News You Can Use...
Friday, October 20, 2023
Parent -Teacher Conferences
Conferences are scheduled for:
- Wednesday, October 25
- 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Thursday, October 26
- 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Our goal is to meet with 100% of our families!
to schedule your child's Parent-Teacher Conference.
Safety Upgrade
Due to a safety funding grant that the district received last year,
fencing has been installed to secure the school grounds!
Picture Retakes
On Friday, November 3, Interstate Studio is scheduled to return to Eagle Lake to photograph new students, those who were absent and retakes.
If you would like to have retakes of your child, please make sure that you return the original picture package. Inter-State will not place an order for a new package until the original package is returned.
To place an order, click Here to access the online order form.
Eagle Lake School code is 81322SB.
Third grade students will begin sharing their slides and telling us about what animal they think would be a good companion for Eddie. Second grade and multiage students will continue learning about library tools and types of literature.
Happy reading and researching!
Miss Thunell
Multiage Mini Athletics and 3rd Grade Soccer
This week, 3rd graders practiced their soccer skills they have learned. They also did relay dribbling games and small sided games. They also learned how to shield the ball from an opponent.
Multiage continued focusing on their mini athletic skills with games and stations. They did weaving stations, throwing in a hula hoop, and created their own jumping maze.
Mrs. Wallick
🍕 Food Service
Breakfast and lunch are available daily at the Eagle Lake School.
Meal Magic Family Portal is the place to go to set up a lunch account for your child, add money to an established account, or apply for free/reduced meals. Edwardsburg Public Schools is asking families to please complete an application for free/reduced meals as some areas of school funding are dependent on the outcome of these applications.
🔶🔷🔶PTO Information🔶🔷🔶
👀Project KidSight Vision Screening👀
On Friday, November 3, volunteers from the Edwardsburg Lions Club will be in the building performing vision screening on all students as part of Project KidSight. All children in attendance that morning will be screened unless parents request in writing that they not participate.
📤School Messenger
Edwardsburg Public Schools uses the SchoolMessenger Notification System to notify households of school cancellations or delays, as well as newsletter distribution, attendance notifications, and general interest activities details. In order to assure you are receiving important information, please log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal and click on SchoolMessenger to verify contact information.
Visitors and Volunteers 🤗
If you wish to volunteer, please contact the classroom teacher to arrange a day and time. Volunteers must complete a background check every school year. A Volunteer Form is available on the EPS website.
New This Year: Visitors coming to eat lunch with students must have an approved Volunteer Form. For safety reasons, only staff and students are allowed on the playground during school hours.
🗓 Coming Up!
EPS Mission
Edwardsburg Public Schools will maximize all EDDIES’ potential to be successful in life.
23889 Avenue C
Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Principal: Deborah Becraft