The Hawks Nest
Clopton Community Newsletter: May - End of the Year Edition
Pike County R-III - Clopton
Website: https://www.clopton.k12.mo.us/
Location: 28176 Highway Ww, Clarksville, MO, USA
Phone: 573-242-3546
Facebook: facebook.com/PikeCoRIIIClopton
Twitter: @CloptonSchool
Information and Updates!
- It's that time of the year when we are "Spring Testing", MAP or EOC... check out the blog from Harvard which includes a few tips that can help with test taking! Eat Breakfast, get good sleep! All we ask is for our students to try their best!
https://summer.harvard.edu/blog/14-tips-for-test-taking-success/ - Reminder to pay breakfast/lunch bills to Ms. Kathy! End of the year is approaching and we do NOT want students on the fine list!
- Seniors and/or parents, if you did not receive the "informational graduation letter" from Mr. Streed please let us know!
- Make sure to stay in the loop and updated on school activities throughout the month by checking the school website and socials! #HawkPride
- Please make sure students miss school for viable reason; absences are increasing and don't want it to hurt HS credits or Spring Testing, please help us and make sure our kids are getting to school!
- Board of Education Meeting: May 10th @ 6PM
April Highlights
The Elementary Enjoys a Day of Games
G.... Stands for Game Day!
Game Day was LOVED!
Congratulations Mrs. Adams!!! - Nomination of Regional Teacher of the Year!
National Honor's Society Spring Induction!
Check out the video below from our NHS Advisor, Mrs. Allensworth!
Miss the Band Concert.....? Catch it on our YouTube Channel (link below)
Mr. Streed Review: "Outstanding! Loved the creativitity with the typewritter and think it was their best performance yet! Each concert showed improvement and became sharper as the year went on! Special shoutout to those providing our pep band, I speak for all and say we can't wait to hear more next year Mr. Koenig!"
Congrats to All State FBLA Participants and Mrs. Hall!
Carlyn Lockard and Gracey MacGlaughlin made it to the finals in Sales Presentation and Intro to Event Planning - again congrats to all! - Thanks for all you do Mrs. Hall!
Scholar Bowl Season Wraps Up
Congrats to our FFA!!!
Check out the link from Missouri Ruralist that featured Tinleigh Spoonster, "On the Street at State FFA" - https://fb.watch/kf_AEhtXhO/
Congratulations to all of our students who qualified and went to state FFA! Special Shoutout to Mrs. Conderman, thanks for all you do!
Miss the Spring Play.....? Catch on our YouTube Channel (link below)
Mr. Streed's Review: "Thoroughly enjoyed every minute! You could tell our students put in a ton of time and effort. Fun parts to provide comic relief, and Mr. John Cooke brought displayed a lot of that! Loved the creativity to combine two plays into one night! Look forward to seeing Mrs. Henderson's works in the future! Great job to all of our cast! We can't wait til next year!"
KJFM Correspondent - Austin Jolly
Clopton Vehicle Reenactment - Promoting Safe Driving
Clopton Vehicle Reenactment
Special Thanks!
- Brian @ Jackson's Automotive and Wrecker Service - for the donating the cars, getting them set up and cleaning up
- Eolia and Clarskville Fire Departments
- Pike County 911
- Missouri State Highway Patrol - Trooper Bochinski
- Pike County Sheriff
- Pike County Memorial Hospital
- Special thanks to: Tyler Beauchamp and Reid LaFave for their efforts and help to organize this important event.
Another Thanks...!
Thank you students for your role in helping create the reenactment: Shae Williamson, Faith Myers, Adam Lindsay, and Josh Harvey
Prom 2023 - Tievoli Hills
Thank You Tievoli!
Special thanks to our very own Lynn Hall, Malarie Allensworth and Abby Jones
Congrats 2023 Prom King and Queen!
Queen: Beth Reading
2023 Prom Court
What's Going on in May...!?
Teacher Appreciation Week! - May 8-12
“A teacher affects eternity; they can never tell where their influence stops.” - From the Admin at Clopton... "WE SINCERELY THANK YOU!"
Elementary Events - "Mark Your Calendars!"
- 5/12 - Conservation Day
- 5/16 @ 6pm - the famous "Big Mike" puts on the end of the year Spring Concert
- 5/18 & 5/19 - Aquarium Field Trip
- 5/23 - Track and Field Day with Coach Hall
***Rain Date set for 5/24 - 5/25 - Spelling Bee
- 5/25 - PreK Graduation @ 1pm in the Multipurpose
- 5/26 - PAT Picnic @ 5pm
- 5/26 - Awards Assembly
Summer Job Opportunities at Clopton!
1) Fill out an application, if this is the first time you are applying. If you would like to return, please submit a letter of interest to the Superintendent’s office. Applications may be printed off of the website or picked up in the Superintendent’s office.
2) Application/Letter of Interest Deadline - 12:00 noon on May 5, 2023 to the Superintendent’s office.
3) Must have acceptable grades and attendance.
4) Work schedule - 40 hours/week; 4 or 5 day week depending on crew.
There will be a limited number of positions available.
Spring Sports Update!
All-Sports Banquet - May 9th - 6:30PM
Clopton Hawk Student-Athletes, Families, & Fans
The 2022-23 Clopton Hawk All-Sports Banquet will be held May 9 at 6:30pm in the Dale Miller Gymnasium. We will recognize the hard work & achievements of our dedicated young women & men, grades 6-12. Refreshments will be served.
***Chaz Lindsay - 1st Team EMO All-Conference
- 5/2 @ Louisiana
- District Golf @ Moberly - May 4th @ 9am
Track and Field
Recent Meet: Stacia Talbert (4th) - 400; Katherine Truetken (3rd) - 3200; Bailey Baker (2nd) - Discuss
- 5/2 @ Wright City - EMO Conference Meet
- District Track at South Callaway, May 6th: Time TBA
*** 3 seed in Districts, will play Westran
- 5/3 @ Bowling Green
- 5/4 @ Van-Far
- 5/6 @ Belle (double header)
- 5/8 vs. Bowling Green (V-Only)
- Districts @ Silex, THURSDAY, May 11 at 12pm
4th Place - Stacia Talbert
3rd Place - Katherine Truetken
2nd Place - Bailey Baker
Congratulations Senior Baseball Players and Parents!
High School Events - "Mark Your Calendars!"
- 5/5 - FFA Banquet @ 6PM
- 5/9 - All-Sports Banquet @ 6:30PM
- 5/10 - BOE Meeting
- 5/11 - Academic Banquet @ Whiteside Schoolhouse - 6PM
- 5/11 - JH (Grades 7/8) Spring Dance (7-10PM) - must have eligibility
- 5/17 - Baccalaureate @ 7PM
- 5/19 - Senior Awards @ 9AM - graduation practice to follow awards!
- 5/21 - Graduation @ 2PM