Charger Nation
Carroll High School News
October 2022
Fall is here!
It is hard to believe that Fall is here and we are in October. Students have been working hard in their academics, athletics and extracurriculars. It has been exciting to see that hard work payoff both in the classroom and on on the fields/courts.
Carroll High School has seen six of our Seniors named as Semi-Finalists for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Congratulations to those students and their success.
Several of our Fall sports and band will be preparing for post season. Best wishes to all of the teams and individuals competing this month in sectionals, regionals and state.
There are a couple of important dates coming up this month:
October 12th is PSAT dat for 10th and 11th graders. It is also College-Career Day for 9th graders. 12th graders will have the opportunity to explore post-secondary options off campus. Please see the info below regarding October 12th.
October 21st are Parent Teacher Conferences. If you would like to have a conference with one of your son's/daughter's teachers at CHS or CFC, please contact the teacher.
October 24th is Fall Break. Enjoy!
Cleve Million
Financial Plan Night-October 4th
October 12th - 10th and 11th grade
On Wednesday, October 12th Carroll High School will be administering the PSAT to all Sophomore and Junior students. As we make preparations for this day, I would like to share some logistical items that you should be aware of. We consider this an important opportunity for our students as the scores from the PSAT exam help qualify them for the dual credit course offerings that we have at Carroll High School. Juniors also have the opportunity to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program with their performance on the PSAT. The exam is also a great practice for the upcoming school day SAT that juniors will be taking in March as a graduation fulfillment requirement. While students should not stress about this exam, we do hope you encourage your child to do their best on it.
10th and 11th grade students will report to their designated testing area (Home Room) by 8:35 a.m. It is critical that students arrive on time so the test can be administered in a timely fashion. All 10th and 11thgrade students will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12th.
At the conclusion of the test (approximately 1:00 pm.) the 10th and 11th grade students will be allowed to leave school if the following permission form has been completed. Those students leaving early will exit door #13.
Please complete the appropriate permission form to allow your child to leave school at the conclusion of the PSAT test.
This must be submitted by October 10th at 5 PM. Bus transportation will not be provided for those students leaving early.
Buses will still run on their normal times in both the am and pm routes. Those 10th and 11th grade students that remain in the building after testing will report to the cafeteria for lunch and have work time.
All Students will have the option to eat lunch. The 10th and 11th grade students will be able to eat lunch at the conclusion of their testing session which again will be approximately 1:00 -1:45.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to your students counselor.
Jessica McClure (A-K) - Jessica.Mcclure@nacs.k12.in.us
Rachel Fox (L-Z) - Rachel.Fox@nacs.k12.in.us
Lauren Kimes (A-K) - Lauren.Kimes@nacs.k12.in.us
Megan Wingard (L-Z) - Megan.Wingard@nacs.k12.in.us
October 12 - Seniors
On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, Carroll High School students will participate in different activities that are focused on postsecondary opportunities. While the 9th – 11th grade students will be participating in activities at Carroll High, the senior class will have the opportunity to pursue postsecondary experiences away from the school.
To make this day a meaningful experience for the senior class, we would like to offer the following as approved activities for the students to complete:
Postsecondary School Visits: students may choose to work on writing college essays, completing college applications, apply for scholarships or conduct college visits.
Military Recruiter Visits: Students could pursue communicating with different branches of the military and examining the different entrance requirements.
Job Shadowing: Students can use the day to examine different employment opportunities by completing job shadowing experiences.
Skilled Trades Fair hosted at CHS: Carroll High School will be conducting a job fair with different skilled trades employers from Fort Wayne and the surrounding areas. Seniors are encouraged to attend the fair between 9:30-12:30. If students choose to attend the career fair, they should enter door 13 to sign in and proceed to the field house. The students should also leave through door 13 and sign out upon exit. Students are not expected to stay the entire time frame.
Senior students attending Anthis, will still attend Anthis. Please indicate on your parent permission form. Anthis students do not need to complete the Senior Attendance Reflection.
Parents, in order to successfully document that you approve the attendance activities for your child, we are asking that you use the following link: Parent Permission Link
Complete the google form to ensure that you are aware of the activities that your child will be participating in. Please complete this form by 5 PM on Monday, October 10th.
Seniors are welcome to utilize the lunch services at the high school between 12:40-1:20. Please enter door 13 to take advantage of the lunch service. In order to allow the lunch staff to plan properly, please denote the desire to eat lunch at the school at the bottom of the Parent Remission Link.
