February Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Yost
As we step into the month of February, I am delighted to share the progress demonstrated by our students. I'm so proud of the dedication our students put forth during our winter assessments. As shared in Sunday's ParentSquare message, our K-2 families will receive their child's reading and math winter assessment data by Friday, February 2, 2024. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher. Our Cougars are ready to launch into new learning and continue their academic and social progress.
Throughout the month of February, we embark on a journey of celebration, reflection, and recognition. Black History Month provides us with a valuable opportunity to honor the rich tapestry of African American history, achievements, and contributions that have profoundly shaped our nation and our world. From scientists and inventors to artists, activists, and leaders, we aim to showcase the myriad ways in which Black individuals have played pivotal roles in shaping our collective history. We believe in fostering an environment where every child learns to appreciate the diversity that makes our community strong and vibrant. Together, we can instill in our children the values of respect, understanding, and unity.
February is also the month of love and compassion, and at Cook Hill, we are focusing on building a culture of kindness. Throughout the month, we will be organizing activities and discussions to emphasize the importance of empathy, respect, and understanding. Let's work together to create an environment where every student feels valued and supported. During the week of February 12th-16th, we will focus each day on a different trait and represent it by wearing a specific color to school.
Monday=Green for Gratitude
Tuesday=Orange for Helpfulness
Wednesday=Red & Pink to celebrate love and friendship!
Thursday = Yellow for Positivity
Friday =Blue for Self Kindness
As always, I encourage open communication. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas you'd like to share, please feel free to reach out to me or our dedicated staff.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in making Cook Hill a place where every child can thrive.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Yost
Follow us on Instagram - Cook Hill Cougars @cookhillcougars
Important Dates
Black History Month
American Heart Month
Library Lovers Month
Friday, February 2nd - Groundhog Day!
Friday, February 2nd - Cook Hill Town Meeting - 2:30pm in Gymnasium
Tuesday, February 6th - K-Kids, 8:10am - Library
Wednesday, February 7th - World Read Aloud Day - Guest Readers will be visiting!
Wednesday, February 7th - 100th DAY of SCHOOL!!!
Wednesday, February 7th - Special Education PTAC Meeting - 7:00 - 9:00pm
Thursday, February 8th - 2-HOUR EARLY RELEASE - Dismissal at 1:30pm
Thursday, February 8th - Lunar New Year Parade
Friday, February 9th - Jersey Day - Staff and students can wear their favorite football/sports team
February 12th - February 16th - Kindness Week -
Monday=Green for Gratitude
Tuesday=Orange for Helpfulness
Wednesday=Red & Pink to celebrate love and friendship!
Thursday = Yellow for Positivity
Friday =Blue for Self Kindness
Tuesday, February 13th - Cook Hill/Parker Farms PTAC Meeting 6:00pm -Cancelled
Tuesday, February 13th - Cook Hill/Parker Farms PTO Meeting 7:00pm -Virtual
Wednesday, February 14th - Valentine's Day💟
Thursday, February 15th - Cook Hill Family STEM night at The Center for Innovation and Design - Mary G Fritz Elementary School, 415 Church Street - 5:30 -7:00pm
Friday, February 16th - 2-HOUR EARLY RELEASE - Dismissal at 1:30pm - Winter Break
Monday, February 19th - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break - Presidents' Day
Tuesday, February 20th - PTO Braided Breads Fundraiser begins
Tuesday, February 20th - System Wide PTAC Meeting - 6:00 - 8:00pm - Google Meet
Friday, February 23rd - Wear your Gold and/ or Gray to bring awareness toward Childhood and Brain Cancer
Monday, February 26th - Board of Education Meeting - 6:30 - 9:00pm - Wallingford Town Hall - 45 South Main Street - Town Council Chambers
Tuesday, February 27th - Masonicare Friends Visit - 9:30am
Thursday, February 29th - Leap Day! Join us for some fun jump rope activities for Leap Year and support American Heart Month
Center of Innovation and Design CH Family Night
Join us for this free fun night of exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Math ! You’ll have a chance to build a tower, control a robot, play fun math games and many more hands-on investigations!
Please register at the following link or QR Code: https://forms.gle/oSgmjdfEyDLBVvY28
Any questions, please contact us at cid@wallingfordschools.org
Thursday, February 15, 2024
The Center for Innovation and Design (Fritz School)
415 Church Street, Wallingford, CT
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Community Corner
The Wallingford Education Foundation (WEF) is hosting a fashion show on Thursday, February 8, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Wheeler Family Traditions Country Club, Wallingford. Proceeds from the show fund grants and scholarships for Wallingford Public Schools educators, staff, and students. To learn more about this event, as well as purchase tickets, please go to the Wallingford Education Foundation website under Events.
WEF website - www.wallingfordeducationfoundation.org.
Middle & High Schools
Meriden Wallingford Collaborative/Favor - Network of Change
Support Group Facilitation & Financial Planning
Elementary & Middle Schools
Elementary Schools
Girl Scouts - Your Year of Friendship - Grade 4 Girls
Special Events
3rd Grade - Wallingford Grange Fairbook Cover Contest
The Wallingford Grange is holding a Fairbook Cover Contest amongst the 3rd graders within our school system. The theme will be "Community". How do the students view Community, what does Community mean to them. They should draw it.
They will be picking a cover picture and some inside pictures where needed if we can't fill the ad space. All the other entries will hang at the Grange Hall that day- to display them.
The contest would need to be completed by May 1, 2024- ready for pick up.
Also, the Grange Fairbook will go on to be part of the Association of Connecticut Fairs Fairbook Contest!
Title: Wallingford Grange Fair
Date: September 14, 2024
Time: 12pm - 5pm
Draw on: 1/2 page of a 8 1/2 x 11 piece paper- Booklet is 5 1/2" wide x 8 1/2" tall (folded in half)
School Hours
School Hours: 9:05 AM - 3:30 PM
(Parent drop off 8:50am-9:05am)
Delayed Openings:
2 hour: 11:05am-3:30pm
No AM Preschool class
Early Dismissals:
2 hour: 9:05am-1:30pm
2 hour and 45 minute: 9:05am-12:45pm
No PM Preschool class
School Contact Information
Amy Yost ~ Principal
Kara Piper, Secretary - kpiper1@wallingfordschools.org
Aimee Heinrich, Office Clerk - aheinrich@wallingfordschools.org
Amy Yost, Principal - ayost@walllingfordschools.org
PreSchool Office
Kelly Vallancourt, Secretary - kvallancourt@wallingfordschools.org
District Website: https://www.wallingford.k12.ct.us/
CH Website: https://ches.wallingford.k12.ct.us/
Location: 57 Hall Road, Wallingford, CT, USA
Phone: (203)284-5400