The Olive Branch 10.15.21
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
Dear OMS Families,
We had a smooth transition to our 20/20/20 lunch shift this week. We look forward to seeing you next week during Parent-Teacher conferences. If you haven't signed up to meet with your child's teacher please find the link below.
As the temperatures begin to drop D25 is transitioning our schools from A/C to heat. Our teachers have been encouraged to leave windows open for as long as possible to increase airflow in our classrooms. Please send your child to school with an extra layer or two so they stay warm both inside and out!
Have a great weekend!
Erin, Julia, and the OMS staff
Crosswalks and Crossing Guards
Many families are not using designated crosswalks and/or not waiting for our crossing guards to give the go-ahead to cross the street. Please help set a safe example for our students to only cross a street at a crosswalk and to follow the directions of the crossing guards. Families should not be crossing Olive Street at Pine Avenue. Please walk along the north side of Olive Street and cross with Ms. Vicki.
If Ms. Vicki is allowing families to cross Olive Street, other families need to wait to cross Belmont until she is ready. This is a very busy intersection and she is trying to keep everyone safe, including herself.
We have also noticed families crossing our loading zone area between cars, this is extremely dangerous. We have a designated crosswalk at the curve to safely cross from the parking area to the plaza. Ms. Davis is usually there with a stop sign directing traffic and can cross your family safely.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up Genius
Halloween Lunch
Halloween Permission Slips and Costume Reminder
All students must have a permission slip. The form must be filled out for each individual child.
Please complete BEFORE Oct. 27th.
Please help your child choose a costume responsibly, understanding that we wish to promote safety while having fun. Please be sure that students do not bring weapons (real or fake) to school or wear costumes that include blood or depict violence. Please also exercise caution in selecting a mask, as students will not be able to wear them during the parties and may be asked to remove them if they make walking in the parade unsafe.
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive