The Gator Guide
Gulph Elementary School - April 24, 2023
- From Mr. Dickerson -
Hello Gulph Families!
This week, 3rd and 4th-grade students will begin PSSA testing. The PSSAs will take place in the morning up until lunchtime. If your child will be taking the assessment, the following are important reminders to ensure your child performs their best:
- Get a good night's sleep before the test.
- Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test.
- Ensure your child arrives at school on time on the day of the test.
- Encourage your child to relax and stay positive. Remind them that the PSSA is just one way to show what they have learned this year!
Finally, it was great to see so many of our Gator families attend our first-ever Family Bingo Night on April 14th. We hope you enjoyed the event and we thank you for your support. A huge thank you to our Gulph PTC for organizing and providing this fun night for families.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to review this newsletter. At the bottom of the page is a link to access the previous Gator Guides for your reference. If you need any additional clarification or have questions, please reach out to me at cdickerson@umasd.org.
Have a great start to your week,
Christopher Dickerson
Gulph Elementary School
- Save the Date -
April 25-27 | 3rd and 4th Grade ELA PSSA Testing
May 2-3 | 3rd and 4th Grade Math PSSA Testing
May 3 | 2nd Grade Field Trip to Arden Theater
May 4-5 | 4th Grade Science PSSA Testing
May 9 | 3rd Grade Field Trip to DaVinci Science Center
May 10 | District Arts Festival (Middle School and High School)
May 11 | PTC Meeting ('23-'24 Board Elections & 5th Grade Presentation from Lower House principal, Eric Erb)
May 16 | In-Service Day - No School for Students
May 22 | Kindergarten Field Trip to Sandy Hill Farm (1st Group)
May 23 | 1st Grade Field Trip to Elmwood Park Zoo
May 24 | Kindergarten Field Trip to Sandy Hill Farm (2nd Group)
Click Here for our online full year calendar
Click Here to print our pdf full year at-a-glance calendar
Wear Sneakers to School on P.E Class Days
As the weather gets nicer, please make sure your child continues to wear footwear that is appropriate for P.E class. Sneakers are the most suitable shoes for physical activities as they provide necessary support and help prevent injuries. Additionally, sneakers with non-slip soles will help prevent slips and falls on gym floors.
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring your child is prepared for P.E class.
- What's Happening at Gulph -
Highlights from the Gulph PTC Family Bingo Night!
Attention 3rd and 4th Grade Families - PSSA Information
This is a reminder that beginning tomorrow, April 25, your child will be participating in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) tests. The PSSA assesses English Language Arts and Mathematics in grades 3 – 8. In addition, children in grade 4 will also be assessed in Science.
Please see the links below that include additional details regarding the PSSA test, the District’s expectations, and requests for an exemption. I have also attached a document regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Cell Phone policy during the testing window.
Again, please feel free to reach out to me or your child’s teacher with any questions that you may have regarding our upcoming PSSA testing.
Summer Dates for Middle School Tours
Tours will be offered to incoming 5th graders on the following dates:
July 11th
August 8th
Times for tours each day: 9:00, 12:00, 5:00
Be sure to check the middle school's main page for links to sign up through MyConferenceTime.
PTC Executive Board Elections - May 11th
President or Co-President
Recording Secretary & Corresponding Secretary
PBIS @ Home
We would like to introduce our new family version of PBIS you can use at home!
What is PBIS?
PBIS is an evidence-based approach to developing a positive school culture. PBIS is built on the premise that behavioral expectations must be: positively stated, clearly defined, taught directly, and systematically reinforced.
The PBIS framework supports students by explicitly teaching them expected behaviors and then provides reinforcement for these behaviors when they occur.
Home & School Partnership in PBIS Students are most successful when strong partnerships are formed between their home and school.
CLICK HERE to download our PBIS at Home resources!
- Classroom Highlights -
4th Grade Trip to Central Montco Technical High School
- District News and Events -
Upcoming UMPR Programs & Events
Gulph Elementary School Policy Reminders
Early or Alternate Dismissal
Parents should try to avoid disrupting their children’s school day. If at all possible, do not make medical or dental appointments during school hours.
If it is necessary for a child to leave school early, he/she must bring a signed note or email to our attendance clerk, Ms. Johnson (bajohnson@umasd.org) and the classroom teacher explaining the reason. If you are not able to pick up your child personally, your note must state the name of the person authorized to do so. As a further precaution, all persons picking up children are required to come to the school office.
If you are changing your child's dismissal method for the day (i.e. from bus rider to car rider), please send a written note or email to Ms. Johnson and the classroom teacher. We will not change a student's dismissal routine without written confirmation from the parent/guardian.
Feel free to use the alternate dismissal form linked below.
- Useful Links -
- Gulph Contact Information -
Gulph Elementary School
Contact Information:
Principal | Mr. Christopher Dickerson (cdickerson@umasd.org)Admin. Asst. | Ms. Madeline Gussoni (mgussoni@umasd.org)
Attendance | Ms. Barbara Johnson (bajohnson@umasd.org)
School Counselor | Mrs. Missi Besz (mbesz@umasd.org)
Email: cdickerson@umasd.org
Website: umasd.org/gulph
Location: 650 South Henderson Road, King of Prussia, PA, USA
Phone: 610-592-2020
Twitter: @gulphedugator