The Family Resource Group Sept 2022
August 12th, 2022

Fall has Started
We wanted to connect you to some of the digital and video options that are available. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. To be sure that you continue to receive all future updates, or information, directly to your email address, sign up on the Family Resource Group mailing list.
Erin Campion
Family Resource Group Editor
New Animated Videos about ALL the IEP Team Members
Have you ever wondered who should be at an IEP meeting? Or, why someone was at the IEP meeting? Check out this new series of short animated videos that explain the many people who can, or should be, part of the IEP team. The Family Member is an important team member! Two new videos are released each week until the series is complete.. Follow PaTTAN on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to see the new releases or check out this YouTube playlist to see them all! Don't miss the Student Video that is coming, they are the focus of the team!
PaTTAN pods
PaTTAN pods are recorded interviews with school staff, families, and students that talk about a variety of topics regarding education. You can watch them, and share them, whenever you want. The list of PaTTAN pods grows each year. Check out some of these interviews that might help you, your child, or your school!
PaTTAN pods for Assistive Technology and Blind/Visual Impairment
Communication All Day Long: AAC in the Classroom | PaTTANpod [S2E11]
Dr. Caroline Musselwhite, an assistive technology (AT) specialist, joins PaTTANpod to help schools understand how to help students utilize AT effectively.
Technology Considerations for Students in a Google Classroom HELIX | PaTTANpod [S2E20]
With classrooms ‘going Google,’ educators have to understand both the advantages and disadvantages to using such a platform especially for students who are blind/visually impaired.
Parent Consultants: Supporting Family-School Partnerships for Student Success | PaTTANpod [S3E9]
Hear from parent consultants offering support and guidance to raise the voices of families and empower them to be active members in the success of their child.
PaTTAN pods for Deaf/Hard of Hearing & Deaf-Blind
Teacher of the Deaf – The Unique and Valuable Role Played in a School Setting | PaTTANpod [S4E7]
Teachers play various roles within our school settings all with the common goal of student success. Teachers of the Deaf, specifically, have a unique role for a population of our students. Here from Deb Genet with the Capital Area Intermediate Unit on how these individuals bring a global perspective to the IEP team.
Educational Audiologist as Part of the IEP Team | PaTTANpod [S3E10
Part of our goal is to educate schools about the roles individuals play in the school setting. The educational audiologist can be an important team member. Joining PaTTAN is an audiologist and consultant, Dr. Jennifer Craig and Dr. Nicole Corbin and audiologist from the University of Pittsburgh.
Educational Interpreters: How Familiar Are You with Chapter 14 and Act 57? | PaTTANpod [S3E12]
Students who are deaf and hard of hearing need access to spoken language. Learn about the need for educational interpreters.
PaTTAN pod Communication Plan
It is important to become familiar with the Communication Plan for students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
The Communication Plan has been revised. Take a few moments to see how it has changed and what new information will be needed. The Communication Plan is a required part of the IEP process. It should be completed, with the entire team, before the IEP document is started. The Communication Plan will help the IEP team have a better idea of what needs to be included in the IEP document. The note pages have also been revised into an Annotated Communication Plan which will give more details about how to complete the Communication Plan as a team. There is also a new, short video that helps walk through the changes in the Communication Plan.
PaTTAN pods for Family Information & Engagement
Working with Family Agencies to Improve Family School Partnerships Part I | PaTTANpod [S5E2]
In this two-part series, we focus our attention on the many networks available for families and caregivers and how each of these organizations and agencies help us to build stronger family-school partnerships. Part One
Working with Family Agencies to Improve Family School Partnerships Part II | PaTTANpod [S5E3]
In part II of this series, additional agencies are highlighted for networking students and families to the resources available to them. Part Two
Family Engagement vs Family Involvement: A Better Understanding | PaTTANpod [S4E16]
Educational consultant, Tara Kelly, speaks to the difference between family involvement and family engagement.
Effectively Engaging Families | PaTTANpod [S3E13]
Engaging families in the learning and development of children is crucial. We know the evidence suggests that children, no matter the income or background, tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more when we actively engage families. Pennsylvania has developed the Family Engagement Framework to help professionals in learning communities maximize their efforts.
Having Those Tough Conversations: Mediation Process for IEP | PaTTANpod [S3E6]
Given all of the decisions and people involved in deciding what an appropriate special education program looks like for a student, it’s not surprising that there will sometimes be differing opinions. Many of these disagreements can be resolved at the local level, between families and schools, but there are some situations where the involvement of a neutral third party may be helpful.
The Pennsylvania Society for the Advancement of the Deaf proudly presents their 9th Youth Program "Believe in Your Future": a day to learn about life after high school. This event is geared toward all Deaf and Hard of Hearing students ages 13 and up and will feature education, fun activities, social opportunities, and more. RSVP, if possible, by Dec 2nd.
For more information, please contact Sharon Antal at (570) 234-0306 or email youth@psad.org
SAVE THE DATE: 2023 Family Learning Conference
If your child has both a vision and hearing loss, your family (parents/guardians, siblings and child with deaf-blindness) may be eligible to attend a weekend learning conference at little or no cost! Come experience sharing, caring, and learning together with staff from the Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Project, PaTTAN, and other families living with deaf-blindness. Please be watching for more details in the new year!
The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services.