Hough Highlights
Sept 8, 2022
Important Dates
9/9 - Picture Day
9/11 - Patriot Day
9/12 - Variety Show Permission Forms Due
9/12 - Run Club (2:45 - 3:15)
9/13 - Back to School Night (6:30-8:00 pm)
9/14 - NO K.E.E.P. offered at Hough
9/19 - Safety Week
9/19 - Student iPad Swap
9/20 - 4th Grade Science Field Trip
9/21 - Kindergarten Science Field Trip
9/23 - 3rd Grade Science Field Trip
9/23 - 2nd grade Fire Department Field Trip
Picture Day
Tomorrow is the big day! If you are interested in purchasing photos, please visit the Color Portraits website and enter school code 10043101. If you have questions for Color Portraits, click here.
Variety Show
We are very excited to host the Hough Variety Show on Friday, November 11th at 6:30 pm at Station Middle School. If your child is interested in participating please complete the online permission form, which will close at 2:40 pm on Monday, September 12. Each participant needs a completed form even if they are part of a group act. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please reach out to Mrs. Goitein (sgoitein@barrington220.org) or Mr. George (gvlasis@barrington220.org) with any questions.
Back to School Night
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Hough on Tuesday, September 13th from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The schedule is as follows:
6:30 - 7:00 - K-5 Back to School Night Presentations - Teachers’ Classrooms
7:00 - 7:25 - Mr. Ernst & PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Presentation - Gym
7:30 - 8:00 - K-5 Back to School Night Presentation - Teachers’ Classrooms
Both Back to School Night presentations will be identical.
This allows parents with multiple children the opportunity to attend sessions in their entirety. It will be a wonderful opportunity for you to hear all about the great things happening at Hough and in your child’s classroom.
Student iPad Swap Coming Up!
On September 19, Hough students’ iPads will be given a refresh!
All 1st thru 5th-grade students’ devices will be swapped for a new 9th Generation iPad; along with a new Logitech Crayon, and a new charging block and cable.
It’s extra important that students bring their current iPads and all of their accessories: case, Logitech Crayon, charging brick, and cable on the day of our Swap.
*Kindergarten will NOT participate. They were issued Gen 9 iPads during the first week of school.*
**First grade will not be required to turn in a Logitech crayon, because they did not receive one last year.**
If you have any questions regarding the iPad swap, please direct them to Hough’s LTA, Mrs. Grosspietsch at mgrosspietsch@barrington220.org.
Homecoming Activities
Hough Student Council is excited to hold the year’s first all-school event on Friday, 9/30, at 2:45, where we will make decorations for the Homecoming Parade. All students are invited to walk in the Barrington Homecoming Parade on Saturday, 10/01, at 10:00.
Hough Street Elementary School
Email: zernst@barrington220.org
Location: 310 South Hough Street, Barrington, IL 60010, USA
Phone: 847-620-4700