The Acorn
A Newsletter for CSB/SJU Cooperating Teachers
Volume 5, no. 2--Friday, September 16, 2022
Growing, Nurturing, and Supporting CSB/SJU Student Teachers
A Message from the Director of Student Teaching
In hosting student teachers, we take on many roles. One of the most important of these roles is that of coach, and hopefully, that of a Transformational Coach. Elena Aguilar, author of The Art of Coaching writes, “The art of coaching is doing, thinking, and being: doing a set of actions, holding a set of beliefs, and being in a way that results in those actions leading to change. These are the three things that can make coaching transformational.” Understanding and exploring Aguilar’s 3 Bs--behavior, beliefs, and ways of being—are foundational processes to foster growth and development in emerging educators. To define each, Aguilar (2020, p. 36) offers the chart shown below the article.
CSB/SJU student teachers created goals to guide their behavior and ways of being centered on beliefs they hold and value in their personal and professional lives. We know that our values are often reflected in our behaviors and ways of being. Aguilar (2021) suggests that in our coaching conversations we dig into beliefs and ways of being as we engage in conversations about behaviors. We need to take time to reflect on what is guiding behaviors and the impact of the choices we make.
In post-observation conferences, a helpful framework for to engage in reflection may be to identify an area for growth or area of interest and have the student teacher take time to think before responding. Say there is a question or concern about addressing behaviors of students one on one. Consider bringing the point to the student teacher’s attention: “When we talk after school, let’s focus on responding to student behavior one on one.” Ask the student teacher to take some time to reflect using this framework:
As a teacher, I… (what is the behavior to consider)
Because I believe(d)…
Because I am…(way of being).
What emerges should guide a conversation around beliefs and ways of being. The choice of behavior has been made. The focus for change is to address the beliefs and ways of being to transform future behaviors.
As we began our own journeys toward our own classrooms, we didn’t have all of the understandings and systems we have now. We needed to stumble in order to reframe our thinking. And, when we stumbled, it was and still is important to have individuals who are invested in our processes of improvement to help lift us up and to guide and walk with us in transformation.
In the next two weeks, I encourage you to engage in reflective conversations centered on the beliefs and ways of being that influence behaviors. Dig into the why in order to transform the how.
Aguilar, E. (2020). Coaching for equity: Conversations that change practice. Jossey-Bass.
Aguilar, E. (2021). The Art of Coaching Workbook: Tools to make every conversation count. Jossey-Bass.
What are the Three Bs?
Coaching Adult Learners and Mentoring Student Teachers Requirements
1. For members of Education Minnesota, complete the training through their professional development platform: https://meaonline.educationminnesota.org/catalog/courses/1333521
2. For members of the CSB/SJU student teaching community, complete the training with us using this link: Coaching Adult Learners training
3. For individuals who have completed training with another placing institution, provide evidence in the form of a CEU certificate or letter from the granting institution to the CSB/SJU Director of Student Teaching via email at jmeagher001@csbsju.edu
This training is required once every five years. A statewide system of reporting completion is in process to ensure all cooperating teachers and university supervisors who serve the state's student teachers have met this requirement. CSB/SJU will be reporting our completers to that entity each semester.
Thank you for your time and attention to this responsibility. The information you will glean from these trainings should be valuable to your role.
Weeks Three and Four with Student Teachers
For Candidates in 12- or 16-week placements:
Week 3 with Students:
- Work with the student teacher in lesson planning (reviewing plans daily) and management design.
- Co-teach lessons throughout the day.
- Conduct ONE FORMAL observation and provide actionable feedback.
- Set goals for addressing improvement areas.
- Elementary: Allow the student teacher to solo teach 30-40 minutes per day and lead morning meetings/classroom routines adding time as the student teacher is ready.
Week 4 with Students:
- Model teaching, learning, and assessment for the student teacher
- Conduct informal observations and provide actionable feedback
- Co-teach in classes/subjects the student teacher is not leading
- Elementary: Allow the student teacher to fully teach in one subject, minimum
For Candidates in 8-week placements:
Week 3 with Students:
- Work with the student teacher in planning, preparation of lessons and materials, monitoring student work.
- Review the student teacher’s lesson plans
- Co-teach in subjects/classes the student teacher isn’t leading
- Conduct ONE FORMAL observation with actionable feedback
- Elementary: Allow the student teacher to solo teach 30-40 minutes per day, adding more time as the student teacher is ready.
- Secondary: Allow the student teacher to teach at least one section of a course, building to two sections by the end of the week
Week 4 with Students:
Model teaching, learning, and assessment for the student teacher
Conduct informal observations and provide actionable feedback
Co-teach in classes/subjects the student teacher is not leading
Review the student teacher’s goals and performance, setting new goals for the remainder of the placement
Elementary: Allow the student teacher to teach building to half of the day
Secondary: Allow the student teacher to teach up to two classes less than a full-time load, if the student teacher is prepared to do so
Quick Links
CSB/SJU Student Teaching Handbook
Student Teaching Observations (by Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor/Director)
This observation/evaluation form should be used to complete observations throughout the placement. Six formal observations of the student teacher are required within the span of student teaching. We ask that you complete 6 for a 16-week placement, 5 in a 12-week placement, 3 in an 8-week placement, and 2 in a 5-week placement. The entire form does not need to be completed for each observation; however, by the end of the placement, each part should be addressed.Additional Forms:
Cooperating Teacher Information (if not completed in the past three years)
Feedback (week 2 and as needed after)
Cooperating Teacher's Final Evaluation of Student Teacher
Cooperating Teacher's Dispositional Evaluation of Student Teacher
Great Resources for Teachers and Transformational Coaches
Coaching Tools
Such a Doggone Good Feeling
Transformational Coaching podcasts
CSB/SJU Education Department
Director of Elementary and Secondary Student Teaching
Allison Spenader, PhD.
Email: jmeagher001@csbsju.edu
Website: csbsju.edu/education
Location: 37 College Avenue South, St Joseph, MN, USA
Phone: 320-363-5709