November 2023

News & Notable Dates
(keep reading for details of listed events)
- 4th: Winter Break Food Box signup ends (pick up Dec 13/14)
- 15th: Half Day/Early Dismissal (11:15)
- Dec 18th - Jan 1: NO SCHOOL--Winter Break
- 1st: NO SCHOOL: New Year's Day
- 2nd: Back to School
- 3rd: ASVAB testing (grades 10-12)
Club meets every Wednesday that we have a full day of school.
ASVAB testing
On January 3rd, all students in grades 10-12 will participate in the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) during the school day at ACES. The ASVAB gives students insight into strengths, skills, and career-related interests, as well as being an option to fulfill a required graduation pathway for students who meet the cut score. If you have any questions, please reach out to College & Career Coordinator Patti Stracener at StracenerPJ@mukilteo.wednet.edu or (425) 366-3942.
Food Drive
The ASB is sponsoring a food during the month of December. Each Focus classes will be competing to see which class can collect the most non-perishable food items by Dec 13. Winners get a pizza party. Have your student bring food to their Focus classroom so they get credit. Thank you for you contributions to support our community members in need this holiday season!
Winter Break Food Boxes
We know that it can be a lot when your kids are home for two weeks and not getting breakfast and lunch at school. ACES will be packing winter break food boxes, filled with non-perishable, easy-prep meals and snacks, that you can pick up just before the break. To sign up for a food box, fill out this form by Dec 4.
Senior Families
Senior Parent meetings
There will be no monthly senior parent meeting in December, but please fill out the FAFSA as soon as it opens! If you need support for setting up an account or completing the form, reach out to College & Career Specialist Patti Stracener at StracenerPJ@mukilteo.wednet.edu or (425) 366-3942.
Spanish & Ukrainian Language College Financial Aid Workshops
Kamiak Nochecita: Ayuda Financiera para la Universidad
Dic 6, 6-8pm @Kamiak High School Commons. Aprender sobre ayuda financiera federal y estatal, FAFSA/WASFA, y becas. Iniciar el primer paso al crear su cuenta. Estudiantes traingan su computadora. Cuidado de niños proporcionado. Llame al (425) 366-5476 para obtener más información.
Фінансова допомога Kamiak на ніч коледжу
6 грудня 18-20 год. Бібліотека Кам'яцької середньої школи. Сім’ї отримають інформацію та ресурси для оплати навчання в коледжі, а студенти матимуть можливість створити обліковий запис для процесу отримання фінансової допомоги, який розпочнеться в січні. Надається догляд за дітьми. Для отримання додаткової інформації телефонуйте (425) 366-5476.
The Village on Casino Road: Taller de Ayuda Financiera para el College
Dic. 14, 6pm, @ The Village on Casino Road. El taller cubrirá becas, prestamos, subsidios, WASFA, FAFSA, y mas. Para más información envía un correo electrónico a vilma@nweducationaccess.org.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our ACES October students of the month: Yaneli, Ivan, Bryan, and Anton! Each month, students are selected for standing out from their peers in areas such as preparation, respect, leadership, compassion, excellent or improved attendance, excellent or improved academics, or being an inspiring role model to the ACES community.
Around Campus
Club meets after school December 6 and 13, then breaks over the winter holidays and starts back up on January 3.
This week gingerbread dough was prepped for making gingerbread houses next week, the dance team had their first meeting, students got homework help, and a work began on a student's animated production. Great fun was had by all!
Aquarium Field Trip
Students from Environmental Science went to the Seattle Aquarium on Friday, Nov 17th for a field trip to connect to our local marine ecosystems. According to the students, “The highlight was experiencing the aquarium for the first time with my brother,” and “being able to touch sea urchins and anemones, and see fish, octopus, and sea otters!” We hope to bring the Environmental Classes on more field trips in the spring!
ACES High School
ACES Website: https://www.mukilteoschools.org/Domain/57
Location: 9700 Holly Drive, Everett, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 366-3900
Facebook: @ACESHighSchool
Twitter: @ACESHighSchool
Instagram: @aceshighschool