What's the BUZZ?
March 31, 2023
Stripling Family Fun Night
April 6, 2023 from 5:00-7:00 PM
Hornet Pride!! We need your help to make the upcoming Family Fun Night a huge success. The SMS Family Engagement Cadre is seeking donations for the cake walk. If you are able to donate, please complete the Google form at https://forms.gle/KLh3eQYoE2CLLRJGA
Details and drop-off time to come via email. Questions, please reach out to me directly. Thank you!!
Right now we have 15 parent donors, I would love to have 30 baked-good donations.
Mondays or 1st Day of the Week - You can wear your HOUSE shirt or your HOUSE color shirt!
Remember you can always check out the "live" calendar - link on bottom of smore
April 3-April 7 National Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
April 3: Attendance Restoration 4:30 -5:30
April 4: Attendance Restoration 7:30-8:30 AM
April 5: Cheer Fitting
April 5: Soccer @South Hills HS girls 6:00 boys 7:20
April 5: Attendance Restoration 4:30 -5:30
April 6: End 5th 6 weeks
April 6: National School Librarian Day
April 6: Family Fun Night 5:00 - 7:00
April 7: NO SCHOOL
Spring Fling Family Fun Night 5-7 Thursday, April 6.
1st Soccer Game of the Season!
AHHS PTA Nominating Committee
AHHS PTA nominating committee is seeking nominations for officer positions for the 2023-24 school year. To nominate yourself or someone else for an officer position, please email ginakayalexander@gmail.com by April 8th.
Officer positions include president, VP of membership, VP of fundraising, VP of Volunteers, treasurer, and secretary.
Girls and Boys Track Team Division II Championship Winners!
Have Questions - Need Help?
6th grade students:
Assistant Principal: Brandy Sachs brandy.sachs@fwisd.org
Counselor: Suzy Dowdy suanne.dowdy@fwisd.org
7th grade students:
Assistant Principal: Jasma Hayes jasma.hayes@fwisd.org
Counselor: Mary Wichman mary.wichman@fwisd.org
8th grade students Last name A - K
Assistant Principal: Brandy Sachs brandy.sachs@fwisd.org
Counselor: Suzy Dowdy suanne.dowdy@fwisd.org
8th grade students Last name L - Z
Assistant Principal: Jasma Hayes jasma.hayes@fwisd.org
Counselor: Mary Wichman mary.wichman@fwisd.org
Stripling Middle School
Location: 2100 Clover Lane, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-815-1300