Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families!
This was a quick week for us. Of course the big news for students is that there is NO School tomorrow, Friday, October 8.
This day is a work day for teachers called a Learning Improvement Day.
It is a very important day for us to come together as a teaching staff to evaluate our progress and learn about strategies and information to guide our work.
Some highlights for the LID day are: MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports), Teacher Evaluations, Google Classroom, School Culture, and more…
Under the umbrella of MTSS was our Panorama survey that students recently completed. Our student’s own words are expressed on this survey and we will review what they are telling us about feeling safe at school, what has been difficult for them, what has been going well for them, etc… The questions we will apply to this data are: What is within our control, and what can we do about it?
We appreciate the flexibility of our community to give us a day to work together to continue to grow professionally!
Make it a great weekend! -Mr. Hardt
Mark your Calendars!
AP Environmental Science field trip
Ridgeline AP Environmental Science spent the day in Fairfield planting trees along Hangman Creek. Students learned about the importance of riparian zone restoration for stream health. Students also learned of the Native American history of the land. Great day to be a Falcon!
Coats 4 Kids
Thank you!
From the Attendance desk
From the attendance desk….
Did you know?
• Students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful and on track to graduation.
• Frequent absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, or facing some other difficulty.
• By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
• Missing 10%, or 2 days of school a month, over the course of the school year, can drastically affect a student’s academic success.
What can you do?
• Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day.
• Help your children maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
• If your children must stay home because they are sick, make sure they have asked teachers for resources and materials to make up for the missed learning time in the classroom. Help your teen stay engaged.
• Monitor your child’s academic progress and seek help from teachers or tutors when necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you.
• Stay on top of your child’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
• Encourage your child to join meaningful after-school activities, including sports and clubs.
• Notice and support your children if they are showing signs of anxiety, such as headaches or stomach aches. Listen to their concerns, and if needed, ask school staff for help. Communicate with the school
• Know the school’s attendance policy.
• Check on your child’s attendance to be sure absences are not adding up.
• Seek help from school staff, other parents, or community agencies if you need support.
*Please remember to call our attendance line to excuse your students' absence when they are not at school otherwise it will be marked as unexcused and counted towards student truancy. When you call our attendance line please leave the name and date your student will be gone as well as the reason for their absence. Our attendance line number is 509-558-3801.
Falcon families,
Please see the included chart to help determine what to do if your child is experiencing symptoms of, has been exposed to, or has tested positive for COVID. Please call 558-3818 to report a positive test or a close contact to a positive COVID case.
COVID Symptom COVID Protocols Per CVSD
Symptoms: Cough Loss of sense of taste and/or smell Shortness of breath Fatigue Headache Muscle or body aches Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea (defined as two or more loose stools in 24 hours Fever (defined as subjective or 100.4 or higher) Stay home for 24 hours. If symptoms are gone after 24 hours the student can return to school. Symptoms lasting more than 24 hours: If symptoms are improving- Students need two Binax tests (24 hours apart from one another). Both tests need to be negative for students to return to school. *No improvement of symptoms school will do a Curative COVID test. Student stays home while awaiting results. Sibling rule Household members of children with symptoms are to stay home until symptoms are confirmed to be unrelated to COVID-19. COVID Tests are available at school. Please call 558-3800 or reach out to your health care provider if you would prefer to test elsewhere.
Student Positive Case Students will be on a 10 day quarantine from the onset of symptoms or positive COVID Test.
Close Contact (outside of school and outside of the household) Any student that is a “close contact” will need to quarantine for 10 days even if a negative test is received. *Vaccination status may reduce quarantine.
Close Contact (identified at school) Students identified as a close contact in school will be given 2 COVID tests (with parent permission). The first test is a Binax rapid test. If negative, students can return to the classroom. 3-5 days later a Curative COVID test is given and, if negative, the student is out of the close contact category.
Living with a Positive COVID case in the home- 20 day quarantine – If a student develops symptoms and tests positive the 20 day would move to 10 days from symptom onset OR positive test. *Vaccination status may reduce or eliminate quarantine.
Falcon Debate Club; First meeting, Oct. 12
- All students are welcome to join our inaugural Falcon Debate Club!
- First club meeting:
- Tuesday, Oct. 12
- 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
- Room D208
- The Falcon Debate Club is open to all RHS students, with or without speech and debate experience.
- Students will have opportunities to travel and compete in the Inland Northwest Tournament circuit, hang out with club members, possibly earn a varsity letter, and have fun!
- Questions? Contact:
- David Cunningham, Speech and Debate Adviser
- dcunningham@cvsd.org; 558-3857
RHS Booster Meeting: October 12th
Hello Falcons! What a great start to the school year! I wanted to say thank you for your support!! We had a great turn out during our first Booster “store” and concession stand!! A big Thank you to Washington Trust Bank for donating hot dogs at the first football game!! We appreciate their generosity!! We sold out of almost everything and still have T-shirts available if you are interested. Our equipment is coming in for the stand and we now have nachos and pretzels!! Popcorn and hot dogs are on the way. Our first Booster fundraising store was also a huge success!!! Details for the holiday store will be coming.
Please join us for the next Booster meeting on Tuesday, October 12th, 6:30 at the Liberty Lake Portal. 23403 E. Mission Avenue.
We hope to see you there!!
Trina Richardson
RHS Falcon Booster President
EWU ROTC program will be here October 14th
FCCLA meeting: October 14th
There will be a door prize drawing for all students in attendance!
Bell Schedule
PSAT Registration is now open for JUNIORS!
JUNIORS! RHS will be offering the PSAT October 26th. This is for 4-year university/college bound students!
Information about SAT, ACT, AP, scholarships, Running Start
Fall State Testing
Healthy Youth Survey
ASB Cards are now available in the Business Office
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15-7:45 am
10:40-12:30 pm
2:00-2:30 pm
ASB cards:
ASB cards are now available in the Business Office.
Main Phone
Attendance Line
Student Services
Ridgeline High School
Email: jhardt@cvsd.org
Website: https://rhs.cvsd.org/
Location: 20150 Country Vista Drive, Liberty Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (509) 558-3800