East Elementary Edition
Week of July 3

November 30
Upcoming Events
December 1 -
$1 Spirit Day - Tacky Christmas Sweater
Kindergarten Grinch Day
December 6 -
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" Day - Dress like a reindeer or wear your reindeer shirt!
December 7 -
East Elementary Family Night 6:00 - 7:30 (More information below!)
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland" - Wear flannel and boots to school!
December 8 -
Happy Birthday, Kortney Avila! (Digital Learning Specialist)
December 14 -
"O Christmas Tree" - Dress like a Christmas tree!
December 15 -
$1 Spirit Day - Christmas Pajama Day
December 19 -
Happy Birthday, Steelie Sanders! (Speech Pathologist)
December 21 -
Campus Sing-Along
Christmas Parties
Early Release @ Noon!
December 22 -
LCISD Student & Staff Holiday - No school!
End of the 2nd 9 Weeks Grading Period
East Elementary Spirit Days
Nominate a Teacher for Mrs. Baird's Teachers on the Rise!
Each month this school year, Mrs. Baird's collects nominations at www.MrsBTeacher.com and honors three teachers--one elementary, one middle school and one high school teachers from South Plains schools. We would love to honor one of your teachers here at East Elementary! You can nominate teachers - past and present - who deserve special recognition.
Watch DOGS - Hallway Heroes!
We are excited to begin our partnership with Watch DOGS for the 2023-2024 school year!
I have attached the registration form below. If you are interested in volunteering as a hallway superhero, please complete the registration form and email it to Joshua Fields, who serves as our East Elementary Watch DOGS Coordinator. Mr. Fields can be reached by email at CooperEastWatchdogs@gmail.com.
Mr. Fields works with our volunteer father-figures to develop a schedule where dads volunteer on campus. They typically give a full-day of their time to work in classrooms, patrol our building, and supervise lunch and recess. Mr. Fields builds each schedule individually, giving each father time in class with their own child and serving in a variety of opportunities around the campus.
Connect with us Online & on Social Media!
We are excited to launch our East Elementary Google Site, sharing information about our campus. Please check out this wealth of information about our staff family, video highlights of work taking place at East, and news about campus initiatives.
On Facebook, follow:
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary
On Twitter, follow:
Lubbock-Cooper Spirit Sales
A variety of organizations have posted LCISD spirit items for sale on a common LCISD website for easy access by families on all campuses. You can access current items for sale across the district by visiting the link below:
Check back often for new items from a variety of organizations!
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary
2727 134th Street
Lubbock, TX 79423
P: (806) 993-2342
F: (806) 993-2382