Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
April 18 - Policy Council
April 20 - Parent Meeting/Literacy Event
Dear Bright Beginnings' Families:
Congratulations to Bianca Alvarez, BBEC Family Specialist, for being selected the new Principal/Director at BBEC for the 2023-2024 School year! Bianca has been with our program for 6 years and will do an awesome job.
BBEC will be offering Jump Start for the up-coming school year the last week of July and the first week of August. Please get those dates on your Calendar if you have a student returning.
We are hosting Application days for prospective parents this week and will do so again in April. Please let anyone that may have young children in the community know that we are looking for students 0-5 years for the upcoming school year.
Thank you to all of those who attended our Safety and Resource Fair last week--and a special thanks to all of our community partners who also participated.
A reminder to all parents that there will be no school April 6, 7, and 10th for Easter Break
Please remember, we will no longer be offering split enrollment in both Child Care and Pre-K classrooms next year.. This is due to the difficulty of transitioning and staffing adequate support for students.
It will be an exciting last two months! Thank you for your patience with the parking and, as always, thanks for allowing us to serve your children.
Arthur Barker
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Wednesday and Friday
7:50 am
11:45 am
Safety and Resource Fair
Learning CPR
Get Involved
Learning to Use our Breathing to Calm
- Games
- Prizes
- Snacks
- Crafts
Thursday, Apr 20, 2023, 05:00 PM
Dodge City Civic Center, 1st Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
- 2024 PAT Grant
- 2024 Head Start Grant
- 2024 COLA and Quality Improvement Grant
The next Policy Council meeting will be April 18th at 11:30am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher or advocate. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
What a joy it has been to see your children learning to use their words in learning, assertiveness and encouragement.
This month I want to share a way to "see" your child for who they are, what skills they are doing well, and what skill they are working on. What we focus our attention on, we get more of. Using the following connection, I Love you Ritual, the Story Hand, allow a caring adult or older sibling, to pay attention to how much the child is learning as well as encouraging them. In addition, it helps us to know how to recognize and praise effort.
I encourage your family to add this "I Love You Ritual" called "The Story Hand" to your daily activities. Use it as they begin something hard, transtion into an activity or school, or just when your child is showing you they need some connection and attention.
Continue doing the "good stuff" with your kiddos and I hope these little tidbits allow us to shift a bit and add in a different way to learn with children.
We are excited to offer an invitation to you that focuses on you! An online course called the Powers of Resilience: Social Emotional Learning for Adults through Conscious Discipline, which is the foundation of social emotional learning here at Bright Beginnings. Please see more information below if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity.
Well wishes to you all this April!
Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well! ~Miss Melyssa
Click on the link below or scan the QR code to let Melyssa Walker know you are interested. There is no cost to complete this course.
Getting Oral Health Treatment Is Important!
If your child’s dentist finds tooth decay and recommends a follow-up dental visit for treatment, it’s important for your child to get care. Receiving follow-up treatment is key to keeping your child healthy.
Download the PDF [PDF, 673KB]
Why it’s important to take your child for a follow-up dental visit for treatment:
- The dental team can treat tooth decay and prevent it from getting worse and causing an infection.
- Treating tooth decay can prevent pain, trouble sleeping, behavior problems, and difficulty concentrating.
- Treating tooth decay can stop it from spreading to other teeth in your child’s mouth.
Tips to prepare your child for a follow-up dental visit for treatment:
- Be positive. For example, say, “The dentist will help keep your teeth healthy.”
- Keep it short and simple. If your child asks what will happen at the visit, you can say “The dentist will fix your tooth.”
- Don't talk about shots or possible pain.
- If you fear visiting the dentist, don’t share your feelings with your child. This could scare them.
- Read books or watch videos together with your child about dental visits. Look for books or videos that show dental visits in a positive way. Don’t read books or show videos that use words like hurt, pain, shot, or drill. Ask a children’s librarian, dentist, dental hygienist, child care provider, or teacher for recommendations.
- Let your child bring their favorite toy or blanket to the dental clinic.
- Ask one of the dental team members if your child will receive a small toy or new toothbrush at the end of their visit. Share this with your child.
This information comes from Head Start ECLKC. Find more information here.
Preschool Education Specialist Update
Collection time for Ages and Stages Questionnaires, ASQ:3 and ASQ:SE-2.
It is time to collect the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, better known to you as the ASQs.
You might be asking yourself what's all the fuss?
Well, these are required for our grant funding, meeting assurances that we are providing your child with high-quality early childhood education and meeting their individualized needs in the classroom setting to promote growth in areas of need.
What is the ASQ:3?
The ASQ:3 is a developmental screener that gives us information on how your child's development of age-appropriate skills is progressing in the areas of communication, fine motor, gross motor, personal-social, and problem-solving.
What is the ASQ: SE-2?
The ASQ:2 is a social-emotional screener that gives us information on how your child's development of age-appropriate skills is progressing in social-emotional behaviors.
Why do parents complete the ASQs?
You are your child's first teacher. Who knows your child and their skill level, better than you?
The ASQ:3 concurrent validity rate is 74% for the 42-month ASQ:3, 100% for the 54-month ASQ:3, and an overall agreement of 86%. The sensitivity rate is 100% for 54-month and 60-month questionnaires, with an overall agreement of 86%. The specificity rate is 100% for 54 months and an overall agreement of 85%.
The ASQ: SE-2 had a concurrent rating of 84% overall. The sensitivity rating was 81% overall. The specificity rating was 98% at 60 months, with an overall rating of 83%.
