Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - January, 2024
Note from the Principals
Dear Vose Families,
Happy New Year! While 2024 started off with some wild weather, we are excited about this time of year as students begin to show progress applying skills that they have been learning since the start of the year. In addition, we are working with our students to explore the character trait Inclusiveness. As you will see in the photos below, we have asked teachers to identify students that exemplify "Inclusiveness." Our social-emotional learning curriculum, Kindness in the Classroom, defines "Inclusiveness" as treating others fairly and including them, as we remember the idea that each of us is special, unique, and one of a kind and that we each can be proud of our differences. We are so proud of our students!
This newsletter is packed with news and upcoming events. Thank you for taking the time to read everything. We appreciate you!
All Good Things,
Monique & Ellen
Important Upcoming Events
CLICK HERE for Beaverton School District Calendar for 2023-24 School Year
Thursday, January 18- Dual Language K-12th grade Pathways Parent Meeting for 4th & 5th grade families, 6:00pm
Tuesday, January 23- Oregon Food Bank Free Food Distribution - 10:00am
Wednesday, January 24-
- Coffee with the Principals - 8:00-9:00am
- Dual Language Tours for incoming Kindergarten students: 9:15am & 1:00pm
Thursday, January 25-ESL Classes for Parents/Families- 4:30pm-6:30pm (childcare)
Friday, January 26- Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Tuesday, January 30- Urban Gleaners Free Food Distribution - 10:00am
Thursday, February 1-
- PTO Meeting on Zoom at 6pm
- ESL Classes for Parents/Families- 4:30pm-6:30pm (childcare)
Tuesday, February 7- Urban Gleaners Free Food Distribution - 10:00am
Thursday, February 9
- Dental Screenings (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
- ESL Classes for Parents/Families- 4:30pm-6:30pm (childcare)
Monday, February 19- President’s Day Holiday NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 20- Urban Gleaners Free Food Distribution - 10:00am
Wednesday, February 21- Padres Unidos, 8:00-9:00am
Thursday, February 22- ESL Classes for Parents/Families- 4:30pm-6:30pm (childcare)
Wednesday, February 28- Coffee with the Principals - 8:00-9:00am
Parent/Teacher Conference Dates for 2023-2024
- Wednesday, April 24: Fall Conferences (3:30pm - 7:30pm)
- Thursday, April 25: Fall Conferences (7:30am - 7:30pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, April 26 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
El rasgo de carácter de enero es INCLUSIVIDAD
January Character Trait is INCLUSIVENESS
January Assembly!
Save our Spoons!
Student of the Month
Students of the Month - Inclusiveness
School Board Recognition Month
January is School Board Recognition Month. We want to recognize the leadership and contributions of our seven volunteer school board members.
Chair Dr. Karen Pérez, Vice Chair Sunita Garg, and members Susan Greenberg, Dr. Melissa Potter, Ugonna Enyinnaya, Justice Rajee and Dr. Tammy Carpenter devote hundreds of hours to serving the district's students, parents, staff members and community.
Susan Greenberg is the Board member who represents Vose. We are grateful for her support!
Thank you, BSD School Board for your dedication!
Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser for Vose
On Wednesday, February 14 - Friday, February 16 we will have a fundraiser at our local Chuck E. Cheese, at 4145 SW 110th Ave., Beaverton, Oregon 97005. This fundraiser is to benefit our student field trip fund, in order to ensure every student at Vose can continue to attend field trips for free! Just bring a copy of the flyer below (click on .pdf & print) or bring it in on your phone to help us get 20% of all purchases on these 3 days!
Sales include all food and merchandise purchased at the registers. Delivery & Carryout Orders
placed directly at ChuckECheese.com now also apply towards your fundraiser.You must add the item "School or Organization Fundraiser" to your cart before check-out and order from the location noted above.
Free English Classes for Parents & Families!
Parents & families are invited to come to FREE weekly English as Second Language (ESL) classes every Thursday, starting January 25th, from 4:30pm-6:30pm at Vose Elementary in room B102. FREE Childcare and FREE textbooks will be provided by all participants. ESL classes provided by Goodwill Industries.
