Alto All Star Gazette
August 31, 2023
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone #: 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
From the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
We have had another fantastic week here! Our students have established great routines and our classroom learning communities are thriving. I continue to be impressed with the high quality teaching and learning I see taking place every day. We continue to reinforce to our students that they are Safe, Thoughtful, Accountable, and Respectful as Alto Alto Stars. They are doing a great job in all settings within our school. We have amazing kids! Thank you for all that you do to prepare them for success each day.
M-Step Results
M-Step results for current 4th and 5th grade students will be sent home today. We are proud of the efforts of all of our students! Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding the results.
Ice Cream Social – Friday, September 15th- 6:00-8:00 PM
Alto Families are invited to the school on the evening of September 15th from 6:00-8:00 PM for an ice cream social. The Lowell High School Fusion Rock Orchestra will be performing. We are excited to again be hosting this event! We will need parent volunteers to help make this event successful. Please stay tuned for opportunities to sign up.
Have a great holiday weekend! Go Alto All Stars! Go Red Arrows!
With Appreciation,
Paul Papes
Alto Elementary
Lowell Area Schools.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Mark your calendar!
9/1-9/4: NO SCHOOL- Labor Day Weekend
9/12: Picture Day
9/15: Popcorn Friday
9/15: Ice Cream Social- 6pm
9/22: Pink Arrow Day
Office Notes
Volunteers needed! If you are able to help with popping popcorn, the "Golden Ticket" store or able to help scoop ice cream for the ice cream social, please sign up!
Please keep your student home if:
*fever- must be fever free for 24 hours w/out the use of fever reducing medication
*vomiting/diarrhea- free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours
*rash/head lice/eye infection- evaluated by doctor and note if needed
*hospital- must be released by medical provider to return to school
Thank you for helping to keep our kids (and staff!) healthy!
CALLING ALL FAMILIES!!!! Please join us on Tuesday, September 12th @ 6:30pm at Alto Elementary School for the Alto Cub Scout Pack 3180 Information/Sign up event. Cub Scouts is a great place for BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS, grades K-5, to learn life skills in exciting ways through team and character-building activities. Alto Pack 3180 has a lot of great things planned for the year and this event will be a place for families to learn how to get involved. This FAMILY event will include stomp rockets for the kids, a model rocket launch, information for parents, meet and greet with parent den leaders, and more! Please feel free to contact us with questions at or by text at 303-906-2060. We look forward to seeing you there!
KDL Happenings!
The KDL Alto Branch will be hosting STEM labs this fall. These are librarian-led programs that allow children to think creatively, tinker, explore and collaborate while engaging in a variety of hand-on activities based on STEM concepts. The labs are twice a month on Wednesdays from 4-5 p.m. at the Alto library. Dates are: 9/13, 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/08 and 11/22.