News from Sundling Junior High
August 31, 2022
WRS Picture Day was LAST FRIDAY. You can still order school pictures!
Don't Miss Out!!
You can still order school pictures online at mylifetouch.com with your Student's School ID or Picture Day ID: EVTKCCMSV.
School Name: Walter Sundling Junior High School
Picture Day Date: Friday, August26
Picture Retakes will be on Thursday, October 6, 2022.
WRS Intramural Permission Form 2022/23
In order for students to participate, parents will need to complete the online form below. This form will need to be completed for any intramural sport (but once completed, will cover the entire school year), so it would be a good idea to complete and submit even if you think your child may want to participate.
We look forward to getting our programs up and running very soon!
An Intramural Emergency Google Form must be completed by parent before participating.
*Please click on the link below to complete the form.
News from the NEW Sundling Library
After a long summer of renovation and remodeling, the Sundling Library is now open! Student library orientations are underway, with our Library Innovation Teacher (LIT) Mrs. K. Burns. All Sundling students are learning about and enjoying the new layout, flexible seating, and innovation the space has to offer. If you haven’t checked out our Sundling Library website bit.ly/SundlingLibrary, please do. There are a variety of resources for students and parents, as well as news and information about library happenings. Save the date for September 6-9 for the Sundling Scholastic Book Fair. Students will be able to shop during the week and families are invited to visit the new Sundling Library during Parent Orientation on Thursday September 8th.
Follow the Sundling Library on:
Instagram @mrsburnsiewoj23 and Twitter @burnsiewoj
WRS Family Assistance
If you are someone who is in need of community resources, please fill out this form. After you have completed and submitted it, one of the social workers will reach out to assist you.
WRS Parent Orientation- 9/8/22
We hope you and your child have enjoyed a wonderful start to the 2019-20 school year! In an effort to continue the Sundling tradition of a Connected Learning Community, we invite you to our Parent Orientation on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM. It is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teachers and hear more about the programs and offerings available to them here at Sundling. Due to limited parking, we recommend that you arrive early and carpool when possible.
Please note that you will have the opportunity to follow your child’s daily learning schedule, and hear from the academic team of teachers regarding team guidelines and plans for the year. You will begin the night in your child’s Period 1 class. In order to assist you with the layout of the building and schedule of events, we have copied a building map to the back of this sheet and dedicated eighth grade Peer Mentors available in the halls to assist you throughout the night. During your child’s scheduled lunch period, please feel free to visit our newly renovated Library or our Cafeteria/Commons for snacks provided by our wonderful Sundling PTA. While in the Cafeteria/Commons, please be sure to sign up and become a member of our PTA or make a direct donation to support our school. Also, please be sure to visit the WRS PTA Scholastic Book Fair in the Library to purchase great independent reads and more for the new school year. On your way out, be on the lookout for food trucks in the main lot to take home dinner or a snack! A portion of the proceeds will go back to support the WRS PTA and our school.
We look forward to a wonderful evening and a productive year of teaching and learning! #stronger4ever
*Feel free to visit our Library or our Cafeteria/Commons during your child’s scheduled lunch period for snacks provided by our wonderful Sundling PTA.
WRS PTA Scholastic Book Fair
August/September 2022- Important Dates
Monday, September 5- No School- Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6-Friday, September 9- PTA Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, September 7- After School Homework Center Begins (Mon/Wed 2:20 pm-3:50 PM)
Wednesday, September 8- WRS Parent Orientation 6:00 PM
Wednesday, September 8- PTA Scholastic Book Fair (Open 6:00-8:00 PM)
Wednesday, September 14- Board of Education Meeting 7:00 PM
Wednesday, September 21- WRS PTA Meeting 7:00 PM
WRS PTA Membership
The PTA is excited at the possibility of providing fun activities for our students this year. We need the support of our Sundling community to make it happen. For $7 for single membership or $12 for family membership you can help create a memorable year for our kids.
Two Ways to Become a Member!
• Sign up online at: https://sundlingpta.new.memberhub.store/store
(There is a MemberHub service change of 75¢ (Individual) and 92¢ (Household) to join online.)
• Return this form to the school office in an envelope marked “PTA MEMBERSHIP” along with exact cash or check (payable to: “Sundling PTA”)
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
Website: www.ccsd15.net/WRS
Location: 1100 North Smith Street, Palatine, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jason.dietz.1217
Twitter: @SundlingJH
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrsjhpaladins/