What's Up @ West
February 17, 2023
Registration - The Year Ahead
We are busily collecting registrations from our elementary schools and piecing together what our new schedule as a middle school will look like, which will help us determine which staff will stay with us, who will transition to the high school and who will join us from the elementary schools. All of this is very exciting and we hope that your students are beginning to feel the excitement of this big change as well.
If you have questions about the transitions ahead, please don't hesitate to reach out to anyone on our registration team:
Leanne Kampfe, Principal, 952.988.4401
Laura Stark, Counselor, 9th Grade and 8th Grade N-Z, 952.988.4398
Sarah Coffey, Counselor, 7th Grade and 8th Grade A-M, 952.988.4421
Black History Month assembly
His messages reinforced how our students need to make themselves the CEO of their life, that they should surround themselves with those they'd like to be like. He even provided lunches & some free tickets to an upcoming Hip Hop concert!
Parent Teacher Conferences
WJH will be holding in-person Parent/Teacher Conferences on March 2, 2023 from 11:00am-7pm. There is no school or conferences on March 3rd.
Conferences are first come first served and conversations will be limited to 10-15 minutes. Lines can be long between 5-7pm so come early to make sure that as many parents get the opportunity to speak with their scholar’s teachers. Although the teachers are very much looking forward to the opportunity to connect you about your scholar's progress for the semester/year, there is no expectation to visit every teacher. If you find that you need more than the time allotted, you can email the teacher to set up a follow up meeting with them.
Teachers will have their dinner break 5p - 5:45p.
The teachers will start their last conference at 6:45pm.
Please prepare for conferences by talking with your child to get their schedule and see if there is anything they want you to discuss with their teacher(s). Schedules are also available in Canvas.
Picking your student up early?
- call 952-988-4410 and leave a message OR
- fill out the Attendance Form online OR
- send a signed note with details
- if a non guardian will pick up, we need to hear that from the guardian
These steps will help us to have your student ready for you at the time you need them.
Thank you!
Hopkins Schools Transportation now has live GPS information through My Stop
You can access My Stop at this link or on our transportation webpage. Parents can sign in to MyStop with their child's district username (which is their school email address before the @sign) and district password (which is their initials in capital letters and the last four digits of their school id). If you need support, contact the Hopkins technology help desk at 952-988-4111. You can also download the My Stop App on Apple or Android platforms.
Tech Support: For all questions regarding My Stop, please contact IT at mystop@hopkinsschools.org. Do not contact the transportation department, as they cannot answer questions regarding My Stop. Please send any feedback to mystop@hopkinsschools.org regarding your experience with the application. We will forward that information to the technicians.
Find West on Facebook
West is getting more active on social media. Read more here.
Important Dates & Details
Feb. 20: No School (Professional Development)
Mar. 2: No School (conferences)
Mar. 3: No School (staff development)
Mar. 20, 21 & 24: 7th & 8th grade Reading MCAs
Mar 21: 9th graders tour HHS
Mar 22: 8th graders tour HHS
Mar. 31: No School (Professional Development)
Apr 3-7: No School (Spring Break)
Hopkins Public Schools State of the District
Join Dr. Rhoda Mhiripiri-Reed, superintendent of Hopkins Public Schools, school board members, and staff, for a comprehensive look at the present state of Hopkins Schools and where we are going. Dr. Reed will also provide a five-year progress update on Vision 2031, the District's strategic vision.
The State of the District will feature a 45-minute presentation and about 15 minutes to ask questions. Each session will provide the same content in a live format so that you can choose the virtual session that works best for your schedule. Sessions will be held virtually using Zoom. Register to attend the sessions at this link.
Session Dates:
- Wednesday, February 22 at 8 p.m.
- Thursday, February 23 at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
- Friday, February 24 at 1 p.m.
- Monday, February 27 at 6 p.m.
- Saturday, March 4 at 11 a.m.
