Seguin Scoop
August 12, 2019
A new year is about to begin!
Please join us for our campus Meet the Teacher on Tuesday, August 20th at 5:30 - 7:00pm.
Juan Seguin Elementary
School begins at 7:50 am
School ends at 3:20 pm
The Weatherford ISD Education Foundation provides over 1,200 students with school supplies each year because we want every student begin the school year with the essential tools for learning.
To Request Assistance
Weatherford ISD parents needing assistance with school supplies and/or backpacks should contact their child's campus main office.
Lunch Options
Please take the time to fill out the free and reduced meal application. Whether you qualify or not, filing out this application will help the success of our students through federal programs.
Please follow the link below:
Did you know?
In addition to providing two nutritious meals (breakfast and lunch) each school day, students who qualify for the free and reduced school meals program may also qualify for:
- Fee waivers from College Board for high school academic tests such as Advanced Placement, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, and ACT
- A waiver on the fees associated with applying to college
Below you will find information for the free and reduced school meal program. A link to the online application site is provided or families may complete a printable application.
Reminder: The free and reduced school meal application must be completed each school year.
Campus Communication
Please consider joining our Seguin Family Communication Remind 101 class by downloading the Remind 101 app and texting this message @kgage4 to 81010. We are excited to announce that we will use this app to communicate with you, along with campus messenger, and Juan Seguin Elementary's Facebook page. This app is also available in Spanish. We will use this to deliver emergency information, inclement weather, and campus information. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Ask your student's teacher about grade level communication!
Every Day Counts!
Every minute Counts!
· School Starts at 7:40am and the final bell rings at 7:50am.
· Your student’s attendance directly affects their success and we want them to SUCCEED!
· 3 Parent Notes for excused absences will be accepted for each student per year.
· If your student has 10+ unexcused absences in a 6 month period, your case will be referred to attendance court.
· If your student has 18+ total absences, excused or unexcused, the attendance committee will review absences and create a program for credit recovery in order to prevent retention.
To better dismiss our students in a safe and organized manner, please do not ask for students to be dismissed between 3:00 and 3:20.
To ensure that all students arrive home safely, please call the office before 2:30 to make changes to transportation at dismissal.
Traffic Reminder
This year Weatherford ISD will offer full day Pre-K classes at Ikard and Seguin Elementary campuses.
- Students who travel by bus from home will remain on that bus until they are dropped off at their Pre-K campus (Ikard or Seguin). Most will ride directly to the Pre-K campus but a few will be transferred to another bus for drop off at Ikard or Seguin.
- Pre-K students who walk, bike, or are dropped off at their neighborhood campus will be supervised until they board a bus to take them to either Ikard or Seguin.
A parent or guardian must be present to receive the Pre-K student when the bus returns them to their neighborhood campus.
Requesting Bus Transportation
Families needing bus transportation for their students need to sign up for this service each year. Returning families should sign up through the enrollment verification process as early as possible to avoid delays.
In addition, all families may request bus transportation by visiting the Transportation Web-page and completing the Bus Ridership Form. These forms may be faxed, emailed, or delivered to the Transportation Department.
Parents of Students in Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade
For the safety of your child, Weatherford ISD requires that an adult pick up list in Skyward be present at the bus stop when the bus arrives in the afternoon to receive these students.
Weatherford ISD Bus Transportation
999 Sloan Street (behind the WISD Ninth Grade Center)
Phone: 817-598-2976
Fax: 817-594-2179
Email: lcotten@weatherfordisd.com
Join PTA
Please show your support and join PTA. A Membership gives you a VOICE! No volunteering necessary and a free meal at our annual dinner in January.
The first classroom to have 100% representation for every student will receive a free spirit stick!
Join the Seguin Team!
Safety Drills - August
As we welcome our students to campus, we will be reviewing and training students on safety procedures, Monday, August 26th, Students will learn what to do in case of an emergency including: Evacuation, Shelter in Place, Lock Out, Hold, and Lock Down situations. We encourage you to ask your student about our campus safety procedures.
Free Back to School Haircuts ~ Wednesday Aug 21st 9AM-6PM @ Ninth Grade Center
Weatherford High School Cosmetology
Free back to School Haircuts
Wednesday August 21st
Cosmetology Department
(behind Ninth Grade Center)
1007 South Main Street Weatherford, TX 76086
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2019, 09:00 AM
WHS Ninth Grade Center, South Main Street, Weatherford, TX, USA
2019-2020 WISD Kids Unite After-School Program & Rate
Enjoy the convenience and security of your child remaining at their neighborhood school all day. The KIDS UNITE after-school program is available at each elementary campus in Weatherford ISD to provide a safe, fun, nurturing, educational, and convenient setting for children to extend their learning beyond the regular school day.
The fee based program features:
- Enrichment activities geared to students' interests;
- Time for homework completion:
- "THink 30!" - 30 minutes a day emphasizing academic support;
- Energizing activities that promote team building and leadership skills;
- Afternoon snacks; and
- Most importantly, a dedicated, caring staff whose top priority is the safety and well-being of each child entrusted to their care.
The After-School program begins on August 26th and is offered five days a week if school is in session, Monday through Friday, from 3:20 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at all seven elementary campuses for Pre-K through 5th Grade.
Standard: $63 weekly or $236 monthly
Reduced*/Employee Rate: $43 weekly or $156 monthly
*Reduced Rate is determined by qualifying for Free/Reduced Lunch Program.
(Pre-K is $43 weekly or $156 monthly)
There is a $30 family registration fee per year.
We serve students in grades Pre-K through 5th grade.
After-School - 3:20-6:30 p.m.