Beaverton City Library News
¿Sabía que puede usar libros electrónicos con su tarjeta de biblioteca para estudiantes?
Libros electrónicos para niños
Descargue libros electrónicos y audiolibros en su teléfono, tableta o computadora. Elija entre títulos populares, libros ilustrados, libros para lectores principiantes y muchos más. Y, cuando esté listo, no se pierda nuestra colección de libros electrónicos en español para todas las edades.
Did you know, you can use your student library card to unlock…e-books?
Download e-books and audiobooks on your phone, tablet or computer. Choose from popular titles, picture books, books for early readers and much more. And, when you’re ready, don’t miss our collection of e-books for teens.
5th Annual Walk + Roll Art Contest
Beaverton Safe Routes to School is accepting submissions from students in grades K-8! Our theme this year is “See and Be Seen.” We can’t wait to see your art!
Contest directions:
Draw a picture showing how you can see and be seen as you walk and roll in your neighborhood.
Submission deadline is 1/30/24 to your teacher.
Please use 8 ½ x 11 paper.
Drawings, paintings, and digital art accepted.
Use lots of colors to catch everyone’s attention.
Limit the number of words on the page.
Include name, grade, and school on the back of your entry.
Turn in your submissions to the Vose office by January 31st!
THPRD Spring Registration
Spring registration event (Centro de Bienvenida): February 20 - 23.
Centro is when Financial Aid recipients and English Language Learners are invited to join THPRD and register for classes and activities. Contact THPRD at 503-645-6433 for more information.
New Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear BSD Families,
As we shared with you in November, the district will be adopting a new schedule for school start and end times — what we refer to as our “bell schedule” — for next school year.
This change is based on research and recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics that indicate older students benefit from later start times in terms of academic success and mental well-being. For younger students, research indicates that earlier start times have a near-zero effect on academic outcomes, meaning that there’s no measurable negative academic impact from moving to earlier start times at the elementary level.
Starting next school year in August 2024, we’ll be changing the bell schedule for all schools to the times shown in the chart below.
Based on the transportation needs of the district, elementary schools have been assigned as either early- or late-start schools:
Early-start elementary schools: Aloha-Huber Park K-8, Barnes, Bethany, Fir Grove, Greenway, Hazeldale, Hiteon, Jacob Wismer, Kinnaman, McKay, McKinley, Nancy Ryles, Oak Hills, Raleigh Park, Ridgewood, Sato, Vose and West Tualatin View
Late-start elementary schools: Beaver Acres, Bonny Slope, Cedar Mill, Chehalem, Cooper Mountain, Elmonica, Errol Hassell, Findley, Montclair, Raleigh Hills, Rock Creek, Scholls Heights, Sexton Mountain, Springville, Terra Linda and William Walker
We recognize that this change may impact after-school child care needs for some families. It's worth noting that 29 of our 34 elementary schools do have some form of on-site, after-school care provided by third-party vendors. In addition, we’re working to ensure that buses will be able to deliver students to all off-site child care providers within their particular school’s boundary.
This new bell schedule will be an adjustment, but we believe that this change is in the best interest of students. It aligns with our strategic plan goals to prioritize student safety and well-being and better positions students to achieve academic success.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
If you would like to submit a comment or question, please use the form on the Bell Schedule webpage.
Beaverton School District Inclement Weather Information
When we have inclement weather, school schedules could be affected. School closure or delayed start decisions will typically be communicated to media outlets and posted on the district website, ParentSquare and social media by 5:30 a.m. The District makes decisions based on the ability to operate school buses safely, the ability of parents and students to drive safely, and the ability of students to walk safely. Decisions are made for the entire District. However, we encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
For the latest inclement weather information:
Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations.
The BSD Public Safety webpage has information about inclement weather procedures and snow routes. Log on and click “Inclement Weather Information.”
Follow us on:
Twitter @BeavertonSD
Facebook @BeavertonSchoolDistrict, or
Instagram @beavertonsd
Tune into media outlets for updates.
