From the Desk of Kelly Harmon
January 2016 Newsletter
Dear Educators,
Join Kelly Harmon & Associates in 2016 for instructional ideas, professional development, and much more! In just a few weeks, we are rolling out a new and improved version of our website. Be sure to visit the site www.kellyharmon.net often for the latest blogs and downloads. We hope you will enjoy our newsletter this month. We are focused on goal setting, action planning, and instructional strategies.
Happy Teaching!
-Kelly Harmon & Randi Anderson
Goal Setting & Action Planning
What are your resolutions this year? Knowing that we can start fresh rejuvenates our students as much as it does us.
Great leaders set goals and create action plans from the start. Teddy Roosevelt set goals to make the United States strong in the areas of economics and defense. He created an action plan to see his goals through and in effect he increased our production of natural resources and built up our Navy defense. Resulting in a stronger country as a whole.
Setting goals is a vital skill our students need to be taught. It's a life skill they will use throughout their life to create actionable plans. Goals empower us to take ownership and direct our own course.
While setting goals is fabulous, creating an action plan to reach those goals is even more important. People who accomplish their goals, know what it takes to get there. They make a plan, identify obstacles, and put forth the work to reach each of their goals. Students need explicit modeling of how to set a goal, create an action plan, identify possible obstacles, and see it through.
Here are 3 ways to set goals with your students in 2016:
1. Set a Variety of Goals Each Week
Goals are defined in two different categories: Short Term and Long Term.
Short term goals are smaller and more attainable goals that students set for themselves to accomplish in a short time period, i.e. a day, or weeks. Do you create a "to do" list daily or weekly? Each item is a goal to accomplish. Checklists are a great starting point for students when goal setting. Start with a checklist of things to accomplish in the classroom in the next couple of days. It could be reading several pages of their book or staying on a task during math centers.
Long Term goals are larger and have a longer time frame, i.e. a month(s), semester, or an academic school year. Long term goals need extensive action plans. Educators and students must commit to continually tracking and monitoring the progress of these goals throughout the year to determine progress. To get students thinking about long term goals, you can use the format of 2 Stars and 2 Wishes. Students identify strengths and next steps. Click here to download a free resource.
2. Action Plans
Creating an action plan is the most important part of goal setting. Think of an action plan as a road map to success. Students can map out a schedule, list, or sequence of events that will lead them to accomplishing their goal. Students need to see the teacher model this for them. Set a long term goal and then identify the steps that are necessary to meet your goal. Also, illustrate for students possible obstacles that could prevent success and brainstorm ways to overcome the obstacles. Show students that motivation and effort will pay off.
3. Progress Monitor
Take time with your students to evaluate their progress on short term and long term goals. Allow class time to discuss, revise, and evaluate the action plans that were created. Celebrate accomplishments and encourage growth at all levels.
When students set goals, monitor progress, and celebrate the progress they become focused, self-directed learners.
Happy New Year & Happy Teaching!
-Randi Anderson
Apps of the Month
Socrative is a great app to use to monitor and document student progress. "Through the use of real-time questioning, result aggregation, and visualization, you have instant insight into levels of understanding so you can use class time to better collaborate and grow as a community of learners." Get Socrative here.
Plickers is a great resource for educators to use for quick checks of understanding. The teachers uses a tablet or smart phone to quickly scan the room and gather student responses. Students do not need a device to participate. Get Plickers here.
ePortfolio Apps:
Seesaw is a great app to use with students to create digital portfolios. Students create a portfolio by capturing pictures of their physical work or creating videos. This is a great accountability tool for students to use! And great to use to showcase work for parents and guardians! Click here to get Seesaw.
Students Taking Action
Quick Writes
Quick Writes are an easy way to get students actively participating in the lesson or activity during class time. All you need to do is turn an oral task into a written one. Instead of asking students to raise their hand to share their answer, have them write out their response. Allow 1 to 3 minutes for students to draft their thinking. This is a great way to see student's thinking and get whole class engagement in a short amount of time!
This strategy is a great way for students to brainstorm about a topic, create categories and then organize by labeling groups. You can use this strategy in every content area, especially writing. Ask students to list out all the words or facts that they know about a topic. Then have students group words from their list together based on similarities. Next, have students label each group or category of words they have constructed. Viola! Students have just planned and organized new ideas that represent their learning. This tool is great to use a prewriting strategy to plan out essays.
2016 Workshop Offerings
Comprehension Strategies: Following Figure 19
San Antonio, TX
Join Kelly Harmon as she helps educators navigate and plan effective instruction for the TEKS comprehension strategies (Figure 19) in a way you have never seen before! Learn how to help your students develop and use the strategies for close, critical, and recreational reading. Click Here to learn more!
Count Down to STAAR: Reading & Writing
San Antonio, TX
Strategically plan and learn how to maximize your instruction in the days leading up to the STAAR tests. Kelly Harmon will illustrate authentic and engaging practice activities to get students ready for what lies ahead. During this seminar, experience and create games that target specific reading and writing skills and strategies. Discover how to incorporate game formats into daily instruction to practice the STAAR readiness and supporting standards. You will leave with activities and games ready to ignite learning excitement and provide fun in your classroom. Click here to learn more!
From Phonics to Fluency: Developing Reading Proficiency
April 8, 2016
Dallas, TX
Phonics and fluency go hand-and-hand because they are both essential components of a proficient reader. Join Kelly Harmon this November to boost your knowledge of how to take your students from just sounding out words to reading smoothly with expression! Explore engaging activities that will get your students fluently reading in no time. Click here to learn more!
Early Childhood: Developing Language & Literacy
April 22, 2016
San Antonio, TX
Spend the day building your knowledge of the latest ideas and learning for the early childhood classroom. Kelly Harmon will guide educators through developing language through singing, talking, reading, and writing in the early childhood classroom. Learn about shared reading and writing, early literacy centers, and using music & movement to engage three through seven year olds. Also, enjoy make-and-take activities you can immediately use with your students. Click here to learn more!
Strenghten Your RTI Program: Two Day Conference
March 31st-April 1st, 2016
Long Island, NY
Learn how to better lead your school or district RTI program in this strategy-packed, two-day institute led by nationally acclaimed presenter and RTI facilitator, Kelly Harmon. Specifically designed for school teams who are using the RTI model and are looking for ways to strengthen it, this two-day program will help you look at new and different ways to refine and build your RTI model to better focus on planning learning goals that meet the needs of your students. Click here for more information.
Summer 2016 Professional Development!
Kelly Harmon & Associates, LLC
Email: randi@kellyharmon.net
Website: www.kellyharmon.net
Phone: 817-583-1290