Sora: eBooks & Audiobooks
An introduction for students
All students have access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks!
The SMUSD Sora library is currently very limited, so the district has partnered with the San Diego County Library to provide access to the county's digital collections via Sora.
Follow along below to login to Sora and add the San Diego County Library to your account for access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks!
Step 1: Login to Sora
Click "Find my school".
Search for "San Marcos Unified", click "This is my school".
Step 2: Log in
A Clever account is required for access to Sora. All students and teachers have Clever accounts. Unable to log in? Contact Mrs. Diaz and she can help troubleshoot or get you signed up for Clever.
Step 3: Add a library
Under "Explore" (top left of Sora home page), click on drop-down menu called "San Marcos Unified School District". Click on the green button that says "Add a library".
It will ask you to search for a library. Search for "San Diego County Library". Once found, click on "This is my library". You've now added the SDCL digital collections to your account!
Ready for ANOTHER library?! We also have access to the Serra Cooperative (Escondido, Carlsbad, Oceanside, and many more SD public libraries). Go to "add library" again and search for "Serra Cooperative".
Add Library
Click on "This is my library".
Search for books in Sora
Check the box for "Search all of my libraries". Search parameters may be changed by clicking on "More options".
Step 4: Explore Sora!
Use the "Explore" tab at the bottom of your screen to search for books.
Your loans, holds, list, and account history information are found in "Shelf".
To access settings, go to the menu symbol (three black bars) in the top right corner of your screen, a new side tab will open, go to "General Settings". You can change the text display to Dyslexic font or high contrast, change the language settings, and device setting (Sora is Kindle compatible).
Questions about Sora? Contact Mrs. Diaz at lora.diaz@smusd.org
Contact the MHHS Library
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Instagram @librarymhhs
Email: mhhs.library@smusd.org
Website: https://missionhillshigh.smusd.org/resources/library
Location: 1 Mission Hills Court, San Marcos, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 290-2730