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Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
October 25, 2022
September Virtue Winners: Hope
Important Dates
October 26: Pedestrian Safety Talk
October 27: Book Fair Begins, End of First Quarter, Monthly Activity, & Trunk or Treat
October 28: No School for Students
November 1: Winter Uniforms Begin & All Saints' Day (Mass hosted by 3rd Grade)
November 4: Book Fair Ends
November 5-6: Varsity Basketball Tip Off Tournament
November 9-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 10: Early Dismissal, 12:30pm
November 11: No School - Happy Veterans Day!
Camp Maria Retreat Update
Every year Father Andrew White School students enjoy a retreat at Camp Maria. Today we participated in praise and worship sessions as we sang songs, we had discussions with the religious, played a light in the box game, made lanterns, custom rocks, and candles, as well as answered questions to get us to the Promised Land. The afternoon ended with a fun teacher skit and the living rosary. A huge thank you goes to our Retreat Committee as well as special guests, the Sisters from the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin Matara, Father Ryan, Mr. Stewart and Ms. Stone. We had a very enLIGHTening and fun day!
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
Log Your Volunteer Hours!
Kindly remember to log your volunteer hours today! When the quarter ends we will be emailing the login details for you to view your approved volunteer hours. It's always a good idea to keep your hours up to date!
Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Ups
This year conferences will be held from 3- 6pm on the afternoon of November 9th and 1-6pm on November 10th. Please make sure you will be available those days for this very important meeting concerning your child’s progress. Report cards for the first quarter will be given to parents at the conferences.
Sign up for conferences HERE.
2023-2024 TADS Tuition Assistance Program
Applications for next year’s Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program are now available. Families may apply online by logging on to https://adwcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance/.
On the top toolbar, hover over “TUITION ASSISTANCE” and then click on the “ARCHDIOCESAN TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM” link at the top of the menu. Any families who think they will need tuition assistance for the 2023-2024 school year MUST APPLY THROUGH THIS ADW PROGRAM FIRST, before asking for aid from FAW.
The TADS admissions portal is accessible for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle for all archdiocesan elementary schools.
TADS tuition assistance deadlines are:
Returning Families - December 2, 2022
New Families - February 18, 2023
Please contact Madelin Fox at foxm@adw.org or tuitionassistanceprogram@adw.org with tuition assistance questions or concerns.
Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today (BOOST) Program
The BOOST Program provides scholarships for students who are eligible for the Free or Reduced-Price Meals program (FARMS). The online applications for BOOST Scholarships must include documents supporting income eligibility and school enrollment.
For additional information, contact the BOOST Program at boost.msde@maryland.gov
The 2022-2023 BOOST Scholarship application can be found here.
♥️ Show Some Love ♥️
In Honor of Beloved Parent, Mr. Matt Farasy!
Our Show Some Love Sale was an amazing success.
Thank you for your generosity!
AED Donation to Camp Maria
Part of our vision at Father Andrew White School is to develop each student to prepare them to be responsible, faith-filled, contributing members of society. As good citizens we strive to help others.
When Nurse Rose noticed that Camp Maria Retreat Center did not have an important piece of medical equipment called an AED, we took this as an opportunity to do something in honor of a very special FAW family. Camp Maria hosts many diverse groups and provides a peaceful setting where people can live simply in the serenity of God’s creation. Our very own school benefits from going to Camp Maria on retreat each year so we witness firsthand the awesomeness of this place!
During this month of October, which is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, we had a “Show Some Love” sale to not only raise the funds needed to provide an AED to Camp Maria but also to give our school families a chance to share the love with others. Our families went above and beyond with sharing heartfelt prayers and generous pocketbooks. Our students spread the love by donating money to surprise their whole class with treats and fun games. And during the sale we witnessed overwhelming kindness when we saw students buying each other lemonade, toys, and even slipping heart shaped stones to teachers to make them smile. We are honored to have such an amazing community at Father Andrew White School!
On the 5th anniversary of his passing, we were proud to present an AED to Camp Maria Retreat Center in honor of beloved parent, Mr. Matt Farasy, father of two FAW students and late husband to Julie.
Boo Candy Grams
The Father Andrew White Student Council Association is asking for your support. We are selling Halloween Candy Grams for $1 each. Feel free to copy as many as you need! Please fill out the Candy Grams and return them with your payment to school no later than this Thursday, October 27th. Thank you in advance for your support!
This Thursday: Trunk or Treat - October 27th!
Will you be the pick of the patch? Bring your best decorated trunk with lots of treats to share. Join us for a spooktacular evening filled with prizes, goodies and a fa-boo-lous amount of fun on October 27th at 5:30pm!! Kona Ice and Olde Town Pub Wing Wagon will also be in the parking lot for refreshments to purchase. Sign up to host a trunk with this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e4caaaf2ba2f85-trunk1
Note: There will also be a best costume contest. The winner of the contest will earn a Dunkin’ Donuts day for their class on Friday, November 4th.
The Book Fair will be open (parents must accompany children into the Library for this) during the Trunk or Treat event.
Book Fair Starts This Week!
