Spartan Weekly 23-24
Shepard Middle School (12/8)
Home Stretch...
Happy Weekend Spartan Families,
We are headed into the final 8 school days of 2023 and we have a ton to look forward to as we get ready to transition into winter break. With our end of year Spartan PRIDE challenge underway, our grade level teams are competing to show which group has the most PRIDE. The winning group will take on the teachers in an epic students v staff winter challenge. Next week is also a big week for our Band, Orchestra and Choir groups with evening performances for families and a special all school assembly on December 13. We get to finish the week with our annual visit and performance from the DHS Choraliers.
Before you close up your computer and check out for some family time this weekend, please take a moment to visit our 109 Gives Back Holiday Gift Drive site and consider helping a family in need this winter season. The need is always great and every little bit helps to ensure everyone in our school community can experience the spirit and joy of the holidays.
Wishing a very Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate!
Have a wonderful weekend.
(Mr. C) Mr. Chris Cybulski, Principal
(Mrs. Z) Mrs. Marie Zlotnikov, Associate Principal
Mrs. Ginger Logemann, District Coordinator for Student Services
Important Safety Update (Reminder)
Drop Off Procedures
The Deerfield Police have also asked that we remind parents not to cut through the parking lot during morning drop off. The inside lane (though it can be long and cumbersome) is for student drop off. The outside lane is reserved for our buses and staff.
Cutting through the parking lot has created a safety concern and a few close calls as we have students and staff walking through to get to the building. We appreciate your support in making our student drop off time as safe and smooth as possible.
Order a Yearbook Today!
If you haven't had a chance to order a 2023-2024 Yearbook, get your order in before the price rises. The Yearbook Club is hard at work designing the layout, gathering content and organizing amazing photos for a wonderful keepsake of the school year.
*Price rises to $35 after January 1*
Upcoming Dates
December 20 - Last Day of School for 2023 (2pm Dismissal)
December 21-January 8 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
January 9 - School Resumes
January 15 - NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
January 23 - Winter MAP Assessments
January 25 - Winter MAP Assessments
District 109 Updates
Last Call For the 109 Gives Back Holiday Gift Drive!
It’s the holiday season and for the fourth consecutive year District 109 is coming together to host our 109 Gives Back Holiday Gift Drive! This drive benefits local Deerfield families.
Sign up now to make someone’s holiday a little bit brighter!
Gifts can be dropped off at any 109 school or our district office until next Wednesday, December 13th!
Please make sure gifts are not wrapped
Please make sure gifts are labeled with the themed family name (example: Candy Cane family)
If you are bringing gift cards, we ask that you bring them to the school’s front office.
Gifts can also be shipped directly to Wilmot Elementary School at 795 Wilmot Road in Deerfield care of Eileen Brett.
If you need to make an alternate drop-off arrangement for a gift, please reach out to Eileen Brett at ebrett@dps109.org.
If you have any questions, please reach out to communications@dps109.org. Thank you for helping ensure that our neighbors have a wonderful holiday season!
Preparing for Winter Weather
DPS 109 community,
As we march closer to winter, we wanted to remind everyone of how we approach the process of determining whether school will be open and how we will communicate any changes with you. If school cannot physically be open, we will shift to an e-learning day.
When would school not be in person?
On www.dps109.org/badweather, you can review the process the Superintendent and district leaders undergo to determine if school will physically be open. There are multiple factors at play, including the timing and amount of precipitation, the temperature, wind chill, and road conditions. As stated above, the district would transition to an e-learning day.
When will we receive an initial notification?
We will closely monitor the forecast and send home devices the day before an expected weather event. A “heads up” email will be sent to staff and families the day prior and every effort will be made to send out this “heads up” as early as possible in the day to allow teachers to prepare and devices to be charged.
When is a final decision made and how will we be notified?
Every effort will be made to make a decision by 5:30 a.m. Families & staff will receive a text and email immediately from the district, along with a follow-up robocall.
How will my student know what to do on an e-learning day?
Your building principal will send school-specific information via email on the day of. Students will meet with their teachers using Google Meet. Links to join will be made available in the principal email, Seesaw, and/or Google Classroom.
Please reach out to our office or your child’s teacher if you have any questions.