Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, May 2023
Work Session
The Board was provided with preliminary information on Data Analysis Reporting regarding student growth and achievement prior to the June 13 School Board Meeting. At the June meeting, there will be a presentation on End-of-the-Year progress made toward the goals outlined in the District’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, welcomed all in attendance. She thanked The Winnetka Public Schools staff for the many ways they spark joy in learning amongst our students, wishing staff a restful summer.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Winnetka Public Schools Foundation Meeting
TrueNorth Cooperative 804 Member Meeting
Policy Subcommittee Meeting
Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee
Crow Island Stewardship Committee
New Board Member Orientation
Special Work Session Meeting
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, recommended listening to the BIANNUAL COMMUNITY MESSAGE, SPRING 2023 highlighting District initiatives and progress toward the District’s four Strategic Plan goals: Intellectual Engagement & Motivation to Learn, Positive Culture & Well Being, Local & National Leader in Progressive Education & Talent Development, and Financial Stewardship & Facility Improvements.
Dr. Tess mentioned that a video update on progress toward this work will occur in the fall as well.
Highlighting Progressive Education in Action
Principal Livingston and Crow Island Kindergarten educators presented the outcomes of their collaborative Occupational Therapy Pilot Partnership with TrueNorth, focused on early intervention support for our youngest learners.
NEW EPISODE of Winnetka Voices
Episode #7: Tips on Supporting Young Readers & Preventing the Summer Slide
Listen here:
Winnetka Voices is a podcast hosted by The Winnetka Public Schools, featuring candid conversations on issues relevant to education and shared resources to support our students and families.
DSSEI Entry Plan Progress Update
Denise Matthews, Director of the Department of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion shared an update on the progress made toward improving the priority areas that were identified during her Entry Plan: Professional Learning, Specialized Instruction, Process Review, Articulation/Communication, and Operational Alignment.
Informational Items
Advancing the Educational Master Facility Plan
The Board was updated on long-term maintenance planning including a preliminary water infiltration evaluation being conducted at Skokie. In addition, information was shared on the ceremonial groundbreaking that will occur at both Greeley and Hubbard Woods on June 1st.
This monthly memo was presented to the Board with updates in all four Strategic Plan goal areas, to include the conclusion of the Portrait of an Educator work, led by Mr. Jeff Knapp, Assistant Superintendent for Professional Learning and Human Resources.
Staffing and Enrollment Update
The Board was given a regular update on staffing and student enrollment for projections from the month of May. Due to increasing incoming kindergarten enrollment at each elementary school there is a recommendation for addition of kindergarten certified and classified staff. In addition, a recommendation is also included in the area of Student Services and our agreement with TrueNorth Cooperative.
The Board is asked to approve increases to starting rates on an annual basis for non-union classified positions. The rates were included as a recommendation for approval.
Summative Evaluation Report ESP
All Educational Support Personnel are evaluated annually and the data is gathered as a memo to the Board and listed by building. The memo contains the percentage of staff from the 98 employees and the ratings in the following categories: Excellent, Proficient, Needs Improvement, and Unsatisfactory.
Quest Food Service Price Update 2023/2024
The Board approved pricing updates for the 2023/2024 food service program at Carleton Washburne.
PTO Purchase of Furnishings for the Carleton Washburne Lobby
The Board approved a generous donation of furnishings for the lobby at Carleton Washburne.
The Policy Subcommittee met on Monday, May 15, 2023, to review PRESS policies recommended for update. The majority of policies being presented for a 1st read reflect legislative updates and amendments to school code related to Faith’s Law. In response to these changes, school districts are required to conduct employment history reviews (EHR) for all new hires (effective 7/1/23).
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Quest Food Services Price Update 2023-2024
PTO Donation - Carleton Washburne School
Director of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion Employment Contrct (2023-2025)
Welcoming Ms. Jaclyn Schwartz
Ms. Jaclyn Schwartz was approved for the position of Director of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion, starting on July 1, 2023. She will work with current Director of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion, Ms. Denise Matthews, over the course of the next few weeks in order to ensure a smooth transition into this leadership role. Ms. Denise Matthews’ title will shift to Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion when Ms. Schwartz assumes this role.
To view the entire Board Packet from the May 23, 2023 Meeting, click here.