Our Book Fair will be here this week! For a preview or to load your child's e-wallet, visit our website here: https://fatherandrewwhite.org/bookfair/
Order Hot Lunch!
The hot lunch menus for November and December are now open.
* The November menu will close this Friday, October 28th
* The December menu will close Friday, November 25th
End of Quarter
The first quarter ends this Thursday, October 27th. There is no school on Friday, October 28th due to a Professional Development Day for our teachers. Enjoy your extended weekend!
Winter Uniforms begin next Tuesday, November 1st!
Our winter uniforms will begin on Tuesday, November 1st. Please be sure to check our Parent/Student Handbook for our uniform policy. If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown, kindly consider donating them for others to use. You may drop off unstained and washed uniforms in the basket located in the school vestibule. If you are in need of used uniforms, you are welcome to contact our coordinator at sheli.laney@live.com.
Articulation Screenings
Our articulation screenings have begun and will continue throughout the month of October. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Cacko at cacko@fatherandrewwhite.org.
Destination Imagination
FAW Destination Imagination is starting now! Destination Imagination (DI) is a global, competitive, creativity competition for students in grades Kindergarten - college! Father Andrew White has had a strong DI presence over the past 10 years, placing teams at the State competition for the past 8 years, with many teams advancing to Globals over the years. This year, we already have a 2nd grade exhibition team, and 3rd/4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, and 7th grade teams! If you are interested in getting a group of students together and heading up a team, please contact Mrs. Cacko. The season starts now with competitions in late February/early March. Rehearsal schedules are set by the team manager and teammates. For more information email: Mrs. Cacko at cacko@fatherandrewwhite.org or check out the website: destinationimagination.org.
Calling Any and All Theater Buffs!
Mrs. Cacko and Mrs. Hinkle are entertaining the idea of putting together a spring musical for 2023. However, it takes many hands to put together a production at the Middle School level. If you have any talents whatsoever (we know you do!), please consider joining our drama(tic) team! Email us at drama@fatherandrewwhite.org if you might be interested in helping us out in any way. No applicant will be turned away!
We won't get started until the new year. However, some preliminary planning meetings may be needed to get the program started after our 3 year hiatus!
Thank you for your consideration!
Picture Day Makeups: November 16, 2022
Picture Day Makeups
If your child was absent for our regularly scheduled Picture Day or would like to have a retake, please mark your calendars for November 16, 2022.
RaiseRight Gift Card Program
It’s that time of year, there is a chill in the air, fall sports are in full swing and the holiday season is upon us. Are you getting ready to start Christmas shopping or buying your fall wardrobe items for you and your family? RaiseRight gift cards are not just for gift giving, they are to use for your everyday purchases too! Going to Target, Starbucks or the grocery store?? Most of these everyday stores have e-cards so you can shop and earn rebates instantly! Any rebates earned over $50 get a 75%/25% split between you and FAW! Thus, you have the potential to receive rebates to go towards next school year's tuition!
Notes from Nurse Rose
Please see the Nurse's Page (under the Academics tab) on the FAW website for important information regarding our health policies and necessary forms.
As a reminder, completed health forms are required for all students to attend school in the Archdiocese of Washington. If you have not already done so, please submit the required forms as soon as possible.
Archdiocesan Financial Communication
Looking for Service Hours?
Do you love organizing a good party or an amazing event?
The Home & School Association is seeking a Chairperson (or Chair Team) and committees to plan and organize two of our biggest and best events of the year: The Spring Social & Auction and also our Spring Fun Run! The groundwork has already been laid for the Social & Auction this April, but we need teams in place to continue with the rest of the planning! Here are the positions that we need filled immediately:
- Spring Social & Auction Chairperson (can be 2 people)
- Spring Social & Auction Planning Committee Members
- Fun Run Chairperson (can be 2 people)
- Fun Run Planning Committee Members
Duties for both events include soliciting sponsorships and donations, planning details, some marketing, logistics and executing the events. We’d love your outside-the-box ideas! Chairpersons of these events qualify for the complete fulfillment of the Service Scholarship/Volunteer Hours. If you’re interested in helping with either of these events, please email our HSA President, Jen Tennyson at jntennyson@gmail.com to get started! The Home & School Association (HSA) is grateful for any time or resources you are able to give!
Book Fair Volunteers Wanted
The Book Fair will be held from October 27th - November 4th. We are looking for volunteers to help each day. This is a great way to earn volunteer hours and to be able to see the great selection of Scholastic books that will be available to our students and families. If you are able to help please sign up using the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hinkle at hinkle@fatherandrewwhite.org.
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Sign up to Host a Trunk
❏ Surprise others with Boo Candy Grams (by Thursday)
❏ Order Hot Lunch (by Friday)
❏ Send in items for our Stockings for Deployed Troops Project
❏ Try on Winter Uniforms and Donate ones that are too small
❏ Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences
❏ Apply for Tuition Assistance through the ADW
❏ Gather Items to Donate to our Upcoming Food Drive
❏ Fill out the Volunteer Opportunity Form
❏ Order Electronic Gift Cards Online
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
About FAW
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Website: https://www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Location: 22850 Washington Street, Leonardtown, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 475-9795
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fawschool/
Twitter: @FAWcrusaders