MHS Innovation!
MILAB Fabrication and Innovation update.
MiLAB Newsletter Fall 2023
Another exciting collaboration came from the English Department, shout our to Ms. Connor and Ms. Buco. Through the elective, The Art of Personal Story Telling, students where charged with developing their own children's book. The students narrated and illustrated the books. Some students used digital tools and some created their own art. The Milab helped round out the project by facilitating printing, laminating, and binding as well as encouragement. We have also partnered with the MECC in order for some students to share their exemplar work with young students and read the books they worked so hard on. This will take place at the end of the month.
Some other important shout outs are to the students that are engaging in the MiLAB as part of the MyFLEX learning blocks. This time offers students he ability to come in and create and explore the technologies the MiLAB has to offer.
MiLAB's interns Melina Freitas and Dan Collins have been knocking it out of the park with both students completing innovative projects this fall. Melina making a huge contribution to the Cranberry Café in the form of a needed shelf and Dan exploring the capabilities of the CNC and completing his first custom guitar. We look forward to continued work and collaborations with students and teachers as the the year moves on. Sachem Pride!
Current Happenings
Play Pro gets intro to tools.
Mosher going over table saw and materials.
The play set coming together.
Stairs assembled and ready for paint.
Children's Book Build
Bailey the Bunny
MyFlex Learning Session
Dan making his guitar
Melina working on intricate shelf.
Completed Mean Girls Set! Yes it's MASSIVE!
Melina completes multilevel shelf for the Cranberry Cafe
Dan Collins custom Beehive guitar
Talk to me or your teachers!
Contact: tchiuppi@middleboro.k12.ma.us