News from the SEND Team
Autumn 1 2023
A very warm welcome to new readers of our SEND newsletter.
Another half term has flown by at school - next we'll be on our way to Christmas! Hopefully you will find some of the information below useful - if there is anything in particular you would like us to add to our next newsletter, please send us an email:
Just a reminder that Mrs Gallant works Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Harrison works Thursday - Friday. We can both be contacted via the above email address.
We hope you have a lovely half term break - hopefully it won't be too wet!
The purpose of a Support Plan is to identify specific targets that a student will work towards. It describes the strategies that the school will use to help them achieve these targets and what a student will be able to do once successful.
Support Plans are written and shared with parents every term. They are reviewed at the end of every term. If a child has a Support Plan, this means that they are on our school SEN Register. Some children will have a plan in place for their whole educational journey, whilst others may only have a Support Plan in place until the targets set are met and progress is made.
We use Edukey education software to manage our Support Plans. Parents of children with Support Plans are emailed with an access code so that they can read their child's plan. Previous plans and plan reviews can also be accessed and parent comments can be added.
Please let us know if you have not yet received an access code and we will aim to get this sorted for you.
The Parent Teacher Meetings next half term are a good opportunity for you to discuss Support Plans with class teachers.
Any other questions, please ask!
We would like to invite all parents of our children with SEND to our Autumn Coffee Morning.
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to hear from our guest speakers at SIASS (Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service).
SIASS Provide:
- Confidential information and advice helpline on all SEN matters
- One-to-one work by caseworkers with parents/carers and/or young person
- Signposting to relevant services locally and nationally
- Support in meetings at schools or colleges, Team Around the Child / Family meetings, and Multi-Agency meetings
- Support on the Education, Health and Care Process including requesting statutory assessment. Help with the child/young person’s school placement
- Support in resolving disagreements with schools and the Local Authority, including support during formal mediation and preparing appeals to tribunal.
- Advice and support on school exclusions
- Training and workshops on a wide range of topics
- Help with your paperwork
- Liaising with educational settings such as early years’ settings, schools, colleges, professionals etc.
Please email to let us know if you are going to join us, or click the event RSVP below:
SEND Coffee Morning (SIASS)
Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023, 09:30 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Cognus is commissioned, and wholly owned, by London Borough of Sutton, to provide education services to mainstream schools and specialist education providers in Sutton.
Across their services, they deliver a comprehensive range of vital educational support through a team of education specialists – teachers, psychologists and other practitioners – with a deep knowledge and experience of all aspects of education. They work in partnership with schools and settings across all phases. Many of their services focus on supporting children and young people with SEND/additional learning needs. They also provide information and services that work directly to support young people and families.
Cognus Services we buy for our school include:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Educational Psychology
- Paving the Way
- Early Years SEND advice
To find out more about Cognus. please click the link below:
Please see below for Cognus's Autism Support Services for Parents:
2. Monthly surgeries for parents and families to seek advice and support from our Cognus Autism Champions. These are scheduled video calls (on Teams), where parents and families can book a 30-minute slot to discuss their child’s needs, and receive signposting and support focused on practical solution-focused escalation prevention. Parents and families can request a slot by emailing the
3. Termly workshops either face-to-face or delivered virtually. These are promoted via Facebook, by following ‘Cognus Autism Service’ and on X (Twitter), by following ‘Cognus Autism Support’. The next workshop is a face-to-face session titled ‘Autism and Girls’. This will be held at Cognus Ltd, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ from 16.30-17.30 on 6th November 2023. Parents and families can request a place by emailing
This year, Mrs Harrison is attending Cognus led 'Autism Champions' training sessions with the aim of further enhancing the educational experience of autistic students in our school.
The training will focus on:
- Understanding the autistic identity
- Sharing/signposting resources/strategies to use across the school
- Information on latest developments
- Development of subject specific resources
We will share any resources that we feel can be useful to parents and carers in our upcoming newsletters.
Visuals can help to set expectations and boundaries, breakdown tasks into manageable chunks, reduce anxiety, promote focus and attention, help children to cope with changes to routine and encourage greater independence. Visuals can take the pressure off verbal language skills and give a child more time to process information.
The visuals below are from the Twinkl website. At school, we often create our own versions 'in the moment' on whiteboards or using whatever writing materials are nearby! If you don't have access to printed images, it is perfectly fine to draw them yourself.
Some of these visuals can be easily adapted to home life, both to help set routine or to help your child to adapt to any changes or surprises.
Visual schedules can be recorded using pictures or words. Individual timetables can be
for a whole day, part of a day, sequencing, home, school or special events. A visual sequence or timetable can enable a child to know what to expect in a range of situations, including: who is picking them up from school on which day, what days are school days/home days/holidays, practising a new routine or skill such as brushing teeth/getting dressed/making breakfast, knowing what to expect during a day trip or an appointment - the list is endless and can be tailored to the individual needs of every child.
We are happy to chat with you if you would like some support with using visual resources at home.