What does concurrent validity even mean?
This is measured by comparing the percentage of agreement between the results of the parent-completed ASQ:3 questionnaires with the results of professionally administered standardized assessments.
What does the sensitivity rating mean?
The sensitivity of the ASQ:3 to correctly identify children with delays.
What does the specificity rating mean?
It is the specificity of the ASQ:3 to correctly identify typically developing children.
*Given the complexity of measuring child development, the American Academy of Pediatrics considers high-quality developmental screening tests to have sensitivities and specificities of 70% to 80%.
All Bright Beginnings Preschool students will need to complete the ASQ:3 and The ASQ: SE-2.
Please use the QR code in the document below to complete both the ASQ:3 and ASQ: SE-2.
Live link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Spanish link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Arabic link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Vietnamese link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
French link to ASQ:3 AND ASQ SE:-2 Below:
Thank you for your time in completing these for the well-being of your child.
Sheila Bertelsen
Education Specialist
Let's Talk Data
4 Year-Old Teaching Strategies Gold Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Data
2022-2023 School Year Fall to Winter Comparison
2022-2023 4 -Year Old Social-Emotional MTSS Teaching Strategies Gold Fall to Winter Comparison
There was an 8% decrease in the number of students in Tier 2- Monitoring Skills, targeted group interventions, from fall to winter.
There was a 3% decrease in the number of students in Tier 3- Two levels or more below grade level, in need of individualized interventions, from fall to winter.
Fall 4-Year OLD MTSS Social-Emotional Teaching Strategies Gold
- Manages feelings T1: 72%, T2: 23%, T3: 5%
- Follows limits and Expectations T1: 83%, T2: 13%, T3: 5%
- Forms Relationships T1: 69%, T2: 27%, T3: 4%
- Responds to Emotional Cues T1: 66%, T2: 36%, T3: 8%
- Interacts with Peers T1: 84%, T2: 11%, T3: 4%
- Makes Friends T1: 85%, T2: 13%, T3: 4%
- Balance needs and Rights of Self with Others T1: 82%, T2: 9%, T3: 9%
- Solves Social Problems T1: 57%, T2: 38%, T3: 5%
Winter 4-Year OLD MTSS Social-Emotional Teaching Strategies Gold
- Manages feelings T1: 86%, T2: 9%, T3: 4%
- Follows limits and Expectations T1: 82%, T2: 12%, T3: 6%
- Forms Relationships T1: 76%, T2: 22%, T3: 2%
- Responds to Emotional Cues T1: 88%, T2: 10%, T3: 2%
- Interacts with Peers T1: 92%, T2: 7%, T3: 1%
- Makes Friends T1: 83%, T2: 12%, T3: 5%
- Balance needs and Rights of Self with Others T1: 83%, T2: 12%, T3: 5%
- Solves Social Problems T1: 75%, T2: 20%, T3: 4%
SEL in everything, all day long.
2022-2023 4 -Year Old Literacy MTSS Teaching Strategies Gold Fall to Winter Comparison
There was a 7% decrease in the number of students in Tier 2- Monitoring Skills, targeted group interventions, from fall to winter.
There was a 5% decrease in the number of students in Tier 3- Two levels or more below grade level, in need of individualized interventions, from fall to winter.
Fall 4-Year OLD MTSS Literacy Teaching Strategies Gold
- Expanding Expressive Vocabulary T1: 85%, T2: 11%, T3: 4%
- Notices and Discriminates Alliteration T1:52%, T2: 39%, T3: 9 %
- Notices and Discriminates Discrete Units of Sound T1: 68%, T2: 19%, T3: 12%
- Identifies and Names Letters T1: 75%, T2: 17%, T3: 8%
- Identifies letter Sound CorrespondenceT1: 48%, T2: 19%, T3: 33%
- Writes Name T1: 82%, T2: 8%, T3: 11%
Winter 4-Year OLD MTSS Literacy Teaching Strategies Gold
- Expanding Expressive Vocabulary T1: 89%, T2: 7%, T3: 3%
- Notices and Discriminates Alliteration T1:71%, T2: 23%, T3: 6%
- Notices and Discriminates Discrete Units of Sound T1: 82%, T2: 11%, T3: 6%
- Identifies and Names Letters T1: 87%, T2: 10%, T3: 3%
- Identifies letter Sound CorrespondenceT1: 462%, T2: 16%, T3: 21%
- Writes Name T1: 92%, T2: 1%, T3: 7%
2022-2023 4 -Year Old Math MTSS Teaching Strategies Gold Fall to Winter Comparison
There was a 1% decrease in the number of students in Tier 2- Monitoring Skills, targeted group interventions, from fall to winter.
There was an 8% decrease in the number of students in Tier 3- Two levels or more below grade level, in need of individualized interventions, from fall to winter.
Fall 4-Year Old MTSS Math Skills
- Counting T1: 50%, T2: 26%, T3: 24%
- Quantifying T1: 48%, T2:29%, T3: 23%
- Connects Numerals to their Number T1: 44%, T2: 10%, T3: 46%
- Classification T1: 86%, T2: 7%, T3: 7%
Winter 4-Year Old MTSS Math Skills
- Counting T1: 75%, T2: 12%, T3: 13%
- Quantifying T1: 69%, T2: 26%, T3: 5%
- Connects Numerals to their Number T1: 58%, T2: 10%, T3: 32%
- Classification T1: 92%, T2: 5%, T3: 3%
Math in the Classroom.
3 Year-Old Teaching Strategies Gold Data
2022-2023 School Year Fall to Winter Comparison