Peirce School Family Newsletter
March 2019
Principal's Message
Greetings Peirce Families,
This years African American Heritage Showcase created an opportunity for our students to demonstrate the theme - The Fight for Justice: A Call to Action. If you were unable to attend the African American Heritage Showcase this link will take you to several videos that were shared during the celebration, many of which were a call to action.
March is an opportunity for us to learn more about the contributions of women in our society. The 2019 Women's History Month Theme is "Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence". Check out this link to learn more about this years theme.
We are now one month into the Middle School Elective classes and are receiving a lot of great feedback from students - we will survey students close to the end of the year to help in planning for next school year.
IAR Testing - Illinois Assessment of Readiness
The IAR Test has replaced the PARCC exam, students in 4th-8th grades will take the web-based state exam March 11th-15th and 3rd graders will take a paper-pencil version March 25th-29th. This link provides more information from the Illinois State Board of Education on the exam.
Cheers to warmer weather on the way!
Lori Zaimi
Parent OR Staff Shout Outs
There are always great things happening that often do not go recognized. Send a shout out to a fellow Peirce Parent or Staff Member to be included in upcoming newsletters! Please submit any shout-outs here.
School Branding Parent Focus Group
Peirce School is going through a process to help strengthen our school logo and branding. This is made possible through support from Friends of Peirce and parent Michael McGuire/owner of 88 Brand Partners, a branding and advertising agency in Chicago
An important step in this process is for members of Michael's team to speak directly with key stakeholders of the school. Michael will be holding three different focus groups (Student Council, Teachers and Parents). During the focus groups, stakeholders will be asked about their impressions of the brand and communications (from visual identity messaging).
Please join us for the Parent Focus Group on Friday, March 29th from 8:15 - 9:45am at Peirce School, exact room to be decided.
Please RSVP on this form.
Friday, Mar 29, 2019, 08:15 AM
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies, West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Senn High School Parent Tour for Peirce Families
Please RSVP below.
Thursday, March 7, 2018
8:30 - 10:00am
Meet at Senn High School
5900 N. Glenwood
Thursday, Mar 7, 2019, 08:30 AM
Nicholas Senn High School, North Glenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Steve & Kate's Camp
Spring Book Fair
Buy One Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair!
On March 21, 2019 and March 22, 2019, Peirce is hosting a second Scholastic Book Fair!
1. Help Peirce’s teachers build their classroom libraries! Parents can buy books that teachers set aside in a book bin for their book wish lists!
2. Help us raise funds to buy books of interest for our students!
3. Buy one book and get a second book free.
For more details visit: (Scholastic Book Fair).
Attendance Update
Please note the following school and homeroom year to date attendance percentages
School Goal: 96.3%
Current Year to Date: 95.94%
Last year at this time: 95.97%
Pre-Kindergarten: Room 121 (92.13%), Room 122 (92.06%), Room 123 (91.16%)
Kindergarten: Room 101 (94.3%,) Room 110 (96%), Room 126 (94.41%), Room 128 (96.04%)
1st Grade: Room 102 (94.05%), Room 103 (95.3%), Room 104 (96.2%), Room 105 (95.62%)
2nd Grade: Room 223 (96.63%), Room 224 (95.94%), Room 225 (95.73%), Room 228 (95.21%)
3rd Grade: Room 201 (95.23%), Room 202 (96.47%), Room 203 (95.62%), Room 210 (96.74%)
4th Grade: Room 204 (96.99%), Room 207 (96.39%), Room 208 (96.6%), Room 209 (95.42%)
5th Grade: Room 323 (95.08%), Room 324 (95.66%), Room 325 (96.55%),
6th Grade: Room 303 (96.1%), Room 304 (96.42%), Room 307 (95.88%), Room 308 (97.4%)
7th Grade: Room 301 (96.18%), Room 302 (96.87%), Room 309 (95.33%), Room 310 (96.76%)
8th Grade: Room 305 (93.28%), Room 320 (98.11%), Room 321 (96.18%), Room 329 (97.17%)
Upcoming Parent Workshops
Parent Workshops: "How Do We talk With Our Children About Race"
Sundays, 3:30-6:30 pm March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, pizza might be provided
Just a few spots left! Register today for the Peirce Pilot of SPEAK UP's 7-Week Parent Course: "How Do We Talk With Our Children About Race?" Register here. All are welcome. Childcare and Spanish translation will be provided for the Thursday morning sessions.
MYP Assessment Meeting
The MYP Red Velvet Assessment Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5th at 5:00pm. This meeting will provide more information around the MYP IB Report Card and assessment criteria aligned to IB.
Peirce Parent Tour of Senn High School
Join Peirce Parents and administration at Senn High School on Thursday, March 7th from 8:30 - 10:30am. This is a great opportunity for Peirce Parents to learn more about the IB Program at Senn along with the Peirce-Senn partnership. Parents will have the opportunity to speak with Senn's administration, tour the building/visit classes and speak with Senn high school students.
Friends of Peirce
Peirce Day @ Veranda
Make Monday Pizza Night...for the kids!
VeRanda Pizza and Coffee Shop (formerly Apart Pizza) is generously donating 10 percent back for all sales to Friends of Peirce on March 4th from open to close (9 am-9 pm). VeRanda features hand tossed pizzas, salads, sandwiches and more. It is recommended to order pizza by phone or online in advance to avoid a wait. Valid for carry-out, delivery and dine in. Menu and online ordering available here.