Is it Bullying?
Remember, there WILL be conflicts because school is a place where children can learn how to interact with others, students and adults. There can be many miscommunications and misunderstanding between children because they are learning what emotions are and how to interact with others. Please remember that families usually only hear PART of the story, and that as school staff we also want to help resolve the situation in a way that helps everyone feel better and do better moving forward. PLEASE don't let your default emotion be ANGER...instead, be CURIOUS, and reach out to your child's teacher, sharing concerns and asking questions so we can all help each other!
News from the School Nurse!
We are in the season where various illnesses spread more easily among our community. Here are reminders for preventing the spread of illness as we enter the cold Oregon months:
Speak to your child’s pediatrician about them getting a flu shot and covid vaccine this fall season. Both are recommended for all children 6 months of age and older. Use the following link to find a location close to you that offers the Flu or Covid vaccine: https://www.vaccines.gov/find-vaccines/
Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and encourage children to do the same. It can help prevent others from getting sick. Respiratory viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people who are sick cough, sneeze or talk.
Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often with soap and water will help protect you and your children from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
Practice other good health habits.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
What to look for:
Flu Symptoms
Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
fever* or feeling feverish/chills
sore throat
runny or stuffy nose
muscle or body aches
fatigue (tiredness)
some people may have vomiting and diarrhea- this is more common in children than adults.
*Not everyone with the flu will have a fever.
COVID-19 Symptoms
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Symptoms
Runny nose
Decrease in appetite
These symptoms usually appear in stages and not all at once. In very young infants with RSV, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties.
Stay safe and healthy!
Yaasi Seyedhossini, RN, BSN
*Information received from the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Strive for 95!!
Help us Strive for 95! This year, we are aiming for a daily attendance rate of 95%. This means 95% of our students would attend school on any given day.
The single most important factor contributing to student achievement is school attendance. During this time, it is especially important to attend school each day and engage to be successful. Students are expected to arrive on time and for the entire day. If your student is going to be absent, please contact school at 503-356-2430 before 8:00 am. Voicemail will be available to leave a message to include the student’s name and the reason for their absence. Parents can also report absences on ParentVue. This is to ensure that every student is accounted for and for their safety.
Attendance is an important life skill that will prepare students to excel in college, career and life. We encourage all families to please help your child succeed in school by building the habit of good attendance early. Showing up daily is crucial to academic success. If you or your child are having struggles and you'd like some help, please reach out to our counseling team by calling the office at 503-356-2430. Thank you for helping us STRIVE FOR 95 at Vose!
Vose Attendance Year-to-Date:
For all grades PreK-5th grade: 93.1%
Attendance for the Month of December
Total for all grades PreK-5th grade: 92.5%
PreK: 82.3%
Kindergarten: 92.9%
1st grade: 90.9%
2nd grade: 92.6%
3rd grade: 94.9%
4th grade: 93%
5th grade: 93.2%
Our totals went down slightly over the course of the month! With your help, we can make our goal!
Visitors & Volunteers
Visitors and Volunteers
Campus visitor protocols-As a friendly reminder, all visitors on campus during school hours MUST sign in the office and wear a visitor badge.
Volunteers must pass fingerprinting prior to working on campus or helping with functions during school hours. Volunteer forms will be included in the back to school packets being sent home with students at the start of school. Additionally, all volunteers MUST sign in the office when on campus. It takes all of us to help keep our campus safe.
Birthday Celebrations at School
Parents/Guardians should not bring treats, balloons, etc. to the classroom for a “party.” In addition:
1. Birthdays may be celebrated in the classroom by teachers, at the discretion of the teacher. This approach will allow for each student’s birthdays to be recognized, maximize instructional time, as well as limit the sugary foods that are consumed when regularly celebrating birthdays in the classroom, limit allergic reactions and honor the diversity among our students and families.
2. If your child wants to invite children from the class to his/her birthday party outside of school, the invitations should not be delivered to children at school unless the whole class is being invited. Please note that student phone and addresses are confidential and therefore cannot be provided by the teacher.
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430