The Borromeo School Bulletin

Family Newsletter
October 26, 2023- Edition #210
St. Charles Borromeo School
Email: principal@borromeoschool.com
Website: www.borromeoschool.com
Location: 431 Decatur Street, Saint Charles, MO, USA
Phone: 636-946-2713
Facebook: facebook.com/SCBSchool
Note from Dr. Mullenschlader
Don't forget tomorrow is a half-day, which is a change from the original school calendar.
All Saints Day is coming very soon! Tomorrow, our first graders will dress up as saints. This tradition in our school is so beautiful because it provides a living example to our children of those who are already in heaven. Students can learn about people who were just like them and made the decision, some of them as children, to dedicate their life to God and his divine will. I love the stories of the saints and having our first graders represent them is one of the best days of the year. I hope you all will join us for Mass tomorrow.
Fall Break is here! Enjoy the time away from school and when we get back to our school year on November 6th we only have 6 weeks until Christmas. That can be exciting, but it also means that life is going to get very busy. And during the busyness of the holiday season, we all need to remember to pause and reflect on the blessings we have. As we approach All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and Thanksgiving, I pray that we can all be grateful for the people in our lives who have impacted us and the blessings that we have! In an effort to help our children grow in this virtue, during the month of November, we will be building our virtue muscles in the area of gratitude!
Have a blessed break! See you in November!
Upcoming Half Days/ Early Dismissal Days/ Days Off/ Community Events
Upcoming Half Days/ Early Release Days/Days Off
10/27 - Noon Dismissal - St. Charles Police Department training for teachers
10/30-11/3 - Fall Break/No School
11/6 - School Resumes
Upcoming Events
10/27 - All School Mass at 8:00am - Parents welcome to attend
11/7 - Grades 6-8 Mass at 8:00am - Parents welcome to attend
11/10 - All School Veteran's Day Celebration Mass at 8:00am - Parents and veteran family members welcome to attend
11/14 - Grades K-5 Mass at 8:00am - Parents welcome to attend
11/15 - Picture retake day
11/17 - All School Virtue Mass at 8:00am -Parents welcome to attend
Virtue of the Month - Generosity
Generosity is giving of oneself in a willing and cheerful manner for the good of others
St. Elizabeth of Hungary married the Prince of Thuringia, which is in Germany. She spent hours in prayer during the day and tended to the people of her village. She took clothing and food to the poor, which did not make the Prince's family happy, because she was giving away food. She is famous for giving bread to those who were in need. One day, God granted her a miracle associated with that bread as a witness of her generosity. - adapted from the Disciples of Christ: Education in Virtue
You can read about the miracle of the loaves into roses here :
Here is a prayer for the children to say at home: Dear Jesus, Let me share myself with others as You share Your life with me.
Veteran's Day Celebration
We will be honoring the family members of students that are Veteran's on November 10. The celebration will begin with Mass at 8:00 am. We ask that the Veteran family members and the students (of the family members) sit up front at Mass. Following the Mass will be a Veteran speaker, a brief celebration of songs honoring them, and a simple breakfast in the Café for the Veteran and their student(s). The celebration should end by 10:00 am. We ask that only Veteran family members attend and not close friends of family. If you have a Veteran that will be attending with your student, please fill out this form by Friday, October 27. https://forms.gle/apm4tKPkat26F6DL7 . The Veteran will need to be at church around 7:50-7:55 to meet their student.
St. Charles Borromeo School Flyers and Attachments
"First out of the Lot" Auction Winner
Congratulations the the Ovlia Family for winning the "First Out of the Parking Lot". For the rest of the school year the Ovlia family will be the first car let out of the parking lot regardless of the time they arrive.
Mini Vinnies Food Drive
The Mini Vinnies are continuing to collect food items! Students may bring in food items for the Minis to collect throughout the week. There are NO dress downs for these donated items. See below what the goal items for the upcoming months are.
Oct: Give A Hoot, Donate Fruit: 15 oz. Peaches, Pears, Mandarin Oranges, Fruit Cocktail in Juice
Nov: PB&J: 16 oz Peanut Butter & Jelly in Plastic Jar
Pickup for BASK next Friday October 27th will be at the preschool entrance/ the old pickup location.
BASK Sign Up
October BASK sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040444ACAC28A7F58-bask16
Ready for some STEM fun?
Don’t miss out - registration is now open for the next round of 6 week classes staring the week of November 4th! Join us on Saturdays, weekdays, and evenings for STEM fun. We have so many exciting topics to explore for November and December.
Home and School Association
Home and School Association
Are you interested helping organize events for school? The Home and School Association helps with school events, arranges fun fundraising idea like dine out nights, works with new families, and coordinates appreciation events for students and faculty. If you think you might be interested, please email Jill Kesler through hsa@borromeoschool.com.
Home and School Events
Lunch Information
Price Changes
Due to rising costs of product, on December 1, 2023 we will be increasing the cost of the Sparkling Ice Drink (bottle) from $1.75 to $2.00. We will continue to offer the Waterloo Ice Drink (Cans), however the cost of those will lower from $1.75 to $1.25. We also will be increasing the cost of the Smoothie King Managers Special from $3.75 to $4.00. Thanks for your understanding.
St. Charles Borromeo Community Information and Links
Congratulations Sean Kelley
Congratulations to Sean Kelley for his participation in the Chaminade Honor Band on October 21st! Sean and four other students from the CCSB were part of a select band made up of over 90 students from twelve Archdiocesan and private elementary schools. The band was conducted by the well known band composer, Quincy Hilliard.
SLUH's Open House
SLUH Open House will take place on November 5th from 11:30am-3:00pm. No registration is necessary. Meet student ambassadors, faculty, alumni, parents, and coaches. Come check out all the opportunities to explore who you will become at SLUH!
Click the link below for more information!
School Year Calendar
Prayer Requests
Please submit any prayer requests to office@borromeoschool.com.
For military members, to continue to serve our country safely and according to the goodwill of all men.
For all of the quiet intentions held in the hearts of our St. Charles Borromeo Community members.
Archdiocese Prevent and Protect Information
Any parent wishing to volunteer or attend parties at St. Charles Borromeo must complete the Archdiocesan Prevent and Protect training (formerly known as Protecting God's Children).
The link is below.
Uniform/ Dress Code 2023-2024
St. Charles Borromeo Office, Administration and Staff Contacts
Dr. Dan Mullenschlader - Principal
Mrs. Michelle Winkler - Assistant Principal
Emily "Freddie" McCants - Office Manager
Ms. Darlene Mueller - School Business Assistant
Mrs. Megan Ambrose - Counselor
Mrs. Monica Barnes - Accountant
Mr. Luan Nguyen - Technology Coordinator