Moms Night Out
Join fellow Peirce moms for a night of fun and support Friends of Peirce at the 3rd annual Mom's Night at Bar Roma, 5101 N. Clark. Moday, March 11th from 6:00 - 9:00pm. Tickets go no sale at 9am on March 1st, click here to purchase.
Fiesta de Arte
Holi-A Festival of Colors. Join Peirce families and staff for a community event which celebrates the arts at Peirce on March 21st from 4:30 - 7:30pm. This event will highlight the After School Allstars Showcase, face painting, crafters market, art workshops, silent auction, spring book fair. JB Alberto's pizza will be available for purchase.
Metropolis Coffee Sale
- Friends of Peirce and Metropolis Coffee are continuing their partnership to offer you coffee throughout the year! We will now have monthly coffee orders, and you can even sign up for a coffee subscription that will automatically arrive each month. Coffee for a great cause!
Each $12 bag sold will bring in a whopping $5 to Friends of Peirce and will go directly towards supporting special programs, arts, field trips, and assemblies. This is a fantastic fundraiser that helps us provide wonderful programming to all students at Peirce! Click here for more coffee sale info!
March 2019
4th - Peirce Day @ The Veranda on Thorndale
5th - 6th Grade Indiana Dunes (Session 2)
7th - Parent Session: Get to know Senn HS, 8:30am @ Senn HS
7th - Parent Speak Up Session, 8:15am, Fieldhouse (Registration through Megan Brand @ - Progress Reports Distributed
8th - Parent Advisory Council Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
8th - Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
11th - 15th 4th-8th Grade Illinois Assessment of Readiness Test (formerly known as the PARCC)
11th - Moms Night Out at Bar Roma, Friends of Peirce Sponsored
12th - Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm, Fieldhouse
14th - Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm, Gymnatorium
14th - PI Day
15th - Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
15th - Student Babysitting Event, Friends of Peirce Sponsored
19th - 5th Grade Debate, 9:00am, Library
20th - International Day of Happiness
20th - Student of the Month Celebration, 8:15am
21st - Box Tops Collected
21st - Fiesta de Arte, 4:30 - 7:30pm
22nd - Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
25th-29th 3rd Grade Illinois Assessment of Readiness (formerly known as the PARCC)
29th - Parent Focus Group on School Logo & Branding, 8:15 - 9:45am
29th - Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
April 2019
4th - Small Group Parent Tour, 8:15am
5th - No School, Professional Development Day
7th - World Health Day
7th - Mattress Sale (Friends of Peirce Sponsored)
9th - Student of the Month, 8:15am
9th - Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm
10th - Report Card Day/Student Led Conferences (11:30am - 3:00pm and 4:00 - 6:30pm)
11th - Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
12th - Career Day for MYP (6th-8th Grades)
12th - 5th Grade Musical Performances for Parents
12th - Parent Advisory Council Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
12th - Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
15th - 19th Spring Break
24th - Parent Session: New York City Travel Meeting for 7th & 8th Grades
25th - Race & Culture Parent Resource Group Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
25th - STEAM Night, 5:00 - 6:30pm
26th - MYP High Honor Roll Luncheon
26th - Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
26th - Parent Basketball League, 6:00pm
28th - Peirce Day at Hopleaf - 100% of all sales go to benefit Peirce
Thursday, June 20th
Due to School being closed on January 30th & 31st
Key Contact List
Recurring Information
Student Fees - Pay Online/Tarifas para estudiantes - Pagar en línea
Las familias de Peirce ahora tienen la opción de pagar las cuotas de los estudiantes en línea haciendo clic aquí y luego seleccionando la opción de pago por única vez. Los honorarios son de $ 50 por estudiante o de $ 100 como máximo para 2 o más niños.
Cold Weather/Clima frío
El clima cálido del verano ha quedado atrás y los días fríos han encontrado rápidamente Chicago. Asegúrese de que los niños estén vestidos adecuadamente con sombreros, guantes, bufandas y botas, según corresponda. Los estudiantes tendrán receso siempre que el clima sea de 15 grados o más cálido, el frío del viento puede ser considerado a discreción de la administración de la escuela.
No Dogs (Pets) on School Grounds/ No perros (mascotas) en los terrenos de la escuela
Ayúdenos a crear un espacio seguro para nuestros estudiantes al entrar y salir del edificio; no se permiten perros ni mascotas en el recinto escolar.
Breakfast & Lunch Menus/Breakfast & Lunch Menus/Menús de desayuno y almuerzo
El menú de desayuno y almuerzo de CPS se puede encontrar aquí, se actualiza regularmente, así que por favor vuelva a visitarlo con frecuencia. Estos menús están sujetos a cambios. Además, consulte el sitio web de CPS Nutrition Services.
Daily Specials Rotation/Rotación de especiales diarios
Se puede acceder al programa de especiales aquí: esto indica la clase que tendrá su hijo cada día de la semana (Arte, Música, Danza, Educación Física, Español).
Parent-Student Handbook/Manual para padres y alumnos
El manual para padres y alumnos se puede encontrar aquí. Por favor revise para familiarizarse con las políticas y procedimientos de la escuela.
Student Code of Conduct/Código de Conducta Estudiantil
La Escuela Peirce utiliza Prácticas Restaurativas que están alineadas con el Código de Conducta Estudiantil de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago. Esta guía proporciona información sobre cómo se admite el comportamiento de los estudiantes en CPS. Haga clic aquí para acceder al Código de Conducta Estudiantil. Cualquier pregunta relacionada con las Prácticas de Restauración o el Código de Conducta del Estudiante puede dirigirse a Shelton Jackson por correo electrónico o por teléfono al 773-534-2440.
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440