Hours 2022-2023
- Arrival begins at: 8:30 AM
- School Day: 8:45 AM – 3:25 PM
- Dismissal is at 3:25 PM
- Early Release Dismissal: 12:25 PM
Early Release - Friday
Report Cards
Also, I want to remind you of the report card grading rubric. Our elementary report cards are standards based and measured on a 4 point rubric. This means that students are assessed each term towards each standard with the ultimate goal being a 4 (independent) or 3 (with support). If you have any questions about your child's grades, please reach out to the teacher for clarification.
March Madness - Week 2
Continue to ask your child what points they have earned in their class.
Keep up the great work!
ST Math Banner Contest
How to Participate:
- Create a colorful picture (on a standard 8.5 X11sheet of paper) that includes: JiJi, the number 80 represented as a picture, expression, or equation and whatever other creative ideas you have! The picture should take up the majority of the sheet.
- Return your student's entry to their teacher no later than April 5th.
- The school with the winning artwork will be notified by April 14th. The winning banner design will be printed by the One8/ST Math team and given to all Massachusetts schools who meet their school-wide goal of 80% average puzzle progress.
Banner Design FAQs:
Who can make a banner?
- Any ST Math student who has a school being supported by the One8 program. That's US!
What makes a great banner?
- We are excited to see student-created banners that include Jiji, a representation of the number 80, and whatever other creative designs, colors, and images that might make a banner pop!
Who will submit the banners?
- Students should return their pictures to their teachers, and we will submit!
Bookfair: March 20 - March 24
PTO will be having their spring bookfair this week. Please communicate to your families to remind them.
Students will visit during their specials on the following day:
Kleinebreil, Desvoyaux, FitzGerald, McLoughlin
Burke, Crocker, Nadeau, Medeiros
Cameron, Peters, Paltsios
Patrone, Lamoureux, Howes, Resende, Garland.
Make up day from 8:30am - 11am. Fair Closes at 11am.
Grade 2 Swim
- Mrs. Burke's class will be going to the YMCA on Wednesday, March 22nd.
- Mrs. Patrone's class will NOT be going to the YMCAS this week.
This is Ms. Desvoyaux's, Mrs. Salisbury's and Ms. MacDonald's LAST week.
Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Patrone will have their LAST swim next Friday, March 31st.
Meet the Staff
SMARTS - Registration
UPDATED Last Day of School
As soon as I clarified the last day - we had a SNOW DAY! Our last day of school is now June 15th (early release). This will also be the date for our grade 4 step up ceremony.
The last day of kindergarten is STILL June 2nd, which is a FULL day. The last day of K would move to June 9th only IF we had five (5) or more cancellations.
Manet Community Health Center
On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, Manet Community Health Center will begin a soft start to their in-person hours at the APS Welcome Center. On Tuesdays from 9AM-12PM, bi-weekly, representatives from the Attleboro Manet location will be available for all APS families to complete the intake/scheduling process and insurance navigation for those who are without health insurance. We will begin to finalize the booking process and share this opportunity widely over the next few weeks; at this time only building nurses and Community Support Liaisons have been informed directly. In the meantime, please share the booking link below with any staff, family, or student who you come across that are in need of primary care or health insurance.
Booking link: https://form.jotform.com/230604029516146
Notheast Generals App
It is SO EASY, so please help us out.
1. Search for the Northeast Generals App in the App store.
2. Log in and add Studley as your chosen school.
3. Like and Share the posts. Each like and each post add $0.01. It adds up fast.
4. You can also like and share the videos.
5. Keep your notifications on to hear about trivia and other games for a chance to earn even more!
6. Watch the $ increase....
Push Notifications for SES
Newsletter Content Ideas and Suggestions
We want our weekly newsletters to be informational, so our families are kept in the loop of important school and district updates. We also want it to serve as a glimpse into our world.
SO - if you have any ideas or suggestions that you would like to hear or learn about our school, please fill out this form. It will help us shape our updates to be meaningful and worthwhile.
MCAS Dates
Grade 3 and 4 MCAS Dates:
- April 3rd, 4th - Grade 4 ELA
- April 5th, 6th - Grade 3 ELA
- May 8th, 9th - Grade 4 Math
- May 10th, 11th - Grade 3 Math
Staff Spotlight
Family and Community Resource Guide
The APS Welcome Center is happy to share the Family and Community Resource Guide. This guide is for the APS Community, including families, students, and staff, to access local resources and support. You can access the guide by visiting the Welcome Center webpage
Community Flier Summary
All APS Community Fliers can be found within the Welcome Center website. To view this week’s fliers, including information from throughout Attleboro please visit the Welcome Center webpage or click here for current fliers.