Mid-February 2024
Karns HS - Principal's Update
Good Evening Karns Families,
We have some new information and didn't want to wait until March to send out a newsletter. Please use the link below.
This month's newsletter highlights:
- February & March Calendar
- February Tutoring Schedule
- Karns Swag Fundraiser
- Senior Yard Signs
- Food Drive to support Beaver Ridge UMC Food Pantry
- School Calendar Changes
- Youth Leadership Knoxville Applications (Sophomores)
Laicee Hatfield
Executive Principal
Karns High School
February 2024
March 2024
February Tutoring Schedule
Karns Swag Fundraiser
The fundraiser will run through March 29th and all items will be ordered at that time. Items will be delivered to Karns High School and can be picked up once delivered.
This money from the fundraiser will be used to support Karns High School with their three initiatives:
Senior Yard Signs
Food Drive
KCS Calendar Changes/Updates
Following last month’s winter storm, Knox County Schools used all the inclement weather days set aside for the 2023-24 school year. To make up for missed instructional time and bank two more inclement weather days this school year, the Board of Education last night approved the following amended calendar:
- Convert the planned February 19 in-service day to a regular instructional day, and
- Convert the two remaining early release days on February 14 and March 20 to full days on a normal schedule.
This means that students will attend school on Monday, February 19, and will remain in school for a full day on Wednesday, February 14, and Wednesday, March 20.
To view the amended calendar, click here.
Youth Leadership Knoxville
Youth Leadership Knoxville launched in 2014 with the intent of giving rising high school juniors the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of Knoxville and develop leadership skills. Designed to encourage and inspire youth to become effective leaders in their school and community, students also form new friendships with students across Knox County.
- Students are dual-enrolled at Pellissippi State Community College for three hours of college credit in Leadership Development.
- Program is 10-month duration with approximately 50 participants.
- Participants meet and engage with many of the top civic and community leaders in Knoxville across a spectrum of industries in the public, private and non-profit sectors.