Brooks Wester Middle School
August 14 - 18
Stay in Touch with Wester Middle School!
Location: 1520 N. Walnut Creek Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone: 682.314.1800
Twitter: @BrooksWesterMS
Welcome (Back) to Wester!
I would first like to welcome all of our new Wildcats and welcome back all of our returning Wildcats for the 2023-24 school year! We are so excited to have all of our students back on campus next week.
Each week, I send out a newsletter to keep parents and students up to date on important information. The Wester Weekly Newsletter will be sent via email and text message (with a link) for you to view. I want to make sure you are aware of the need-to-know items and the great things happening at Wester!
Looking forward to an awesome year!
Kourtney Gates,
Lunch Schedule
Parents and guardians are welcome to come and eat lunch with their student.
We do not have the staffing available to allow drop offs for lunch. If you bring your student lunch, please be prepared to deliver it to the cafeteria.
Thank you for understanding.
Electronic Device Information
It is essential that students bring their Chromebook charged daily. We are moving away from allowing them to utilize in the AM, while in the gym from 8:15-8:40, because some devices are losing their charge quickly.
If students need to complete work, the library will be available most mornings.
We've utilized school funds to purchase extension cords, but students are welcome to bring a small extension cord as well.
Brooks Wester Meet the Teacher Night
August 30 from 5:30 - 7:00
PTA Parent Information from 5:30 - 5:50.
Teachers will be in rooms from 5:50 - 7:00
Device Request
To get a district-issued device, please follow these instructions:
- Review the MISD Student Device Usage HandbookPDF.
- Fill out the Help Desk Ticket Request.
- Select "I am in need of a district-issued device" under the Student Need section.
- I am currently in possession of a district-issued device. This device will need to be returned before a new one will be issued.
- My device was lost and/or stolen. This device will need to be reported before a new one will be issued.
- Devices will be set up by the assigned campus technician and delivered to the student's home campus.
- Campus personnel will notify the student when the device is available for pickup. (Device turnaround time is typically 24-48 business hours.)
School Lunch Info
Meal Prices
Families eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must complete a meal application. All other students will pay full price for breakfast and lunch at the listed rates. Visit the Cafeteria Menus page for full details.
Bus Info
If your student will be riding the school bus, you will need to register with the MISD Transportation Department. Please go to our "Track My Bus" page on the MISD website for information on how to download the Edulog Parent Portal smart phone app. In the app, you will be able to register your student for school bus service. Once your student is uploaded into the system, the app will reflect their designated bus stop times and location.
Please note that during the first few days of school, delays are expected as students and parents adjust to the new routines of the school year. Community-wide traffic patterns change as school begins, and buses may also experience delays.
If you have additional questions, contact MISD Transportation at 817-299-6060.
Tennis Information: MHS
Wester Football Information
Wester Football 2023
Wildcat Football Family,
We want to thank you for entrusting us with your son for the 2023 football season.
Please click on the links below:
Wester Football Introduction and Information
8th Grade Football SportsYou Sign Up
7th Grade Football SportsYou Sign Up
Please make plans to attend the mandatory Parent Meeting on Wednesday, August 23rd at 5:45 in the Main Gym.
We look forward to another productive and successful season.
New Law Impacting E-cigarette Usage on School Campuses
Earlier this year, the Texas legislature passed a new law in an effort to curb what the U.S. Surgeon General declared in 2018 to be an epidemic in the use of e-cigarettes by young people. Since their invention in 2003, e-cigarettes – also called ‘vapes’ – have been determined to be particularly harmful to youth’s health. Almost all vape liquid contains nicotine, which has been determined to have a negative effect on adolescent brain development. Vaping aerosols also contain chemicals linked to serious lung disease.
The new law will impact student discipline practices beginning at the start of the 2023-24 school year. The law requires that any student who possesses, uses, sells, gives or delivers an e-cigarette to another person be removed from class and placed in a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP).
If a student possesses, uses, sells, gives or delivers to another an e-cigarette, they will face a minimum of 10 days DAEP, and increased time with each additional offense.
Parents are encouraged to discuss the dangers of vaping with their students and review the new district guidelines. Not sure how to start the conversation? Visit for resources.
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