District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
A Thanksgiving Message from Dr. K
Dear D41 Community,
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, please accept my deepest gratitude for your partnership. It takes all of us together as a community to support each and every student. I am grateful to all who provide for our students at home and in the community in ways that enhance learning and make it possible for our students to be successful.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dr. K.
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
November 21, 2023
In this issue…
- Board of Education Meetings
- Calendar Reminders
- Fall/Winter D41 Concerts Schedule
- Mental Health Webinar Series
- Parent Coaching During the Holidays
- Veterans Honored
- Hadley Students Perform at ILMEA
- Glen Ellyn Historical Center Family Celebration
- Hadley Blood Drive
- Imagination Library Raffle
- Free Thanksgiving Dinner at Parkview Church
- D41 Kids Foundation Winter Outerwear
- Glenbard Parent Series
Board of Education Meetings
- Tuesday, November 28 Special Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Central Services Office
- Monday, December 18, 2023 Public Hearing and Regular Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Hadley
- Monday, January 8, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Hadley
For Board Meeting agendas CLICK HERE. For Board Meeting stream archives CLICK HERE
Calendar Reminders
Monday, November 20 - Friday, November 24 Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Friday, December 22 - SIP DAY - 11:30am dismissal (No Pre-K, EC or K attendance)
Monday, December 25 through Friday, January 5, 2024 - Winter Break
Upcoming D41 Fall and Winter Concerts
Hadley Orchestra Concert Wednesday, November 29, 7pm
5th Grade Beginning Orchestra Concert December 4th, 7pm
6th Grade Band Concert December 12, 6:15pm
7th Grade Band Concert December 12, 7:45pm
5th Grade Band Concert December 13, 6:30pm
"Your Child's Anxiety" Webinar Scheduled for Tuesday, December 12
District 41 is offering twelve one-hour parent coaching webinars (in English and Spanish), referred to as the Mental Health Series. These are designed to support parents on topics such as anxiety, the effects of screen time and your child’s mental health, and suicide prevention.
The next webinar event "Your Child's Anxiety" will take place on Tuesday, December 12 at 6:30 pm.
Register for the webinar here:
- EN ESPANOLVisit the D41 Mental Health Series website HERE
Parent Coaching During the Holidays
We know the holiday season can bring on additional stress. Parent Coaching is a FREE resource that provides parents and caregivers the opportunity to meet with a Parent Coach to guide you through whatever issues you or your child are dealing with. To register for support from a coach CLICK HERE | clic para espanol
Veterans Honored Throughout District 41 Schools
During Veterans Day week all District 41 schools honored our military Veterans. Forest Glen, Churchill and Ben Franklin held Veterans Day assemblies featuring Veterans related to D41 students and staff. Hadley featured a Navy Veteran who spoke to the students about his service experiences. Abraham Lincoln school is holding a change collection to sponsor a Veteran flight through Honor Flight Chicago. Students at Lincoln are also making cards, posters and placemats for Hines VA hospital that are being delivered weekly throughout the month.
To watch a video of all the Veterans Day happenings that week CLICK HERE.
Hadley Students Perform at Illinois Music Education Association Festival
Congratulations to Hadley Jr. High School 8th Grader Simon E. (euphonium), 8th Grader Joleen J. (violin), 8th Grader Chloe K. (viola) & 6th Grader Emilie S. (violin) who performed in the prestigious ILMEA District 9 Festival at West Aurora High School. ILMEA offers the wonderful opportunity to audition for an honor band & orchestra festival where dedicated and talented middle school students come together for one day to rehearse and perform in a concert with a professional conductor and educator. This year’s festival band was under the leadership and direction of Dr. Phillip Hash, Professor of Music Education at Illinois State University. The orchestra conductor this year was lead by Mr. Kevan Kosobayashi, Neuqua Valley High School & Schaumburg Youth Symphony Conductor.
Special thanks to D41 Beginning Band Director Elle Pressly, Beginning Orchestra Director Rita Feuerborn, Hadley Band Directors Samantha Tribley, Chris Cooper and Hadley Orchestra Director Georgia Alemis. The Hadley Jr. High musicians selected for ILMEA will be recognized at the Board of Education Meeting on Monday, December 18, 2023.
Glen Ellyn Historical Society Gingerbread House Contest
Hadley Blood Drive
On Friday, Nov 17, Hadley paired up with Versiti Blood Center of Illinois and hosted a D41 Staff Blood Drive. Over 20 D41 staff members signed up to donate blood and help save lives.
Enter the D41 Kids Dolly Parton Imagination Library Raffle
Dolly Parton and the D41 Kids Foundation have partnered to mail books every month to kids under the age of 5 living within District 41! Purchase a raffle ticket for $29 and enter to win a handmade tuffet and poem and provide literacy to a child. Winning tickets will be pulled Dec. 9th. As Dolly says, “You can never get enough books into the hands of enough children.” Enter the raffle here: https://rafflecreator.com/.../2023-dpil-raffle---tuffet
Free Thanksgiving Dinner at Parkview Church
Attendees will find traditional fixings - turkey, ham, sweet and mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, rolls, and pies. Parkview transforms their large gymnasium into a beautiful dining space for this annual occasion. This event is totally free and there is no need to RSVP. Parkview plans for 500 people, so there is always enough.
D41 Kids Foundation Winter Outerwear Program
(a.k.a. “Karen’s Closet”)
This program is dedicated to providing winter outerwear for children in D41 whose families are unable to afford proper cold-weather gear. You may support this program by donating via our Amazon wish list at any time. Please be sure to select Lee Fruit as the recipient when designating the shipping address. For questions, contact Lee at leefruit@ameritech.net
Glenbard Parent Series
Stay up to date on the upcoming offerings from the Glenbard Parent Series HERE
Film Screening with Dr. Timothy Fong
Hybrid Event
- Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Alcohol and Cannabis
Wed, Nov 29 @ 10:45 am and 6pm
Michelle Icard
-8 Failures/Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success
Tuesday, Dec 5 @ Noon and 7pm
Christine Crawford, MD
-It’s Ok to Not Be Okay: Solutions to Help You Heal
Tuesday, Dec 12 @ Noon and 7pm
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41