West Talent Show
Athletics & Activities
8th graders swimming
8th Graders begin the swimming unit for PE on Monday March 6th
It will run until Friday March 17th
What is Needed: Swimsuit, Towel & Toiletries for Showering
Black Women with Stethoscopes
See the attached flyer or their website for details.
Boys Volleyball
Hopkins is now offering Boys Volleyball for 7th - 12th graders. The season will start in the Spring. We have a few more Open Gyms scheduled prior to the season starting. Please join the below GroupMe or email hopkinsboysvolleyball@gmail.com for more information.
Have You Checked Out HEF's Silent Auction Yet?
See for yourself the truly fabulous silent auction goods and services HEF has put together. The auction is live and buzzing! Best of all, 100% of the proceeds go to our Hopkins students and staff districtwide in the form of generous HEF grants and integral initiatives. Want to bid but not able to join HEF in-person at the Royal Bash next week. No problem. Simply sign in and get a FREE Virtual Bidder Ticket when prompted and you'll be able to participate in the auction. Happy Bidding! Go to https://bit.ly/HEFBash23 and click on "Auction Items."
There are only a handful of Bash tickets left, so be sure to get yours before they're sold out! It's going to be a spectacular night for an equally spectacular cause. See you there!
West Athletics
Girls Golf
No tryouts and prior experience needed
Spring Athletics: Sports Physical @ West
Call myHealth to set up your child's sports physical
West Junior High Resource Center, room 607
myHealth screenings 9:00-11:00 every Thursday
Avoid missing class and work to drive to an appointment!
HHS girls basketball
- Tues., Feb 21st vs STMA
- Fri., Feb 24th vs Buffalo
MN - BOYS VOLLEYBALL! The Hopkins Boys Volleyball
School Start Time Information for 2023-24
Spirit Wear donations needed
Community School Resources
Health Info
Eye Screening
Notice your student squinting or complaining of vision-related issues?
Do you need a convenient time and location to get your own vision checked?
Hopkins Eye Clinic is back at West Junior High
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Please swing by Student Services to pick up a registration form. Return it ASAP to Nurse Barb or Lindsey Leseman.
Dental cavity prevention
April 13th & 14th
Scan the QR Code or contact:
Lindsey Leseman at 952-988-4417
Healthcare at West
Call 952-474-3251 to schedule an appointment
WJH/ICA Food Market
Open to all WJH families & staff
Tuesdays 1p-3p
Thursdays 6p-8p
- 7th Grade: Sarah Coffey; sarah.coffey@hopkinsschools.org
- 8th Grade by Last Name A-M: Sarah Coffey; sarah.coffey@hopkinsschools.org
- 8th Grade N-Z: Laura Stark; laura.stark@hopkinsschools.org
- 9th Grade: Laura Stark; laura.stark@hopkinsschools.org
COVID Guidance for 2022-23
Do you have a light out on your vehicle that needs repair?
This community-based program partners with law enforcement and auto service providers to replace traffic tickets with repair vouchers.
The vouchers fix the bulbs, improve safety, and mitigate what often becomes a downward spiral for lower-income members of our communities.
Questions? Contact Anne Buck at 952-454-7840 or abuck@hopkinsmn.com.
eLearning & Equitable Internet Access
- Sarah Coffey, counselor 952-988-4421; sarah.coffey@hopkinsschools.org
- Laura Stark, counselor 952-988-4398; Laura.stark@hopkinsschools.org
- Tina Flowers, Social Worker 952-988-4142; tina.flowers@hopkinsschools.org
- Addison Weber, Social Worker 952-567-8324; adison.weber@hopkinsschools.org
All the Links
Hopkins West Junior High
Website: https://www.hopkinsschools.org/schools/secondary-schools/hopkins-west-junior-high
Location: 3830 Baker Road, Minnetonka, MN, USA
Phone: (952) 988-4400
Facebook: facebook.com/hopkinswjh/
Twitter: @HopkinsWJH