Students, you re required to complete the attendance form found on the following link:
October 12-Senior Attendance : This is to be completed by 4PM on October 12th.
We are excited about providing this opportunity for our seniors to pursue postsecondary opportunities and we ask that parents complete the approval form by October 10th and that students complete the attendance reflection form on October 12th.
October 12 - Freshman
On Wednesday, October 12th Carroll High School students will participate in different activities that are focused on postsecondary opportunities. The freshman class will participate in our E-Day event where our freshman students will explore Employment, Enlistment, and Enrollment opportunities available to them after high school.
Freshman students will participate in several educational activities that will increase their awareness of the postsecondary opportunities available to them.
- Career Exploration Fair that will feature nearly 50 employers from the skilled trades that will share opportunities that are available to high school graduates.
- Military Branch Representative Panel will allow students to learn about the enlistment opportunities.
- College Representative Panel will allow students to learn more about admission requirements and college life.
- Human Resources Panel will allow students to learn about the career opportunities that are available within some of the largest companies in our area.
- Career Interest Inventory will be completed with Junior Achievement prior to this event.
- Students will learn more about developing their “4-year plan” for high school so they can attain their postsecondary goals.
- Students will complete their financial literacy test which is a graduation requirement.
We are extremely excited to be partnering with the MadeByMe Coalition powered by Greater Fort Wayne Inc. to provide this opportunity to our students.
Counselor's Corner
Guidance Staff (637-6913)
Guidance Dept. Chair - Sally Lehman X3020
Mrs. Kristin Bowland - Grade 9 (A-K) X3906
Mr. Jeremy Heidenreich - Grade 9 (L-Z) X3909
Mrs. Lauren Kimes - Grade 10 (A-K) X3021
Mrs. Megan Wingard - Grade 10 (L-Z) X3024
Mrs. Jessica McClure - Grade 11 (A-K) X3022
Ms. Rachel Fox - Grade 11 (L-Z) X3019
Mrs. Emily Kennerk - Grade 12 (A-K) X3026
Mr. Tracy Cross - Grade 12 (L-Z) X3023
Mrs. Janet Crawford - Vocational-Career-Internship x3503
Mrs. Kim Watkins - Guidance Secretary/Registrar X3007
College Application Process
2. Create account with Parchment.com & request transcript to be sent to colleges you apply to unless the college uses the common application and then student does not need parchment.
3. The counselor portion & transcript will then be completed & sent to these colleges by Mrs. Kennerk or Mr. Cross.
4. Make sure you are aware of the application deadlines. Your application needs to be completed at least a week before the deadline.
5. If you need a recommendation to go along with your application, choose someone who knows you well, tell them what it is for, and give them at least a week to complete it.
6. If you are in Career Exploration Internship, add that to your application if possible and explain what it is, how it works, and how it has benefited you. Some colleges may look at your transcript and see an Internship listed but not really know what it is all about.
Important Testing Dates
- CHECK www.nacs.k12.in.us - Click on Carroll High School, Guidance and scroll down - click on Scholarships - deadlines noted - Print and complete applications from site or link or, some can be completed on line.
- MEET THE DEADLINES - read the directions whether to send yourself or give to guidance.
- ALSO CHECK www.fastweb.com
- CHS will not print those that are available online. If paper copies of applications are available from CHS-those can be obtained in the Guidance Office.
Charger Pride - "Verses"
We are quickly approaching competition season. This year's show is titled "Verses." Be sure to see the hard work and talent put into this year's show!
10/8 ISSMA Open Class Invitational
10/15 ISSMA Regional at Carroll
10/29 ISSMA Semi-State at Ben Davis
11/5 ISSMA State Finals at Lucas Oil Stadium
Administrators and Counselors
Cleve Million
Dan Ginder
Ryan Abbott
Jeremy Yates
Assistant Principal
Kristin Bowland
Guidance Counselor
Jeremy Heidenreich
Guidance Counselor
Kevin Fogle
Assistant Principal
Lauren Kimes
Guidance Counselor
Megan Wingard
Guidance Counselor
Dan Lestinsky
Assistant Principal
Rachel Fox
Guidance Counselor
Jessica McClure
Guidance Counselor
Tanya Pickett
Assistant Principal
Tracy Cross
Guidance Counselor
Emily Kennerk
Guidance Counselor
Amy Thomas
Assistant Principal