The Colts Connection
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Week of November 27, 2023
Greetings Colts Families,
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving break, surrounded by the warmth of family, friends, and loved ones. As we dive back into the semester, let's approach the upcoming weeks with enthusiasm and positivity. A gentle reminder that the semester concludes on Friday, December 15, 2023.
To our parents and guardians, your support is invaluable. Please encourage your Colts to finish the semester on a high note by completing assignments, dedicating time to study for tests, and making the most of tutoring opportunities. Let's work together to minimize distractions, and speaking of which, a friendly nudge to reinforce our cell phone policy. Remember, cell phones are to be tucked away during the school day, except during lunch. This policy underscores the importance of being fully present and engaged in our academic pursuits.
Exciting events await us in the coming weeks! First on the agenda is our Career Expo on December 6th during students' PE period, offering students a unique chance to interact with professionals from various industries. Additionally, we're thrilled to invite all families to our Dual Immersion Holiday Cultural Celebration on the same day from 5:00-7:00 pm. Join us for festive arts and crafts, pictures with Santa, games, and student performances. capping it all off, our Holiday semi-formal dance awaits on December 13th. These events play a significant role in fostering a sense of connection within our school community.
A big thank you to our families for your ongoing support. Together, let's make these last weeks of the semester memorable and successful. Here's to a strong finish and a bright start to the holiday season!
Have a great week, Colts.
Warm regards,
Eva Isett, Ed.D.
Click below to access the dance permission slip
Does your student need extra academic support? Below are some of the academic interventions we have available:
- Homework club: every Tuesday and Friday in room D209 from 2:30-3:30
Organization support with paraeducators in the library: Every Wednesday from 1:30-2:30
Check out some of the ways our counselors support our Colts!
We are finalizing the details of our first ever RHIS Career Expo. It will take place on December 6th during your student’s P.E. period. We have many great careers that will be represented that day. Please consider speaking with your student about their interests and how that knowledge can be used to consider their future careers.
We are wrapping up our month of Gratitude this week, and will begin to explore mindfulness and meditation. Even in middle school our students feel the pressure of this busy season with many activities and looming finals ahead. Please remind them to check on their counselor’s google classroom for activities and tips.
We value safety
Parents and guardians, please know that our River Height's staff and faculty value our student’s safety and wellbeing. Our team has streamlined our reporting system to ensure students report incidents to staff. If your student has witnessed an incident and would like to submit a witness statement, please have them fill out the witness statement link below. Thank you parents and guardians for supporting us in creating a safe learning environment for our students.
Cool Colts on campus and the community!
Here are some of the Cool Colts Happenings:
- Mrs. Quiñonez and Mrs. Trejo hosted a math field day meeting
- We bid farewell to Mr. Williams, our RHIS dean
- Our jazz band performed some cool beats during lunch
- Mrs. Paula Larsen, our RHIS records clerk was honored by our district leadership and board members at our district Classified Employee of the Year Ceremony